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# Authentication
Some API methods require an authentication token. This token is a [JSON web token](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON_Web_Token) that contains a list of "scopes" (i.e. permissions).
Once you obtain an API token (see below) you can pass it to the server in one of two ways:
* For GET/HEAD requests, use the `?token` query parameter
* For all other requests, use the `{token}` parameter as part of the JSON in the request body
### POST /\_auth
Creates and returns a new auth token. By default, auth tokens have the following scopes:
"blacklist": {
"read": true
Required scope: none
Body parameters: none
> curl -X POST "https://unpkg.com/_auth"
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJS..."
### GET /\_auth
Verifies and returns the payload contained in the given auth token.
Required scope: none
Query parameters:
* `token` - The auth token to verify and decode
> curl "https://unpkg.com/_auth?token=$TOKEN"
"jti": "...",
"iss": "https://unpkg.com",
"iat": ...,
"scopes": { ... }
### GET /\_publicKey
The [public key](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public-key_cryptography) unpkg uses to encrypt authentication tokens, as JSON. You can also find the key as plain text [on GitHub](https://github.com/unpkg/unpkg/blob/master/public.key).
This can be useful to verify a token was issued by unpkg.
Required scope: none
Query parameters: none
> curl "https://unpkg.com/_publicKey"
"publicKey": "..."
# Blacklist
To protect unpkg users and prevent abuse, unpkg manages a blacklist of npm packages that are known to contain harmful code.
### GET /\_blacklist
Returns a list of all packages that are currently blacklisted.
Required scope: `blacklist.read`
Query parameters: none
> curl "https://unpkg.com/_blacklist?token=$TOKEN"
"blacklist": [ ... ]
### POST /\_blacklist
Adds a package to the blacklist.
Required scope: `blacklist.add`
Body parameters:
* `token` - The auth token
* `packageName` - The package to add to the blacklist
> curl https://unpkg.com/_blacklist -d '{"token": "$TOKEN", "packageName": "bad-package"}'
"ok": true
### DELETE /\_blacklist/:packageName
Removes a package from the blacklist.
Required scope: `blacklist.remove`
Body parameters:
* `token` - The auth token
> curl -X DELETE https://unpkg.com/_blacklist/bad-package -d '{"token": "$TOKEN"}'
"ok": true
# Stats
### GET /\_stats