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// Babel 5.x doesn't support type parameters, so we make this alias here out of
// Babel's sight.
/* eslint-disable spaced-comment, no-undef */
import type {Element} from 'react';
export type ReactElement = Element<*>;
// === basic reused types ===
// type of the second parameter of `spring(val, config)` all fields are optional
"use strict";
// the object returned by `spring(value, yourConfig)`. For internal usage only!
// your typical style object given in props. Maps to a number or a spring config
// the interpolating style object, with the same keys as the above Style object,
// with the values mapped to numbers, naturally
// internal velocity object. Similar to PlainStyle, but whose numbers represent
// speed. Might be exposed one day.
// === Motion ===
// === StaggeredMotion ===
// === TransitionMotion ===
// actual style you're passing
exports.__esModule = true;
// unique ID to identify component across render animations
// optional data you want to carry along the style, e.g. itemText
// same as TransitionStyle, passed as argument to style/children function