
522 lines
22 KiB

'use strict';
exports.__esModule = true;
var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; };
var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ('value' in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })();
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); } }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== 'function' && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError('Super expression must either be null or a function, not ' + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; }
var _mapToZero = require('./mapToZero');
var _mapToZero2 = _interopRequireDefault(_mapToZero);
var _stripStyle = require('./stripStyle');
var _stripStyle2 = _interopRequireDefault(_stripStyle);
var _stepper3 = require('./stepper');
var _stepper4 = _interopRequireDefault(_stepper3);
var _mergeDiff = require('./mergeDiff');
var _mergeDiff2 = _interopRequireDefault(_mergeDiff);
var _performanceNow = require('performance-now');
var _performanceNow2 = _interopRequireDefault(_performanceNow);
var _raf = require('raf');
var _raf2 = _interopRequireDefault(_raf);
var _shouldStopAnimation = require('./shouldStopAnimation');
var _shouldStopAnimation2 = _interopRequireDefault(_shouldStopAnimation);
var _react = require('react');
var _react2 = _interopRequireDefault(_react);
var _propTypes = require('prop-types');
var _propTypes2 = _interopRequireDefault(_propTypes);
var msPerFrame = 1000 / 60;
// the children function & (potential) styles function asks as param an
// Array<TransitionPlainStyle>, where each TransitionPlainStyle is of the format
// {key: string, data?: any, style: PlainStyle}. However, the way we keep
// internal states doesn't contain such a data structure (check the state and
// TransitionMotionState). So when children function and others ask for such
// data we need to generate them on the fly by combining mergedPropsStyles and
// currentStyles/lastIdealStyles
function rehydrateStyles(mergedPropsStyles, unreadPropStyles, plainStyles) {
// Copy the value to a `const` so that Flow understands that the const won't
// change and will be non-nullable in the callback below.
var cUnreadPropStyles = unreadPropStyles;
if (cUnreadPropStyles == null) {
return mergedPropsStyles.map(function (mergedPropsStyle, i) {
return {
key: mergedPropsStyle.key,
data: mergedPropsStyle.data,
style: plainStyles[i]
return mergedPropsStyles.map(function (mergedPropsStyle, i) {
for (var j = 0; j < cUnreadPropStyles.length; j++) {
if (cUnreadPropStyles[j].key === mergedPropsStyle.key) {
return {
key: cUnreadPropStyles[j].key,
data: cUnreadPropStyles[j].data,
style: plainStyles[i]
return { key: mergedPropsStyle.key, data: mergedPropsStyle.data, style: plainStyles[i] };
function shouldStopAnimationAll(currentStyles, destStyles, currentVelocities, mergedPropsStyles) {
if (mergedPropsStyles.length !== destStyles.length) {
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < mergedPropsStyles.length; i++) {
if (mergedPropsStyles[i].key !== destStyles[i].key) {
return false;
// we have the invariant that mergedPropsStyles and
// currentStyles/currentVelocities/last* are synced in terms of cells, see
// mergeAndSync comment for more info
for (var i = 0; i < mergedPropsStyles.length; i++) {
if (!_shouldStopAnimation2['default'](currentStyles[i], destStyles[i].style, currentVelocities[i])) {
return false;
return true;
// core key merging logic
// things to do: say previously merged style is {a, b}, dest style (prop) is {b,
// c}, previous current (interpolating) style is {a, b}
// **invariant**: current[i] corresponds to merged[i] in terms of key
// steps:
// turn merged style into {a?, b, c}
// add c, value of c is destStyles.c
// maybe remove a, aka call willLeave(a), then merged is either {b, c} or {a, b, c}
// turn current (interpolating) style from {a, b} into {a?, b, c}
// maybe remove a
// certainly add c, value of c is willEnter(c)
// loop over merged and construct new current
// dest doesn't change, that's owner's
function mergeAndSync(willEnter, willLeave, didLeave, oldMergedPropsStyles, destStyles, oldCurrentStyles, oldCurrentVelocities, oldLastIdealStyles, oldLastIdealVelocities) {
var newMergedPropsStyles = _mergeDiff2['default'](oldMergedPropsStyles, destStyles, function (oldIndex, oldMergedPropsStyle) {
var leavingStyle = willLeave(oldMergedPropsStyle);
if (leavingStyle == null) {
didLeave({ key: oldMergedPropsStyle.key, data: oldMergedPropsStyle.data });
return null;
if (_shouldStopAnimation2['default'](oldCurrentStyles[oldIndex], leavingStyle, oldCurrentVelocities[oldIndex])) {
didLeave({ key: oldMergedPropsStyle.key, data: oldMergedPropsStyle.data });
return null;
return { key: oldMergedPropsStyle.key, data: oldMergedPropsStyle.data, style: leavingStyle };
var newCurrentStyles = [];
var newCurrentVelocities = [];
var newLastIdealStyles = [];
var newLastIdealVelocities = [];
for (var i = 0; i < newMergedPropsStyles.length; i++) {
var newMergedPropsStyleCell = newMergedPropsStyles[i];
var foundOldIndex = null;
for (var j = 0; j < oldMergedPropsStyles.length; j++) {
if (oldMergedPropsStyles[j].key === newMergedPropsStyleCell.key) {
foundOldIndex = j;
// TODO: key search code
if (foundOldIndex == null) {
var plainStyle = willEnter(newMergedPropsStyleCell);
newCurrentStyles[i] = plainStyle;
newLastIdealStyles[i] = plainStyle;
var velocity = _mapToZero2['default'](newMergedPropsStyleCell.style);
newCurrentVelocities[i] = velocity;
newLastIdealVelocities[i] = velocity;
} else {
newCurrentStyles[i] = oldCurrentStyles[foundOldIndex];
newLastIdealStyles[i] = oldLastIdealStyles[foundOldIndex];
newCurrentVelocities[i] = oldCurrentVelocities[foundOldIndex];
newLastIdealVelocities[i] = oldLastIdealVelocities[foundOldIndex];
return [newMergedPropsStyles, newCurrentStyles, newCurrentVelocities, newLastIdealStyles, newLastIdealVelocities];
var TransitionMotion = (function (_React$Component) {
_inherits(TransitionMotion, _React$Component);
_createClass(TransitionMotion, null, [{
key: 'propTypes',
value: {
defaultStyles: _propTypes2['default'].arrayOf(_propTypes2['default'].shape({
key: _propTypes2['default'].string.isRequired,
data: _propTypes2['default'].any,
style: _propTypes2['default'].objectOf(_propTypes2['default'].number).isRequired
styles: _propTypes2['default'].oneOfType([_propTypes2['default'].func, _propTypes2['default'].arrayOf(_propTypes2['default'].shape({
key: _propTypes2['default'].string.isRequired,
data: _propTypes2['default'].any,
style: _propTypes2['default'].objectOf(_propTypes2['default'].oneOfType([_propTypes2['default'].number, _propTypes2['default'].object])).isRequired
children: _propTypes2['default'].func.isRequired,
willEnter: _propTypes2['default'].func,
willLeave: _propTypes2['default'].func,
didLeave: _propTypes2['default'].func
enumerable: true
}, {
key: 'defaultProps',
value: {
willEnter: function willEnter(styleThatEntered) {
return _stripStyle2['default'](styleThatEntered.style);
// recall: returning null makes the current unmounting TransitionStyle
// disappear immediately
willLeave: function willLeave() {
return null;
didLeave: function didLeave() {}
enumerable: true
function TransitionMotion(props) {
var _this = this;
_classCallCheck(this, TransitionMotion);
_React$Component.call(this, props);
this.unmounting = false;
this.animationID = null;
this.prevTime = 0;
this.accumulatedTime = 0;
this.unreadPropStyles = null;
this.clearUnreadPropStyle = function (unreadPropStyles) {
var _mergeAndSync = mergeAndSync(_this.props.willEnter, _this.props.willLeave, _this.props.didLeave, _this.state.mergedPropsStyles, unreadPropStyles, _this.state.currentStyles, _this.state.currentVelocities, _this.state.lastIdealStyles, _this.state.lastIdealVelocities);
var mergedPropsStyles = _mergeAndSync[0];
var currentStyles = _mergeAndSync[1];
var currentVelocities = _mergeAndSync[2];
var lastIdealStyles = _mergeAndSync[3];
var lastIdealVelocities = _mergeAndSync[4];
for (var i = 0; i < unreadPropStyles.length; i++) {
var unreadPropStyle = unreadPropStyles[i].style;
var dirty = false;
for (var key in unreadPropStyle) {
if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(unreadPropStyle, key)) {
var styleValue = unreadPropStyle[key];
if (typeof styleValue === 'number') {
if (!dirty) {
dirty = true;
currentStyles[i] = _extends({}, currentStyles[i]);
currentVelocities[i] = _extends({}, currentVelocities[i]);
lastIdealStyles[i] = _extends({}, lastIdealStyles[i]);
lastIdealVelocities[i] = _extends({}, lastIdealVelocities[i]);
mergedPropsStyles[i] = {
key: mergedPropsStyles[i].key,
data: mergedPropsStyles[i].data,
style: _extends({}, mergedPropsStyles[i].style)
currentStyles[i][key] = styleValue;
currentVelocities[i][key] = 0;
lastIdealStyles[i][key] = styleValue;
lastIdealVelocities[i][key] = 0;
mergedPropsStyles[i].style[key] = styleValue;
// unlike the other 2 components, we can't detect staleness and optionally
// opt out of setState here. each style object's data might contain new
// stuff we're not/cannot compare
currentStyles: currentStyles,
currentVelocities: currentVelocities,
mergedPropsStyles: mergedPropsStyles,
lastIdealStyles: lastIdealStyles,
lastIdealVelocities: lastIdealVelocities
this.startAnimationIfNecessary = function () {
if (_this.unmounting) {
// TODO: when config is {a: 10} and dest is {a: 10} do we raf once and
// call cb? No, otherwise accidental parent rerender causes cb trigger
_this.animationID = _raf2['default'](function (timestamp) {
// https://github.com/chenglou/react-motion/pull/420
// > if execution passes the conditional if (this.unmounting), then
// executes async defaultRaf and after that component unmounts and after
// that the callback of defaultRaf is called, then setState will be called
// on unmounted component.
if (_this.unmounting) {
var propStyles = _this.props.styles;
var destStyles = typeof propStyles === 'function' ? propStyles(rehydrateStyles(_this.state.mergedPropsStyles, _this.unreadPropStyles, _this.state.lastIdealStyles)) : propStyles;
// check if we need to animate in the first place
if (shouldStopAnimationAll(_this.state.currentStyles, destStyles, _this.state.currentVelocities, _this.state.mergedPropsStyles)) {
// no need to cancel animationID here; shouldn't have any in flight
_this.animationID = null;
_this.accumulatedTime = 0;
var currentTime = timestamp || _performanceNow2['default']();
var timeDelta = currentTime - _this.prevTime;
_this.prevTime = currentTime;
_this.accumulatedTime = _this.accumulatedTime + timeDelta;
// more than 10 frames? prolly switched browser tab. Restart
if (_this.accumulatedTime > msPerFrame * 10) {
_this.accumulatedTime = 0;
if (_this.accumulatedTime === 0) {
// no need to cancel animationID here; shouldn't have any in flight
_this.animationID = null;
var currentFrameCompletion = (_this.accumulatedTime - Math.floor(_this.accumulatedTime / msPerFrame) * msPerFrame) / msPerFrame;
var framesToCatchUp = Math.floor(_this.accumulatedTime / msPerFrame);
var _mergeAndSync2 = mergeAndSync(_this.props.willEnter, _this.props.willLeave, _this.props.didLeave, _this.state.mergedPropsStyles, destStyles, _this.state.currentStyles, _this.state.currentVelocities, _this.state.lastIdealStyles, _this.state.lastIdealVelocities);
var newMergedPropsStyles = _mergeAndSync2[0];
var newCurrentStyles = _mergeAndSync2[1];
var newCurrentVelocities = _mergeAndSync2[2];
var newLastIdealStyles = _mergeAndSync2[3];
var newLastIdealVelocities = _mergeAndSync2[4];
for (var i = 0; i < newMergedPropsStyles.length; i++) {
var newMergedPropsStyle = newMergedPropsStyles[i].style;
var newCurrentStyle = {};
var newCurrentVelocity = {};
var newLastIdealStyle = {};
var newLastIdealVelocity = {};
for (var key in newMergedPropsStyle) {
if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(newMergedPropsStyle, key)) {
var styleValue = newMergedPropsStyle[key];
if (typeof styleValue === 'number') {
newCurrentStyle[key] = styleValue;
newCurrentVelocity[key] = 0;
newLastIdealStyle[key] = styleValue;
newLastIdealVelocity[key] = 0;
} else {
var newLastIdealStyleValue = newLastIdealStyles[i][key];
var newLastIdealVelocityValue = newLastIdealVelocities[i][key];
for (var j = 0; j < framesToCatchUp; j++) {
var _stepper = _stepper4['default'](msPerFrame / 1000, newLastIdealStyleValue, newLastIdealVelocityValue, styleValue.val, styleValue.stiffness, styleValue.damping, styleValue.precision);
newLastIdealStyleValue = _stepper[0];
newLastIdealVelocityValue = _stepper[1];
var _stepper2 = _stepper4['default'](msPerFrame / 1000, newLastIdealStyleValue, newLastIdealVelocityValue, styleValue.val, styleValue.stiffness, styleValue.damping, styleValue.precision);
var nextIdealX = _stepper2[0];
var nextIdealV = _stepper2[1];
newCurrentStyle[key] = newLastIdealStyleValue + (nextIdealX - newLastIdealStyleValue) * currentFrameCompletion;
newCurrentVelocity[key] = newLastIdealVelocityValue + (nextIdealV - newLastIdealVelocityValue) * currentFrameCompletion;
newLastIdealStyle[key] = newLastIdealStyleValue;
newLastIdealVelocity[key] = newLastIdealVelocityValue;
newLastIdealStyles[i] = newLastIdealStyle;
newLastIdealVelocities[i] = newLastIdealVelocity;
newCurrentStyles[i] = newCurrentStyle;
newCurrentVelocities[i] = newCurrentVelocity;
_this.animationID = null;
// the amount we're looped over above
_this.accumulatedTime -= framesToCatchUp * msPerFrame;
currentStyles: newCurrentStyles,
currentVelocities: newCurrentVelocities,
lastIdealStyles: newLastIdealStyles,
lastIdealVelocities: newLastIdealVelocities,
mergedPropsStyles: newMergedPropsStyles
_this.unreadPropStyles = null;
this.state = this.defaultState();
TransitionMotion.prototype.defaultState = function defaultState() {
var _props = this.props;
var defaultStyles = _props.defaultStyles;
var styles = _props.styles;
var willEnter = _props.willEnter;
var willLeave = _props.willLeave;
var didLeave = _props.didLeave;
var destStyles = typeof styles === 'function' ? styles(defaultStyles) : styles;
// this is special. for the first time around, we don't have a comparison
// between last (no last) and current merged props. we'll compute last so:
// say default is {a, b} and styles (dest style) is {b, c}, we'll
// fabricate last as {a, b}
var oldMergedPropsStyles = undefined;
if (defaultStyles == null) {
oldMergedPropsStyles = destStyles;
} else {
oldMergedPropsStyles = defaultStyles.map(function (defaultStyleCell) {
// TODO: key search code
for (var i = 0; i < destStyles.length; i++) {
if (destStyles[i].key === defaultStyleCell.key) {
return destStyles[i];
return defaultStyleCell;
var oldCurrentStyles = defaultStyles == null ? destStyles.map(function (s) {
return _stripStyle2['default'](s.style);
}) : defaultStyles.map(function (s) {
return _stripStyle2['default'](s.style);
var oldCurrentVelocities = defaultStyles == null ? destStyles.map(function (s) {
return _mapToZero2['default'](s.style);
}) : defaultStyles.map(function (s) {
return _mapToZero2['default'](s.style);
var _mergeAndSync3 = mergeAndSync(
// Because this is an old-style createReactClass component, Flow doesn't
// understand that the willEnter and willLeave props have default values
// and will always be present.
willEnter, willLeave, didLeave, oldMergedPropsStyles, destStyles, oldCurrentStyles, oldCurrentVelocities, oldCurrentStyles, // oldLastIdealStyles really
var mergedPropsStyles = _mergeAndSync3[0];
var currentStyles = _mergeAndSync3[1];
var currentVelocities = _mergeAndSync3[2];
var lastIdealStyles = _mergeAndSync3[3];
var lastIdealVelocities = _mergeAndSync3[4];
// oldLastIdealVelocities really
return {
currentStyles: currentStyles,
currentVelocities: currentVelocities,
lastIdealStyles: lastIdealStyles,
lastIdealVelocities: lastIdealVelocities,
mergedPropsStyles: mergedPropsStyles
// after checking for unreadPropStyles != null, we manually go set the
// non-interpolating values (those that are a number, without a spring
// config)
TransitionMotion.prototype.componentDidMount = function componentDidMount() {
this.prevTime = _performanceNow2['default']();
TransitionMotion.prototype.componentWillReceiveProps = function componentWillReceiveProps(props) {
if (this.unreadPropStyles) {
// previous props haven't had the chance to be set yet; set them here
var styles = props.styles;
if (typeof styles === 'function') {
this.unreadPropStyles = styles(rehydrateStyles(this.state.mergedPropsStyles, this.unreadPropStyles, this.state.lastIdealStyles));
} else {
this.unreadPropStyles = styles;
if (this.animationID == null) {
this.prevTime = _performanceNow2['default']();
TransitionMotion.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function componentWillUnmount() {
this.unmounting = true;
if (this.animationID != null) {
this.animationID = null;
TransitionMotion.prototype.render = function render() {
var hydratedStyles = rehydrateStyles(this.state.mergedPropsStyles, this.unreadPropStyles, this.state.currentStyles);
var renderedChildren = this.props.children(hydratedStyles);
return renderedChildren && _react2['default'].Children.only(renderedChildren);
return TransitionMotion;
exports['default'] = TransitionMotion;
module.exports = exports['default'];
// list of styles, each containing interpolating values. Part of what's passed
// to children function. Notice that this is
// Array<ActualInterpolatingStyleObject>, without the wrapper that is {key: ...,
// data: ... style: ActualInterpolatingStyleObject}. Only mergedPropsStyles
// contains the key & data info (so that we only have a single source of truth
// for these, and to save space). Check the comment for `rehydrateStyles` to
// see how we regenerate the entirety of what's passed to children function
// the array that keeps track of currently rendered stuff! Including stuff
// that you've unmounted but that's still animating. This is where it lives
// it's possible that currentStyle's value is stale: if props is immediately
// changed from 0 to 400 to spring(0) again, the async currentStyle is still
// at 0 (didn't have time to tick and interpolate even once). If we naively
// compare currentStyle with destVal it'll be 0 === 0 (no animation, stop).
// In reality currentStyle should be 400