
167 lines
4.3 KiB

// @flow
import * as React from 'react'
import { withEmotionCache, ThemeContext } from './context'
import { getRegisteredStyles, insertStyles } from '@emotion/utils'
import { isBrowser } from './utils'
import { serializeStyles } from '@emotion/serialize'
let typePropName = '__EMOTION_TYPE_PLEASE_DO_NOT_USE__'
let labelPropName = '__EMOTION_LABEL_PLEASE_DO_NOT_USE__'
let hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty
let render = (cache, props, theme: null | Object, ref) => {
let type = props[typePropName]
let registeredStyles = []
let className = ''
let cssProp = theme === null ? props.css : props.css(theme)
// so that using `css` from `emotion` and passing the result to the css prop works
// not passing the registered cache to serializeStyles because it would
// make certain babel optimisations not possible
if (typeof cssProp === 'string' && cache.registered[cssProp] !== undefined) {
cssProp = cache.registered[cssProp]
if (props.className !== undefined) {
className = getRegisteredStyles(
let serialized = serializeStyles(registeredStyles)
if (
process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' &&
serialized.name.indexOf('-') === -1
) {
let labelFromStack = props[labelPropName]
if (labelFromStack) {
serialized = serializeStyles([
'label:' + labelFromStack + ';'
const rules = insertStyles(cache, serialized, typeof type === 'string')
className += `${cache.key}-${serialized.name}`
const newProps = {}
for (let key in props) {
if (
hasOwnProperty.call(props, key) &&
key !== 'css' &&
key !== typePropName &&
(process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' || key !== labelPropName)
) {
newProps[key] = props[key]
newProps.ref = ref
newProps.className = className
const ele = React.createElement(type, newProps)
if (!isBrowser && rules !== undefined) {
let serializedNames = serialized.name
let next = serialized.next
while (next !== undefined) {
serializedNames += ' ' + next.name
next = next.next
return (
[`data-emotion-${cache.key}`]: serializedNames,
dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: rules },
nonce: cache.sheet.nonce
return ele
let Emotion = withEmotionCache((props, cache, ref) => {
// use Context.read for the theme when it's stable
if (typeof props.css === 'function') {
return (
{theme => render(cache, props, theme, ref)}
return render(cache, props, null, ref)
// $FlowFixMe
export const jsx: typeof React.createElement = function(
type: React.ElementType,
props: Object
) {
let args = arguments
if (props == null || props.css == null) {
// $FlowFixMe
return React.createElement.apply(undefined, args)
if (
process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' &&
typeof props.css === 'string' &&
// check if there is a css declaration
props.css.indexOf(':') !== -1
) {
throw new Error(
`Strings are not allowed as css prop values, please wrap it in a css template literal from '@emotion/css' like this: css\`${
let argsLength = args.length
let createElementArgArray = new Array(argsLength)
createElementArgArray[0] = Emotion
let newProps = {}
for (let key in props) {
if (hasOwnProperty.call(props, key)) {
newProps[key] = props[key]
newProps[typePropName] = type
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
let error = new Error()
if (error.stack) {
// chrome
let match = error.stack.match(/at jsx.*\n\s+at ([A-Z][A-Za-z]+) /)
if (!match) {
// safari and firefox
match = error.stack.match(/^.*\n([A-Z][A-Za-z]+)@/)
if (match) {
newProps[labelPropName] = match[1]
createElementArgArray[1] = newProps
for (let i = 2; i < argsLength; i++) {
createElementArgArray[i] = args[i]
// $FlowFixMe
return React.createElement.apply(null, createElementArgArray)