272 lines
10 KiB
272 lines
10 KiB
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
//get variables
var $wrap = $('#wtr-content');
if($wrap.length > 0) {
wtrDebug('#wtr-content found');
var $touch = $wrap.data('touch');
var $non_touch = $wrap.data('non-touch');
if((!isTouchDevice() && $non_touch) || (isTouchDevice() && $touch)) {
wtrDebug('touch device check passed');
var $fg = $wrap.data('fg'),
$bg = $wrap.data('bg'),
$placement = $wrap.data('placement'),
$placement_offset = $wrap.data('placement-offset'),
$content_offset = $wrap.data('content-offset'),
$placement_touch = $wrap.data('placement-touch'),
$placement_offset_touch = $wrap.data('placement-offset-touch'),
$width = $wrap.data('width'),
$transparent = $wrap.data('transparent'),
$shadow = $wrap.data('shadow'),
$comments = $wrap.data('comments'),
$comments_bg = $wrap.data('commentsbg'),
$enable = $wrap.data('enable'),
$mute = $wrap.data('mute'),
$fgopacity = $wrap.data('fgopacity'),
$mutedopacity = $wrap.data('mutedopacity'),
$loc = $wrap.data('location'),
$end = $('.wtr-end'),
$rtl = $wrap.data('rtl');
//set some defaults
if($fg === null || $fg === '') $fg = '#ef490f';
if($bg === null || $bg === '') $bg = '#CCCCCC';
if($width === null || $width === '') $width = 4;
if($comments_bg === null || $comments_bg === '') $comments_bg = '#999999';
if($fgopacity === null || $fgopacity === '') $fgopacity = '.6';
if($mutedopacity === null || $mutedopacity === '') $mutedopacity = '.5';
if($transparent) {
$bg = 'none';
$comments_bg = 'none';
//get touch vs non-touch options
$placement = isTouchDevice() ? $placement_touch : $placement;
$placement_offset = isTouchDevice() ? $placement_offset_touch : $placement_offset;
var $placement_offset_admin = $placement_offset + getTopOffset();
//setup dom elements and add to page
var $progress_bg = $('<div>', {id: 'wtr-progress', class: $placement});
var $progress_fg = $('<div>', {id: 'wtr-slider'});
//add rtl to wrapper element
if($rtl) $progress_bg.addClass('wtr-rtl');
$progress_bg.css('background', $bg);
if($mute) $progress_bg.css('opacity', $mutedopacity);
$progress_fg.css('background', $fg);
$progress_fg.css('opacity', $fgopacity);
//determine end of content
var $contentHeight = $wrap.outerHeight(true) - $content_offset;
var $endOffset = $end.length > 0 ? $end.offset().top : 0;
var $shorter = $endOffset !== 0 ? ($contentHeight + $wrap.offset().top - $endOffset) : 0;
if($shorter) {
wtrDebug('content height is less than window height - progress bar will not be shown on this page');
} else {
wtrDebug('content height is greater than window height - progress bar will be shown on this page');
if($comments && !$shorter) {
wtrDebug('comments check passed');
var $progress_comments = $('<div>', {id: 'wtr-progress-comments'}),
$commentsEnd = $('#wtr-comments-end'),
$progress = $('#wtr-progress'),
$wrap = $loc==='home' ? $('body') : $('#wtr-content'),
winHeight = $(window).height(),
totalHeight = $commentsEnd.offset().top - ($wrap.offset().top + $content_offset - $shorter),
commentsHeight = totalHeight - $contentHeight - (winHeight * .25),
orientation = 'left',
percentage = (100 - ((commentsHeight / totalHeight) * 100));
//if position is right or left then our relative orientation is from the top
if($placement=='left' || $placement=='right') orientation = 'top';
//change orientation to right if rtl option is selected
if($rtl && orientation=='left') orientation = 'right';
//console.log('orientation=' + orientation);
$progress_comments.css(orientation, percentage + '%');
$progress_comments.css('background', $comments_bg);
if($transparent) $progress_bg.addClass('transparent');
if(!$shadow) $progress_bg.addClass('noshadow');
wtrDebug('progress bar added to DOM');
//adjust style after it's loaded to the DOM
$hidden_by = $width + 6;
$hidden_by_admin = -$hidden_by + getTopOffset();
$width = $width + 'px';
$hidden_by = '-' + $hidden_by + 'px';
$hidden_by_admin = '-' + $hidden_by_admin + 'px';
$('#wtr-progress.left').css({'width': $width, 'left': $hidden_by});
$('#wtr-progress.right').css({'width': $width, 'right': $hidden_by});
$('#wtr-progress.bottom').css({'height': $width, 'bottom': $hidden_by});
$('#wtr-progress.top').css({'height': $width, 'top': $hidden_by});
$('.admin-bar #wtr-progress.top').css({'height': $width, 'top': $hidden_by_admin});
//if there is an offset, update the "shown" class
if($placement_offset) {
wtrDebug('placement_offset check passed, .shown classes updated');
var $showncss = '<style>' +
'#wtr-progress.top.shown {top:' + $placement_offset + 'px!important;}' +
'.admin-bar #wtr-progress.top.shown {top:' + $placement_offset_admin + 'px!important;}' +
'#wtr-progress.bottom.shown {bottom:' + $placement_offset + 'px!important;}' +
'#wtr-progress.left.shown {left:' + $placement_offset + 'px!important;}' +
'#wtr-progress.right.shown {right:' + $placement_offset + 'px!important;}' +
} else {
wtrDebug('#wtr-content not found');
wtrDebug('preparing to call wtrProgress()');
function wtrDebug(msg) {
if(jQuery('body').hasClass('wtr-debug-bar')) {
jQuery('#wtr-debug-bar').append('<span class="wtr-debug-message">' + msg + '</span>');
//utility for determining touch devices
function isTouchDevice() {
return 'ontouchstart' in window // works on most browsers
|| window.navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0; // works on ie10
//finds whether the bottom of the element is in the viewport
function bottomVisible(obj,offset){
var a = obj.offset().top + offset,
b = obj.outerHeight(true),
c = jQuery(window).height(),
d = jQuery(window).scrollTop();
return ((c+d) >= (a+b));
//finds whether the top of the element is in the viewport
function topVisible(obj,offset){
var viewportHeight = jQuery(window).height(),
documentScrollTop = jQuery(document).scrollTop(),
minTop = documentScrollTop + offset,
maxTop = documentScrollTop + viewportHeight,
objOffset = obj.offset().top;
return (objOffset >= minTop && objOffset <= maxTop);
// check how much admin bar is showing
function getTopOffset() {
topOffset = 0;
var $win = jQuery(window).width();
if(jQuery('#wpadminbar').length > 0) {
if($win < 601) {
topOffset += 0;
} else if($win < 783) {
topOffset += 46;
} else {
topOffset += 32;
return topOffset;
function wtrProgress() {
var $win = jQuery(window),
$wrap = jQuery('#wtr-content'),
$progress = jQuery('#wtr-progress'),
$progress_comments = jQuery('#wtr-progress-comments'),
$slider = jQuery('#wtr-slider'),
$end = jQuery('.wtr-end');
if($wrap.length > 0) {
var $touch = $wrap.data('touch');
var $non_touch = $wrap.data('non-touch');
var $mutedfg = $wrap.data('mutedfg');
var $endfg = $wrap.data('endfg');
var $fg = $wrap.data('fg');
var $rtl = $wrap.data('rtl');
var $endreached = false;
if((!isTouchDevice() && $non_touch) || (isTouchDevice() && $touch)) {
var $loc = $wrap.data('location'),
$contentOffset = $wrap.data('content-offset'),
$wrap = $loc==='home' ? jQuery('body') : jQuery('#wtr-content'),
wrapHeight = $wrap.outerHeight(true) - $contentOffset,
winHeight = $win.height(),
$endOffset = $end.length > 0 ? $end.offset().top : 0,
$shorter = $endOffset !== 0 ? (wrapHeight + $wrap.offset().top - $endOffset) : 0;
//reduce total wrap height if wtr-end shortcode is in place
wrapHeight -= $shorter;
//we only want to do this if the content is greater than the window height
//thus necessitating a visual progress indicator
if(wrapHeight > winHeight) {
var winScroll = $win.scrollTop(),
wrapOffset = $wrap.offset().top + $contentOffset,
beyond = winScroll - wrapOffset + winHeight * .75,
percentage = 0,
topOffset = getTopOffset(),
orientation = 'left',
$rel = $wrap;
//if position is right or left then our relative orientation is from the top
if($progress.hasClass('left') || $progress.hasClass('right')) orientation = 'top';
//change orientation to right if rtl option is selected
if($rtl && orientation=='left') orientation = 'right';
//do we need to account for comments?
if($progress_comments.length > 0) {
var $commentsEnd = jQuery('#wtr-comments-end'),
totalHeight = $commentsEnd.offset().top - wrapOffset,
commentsHeight = totalHeight - $wrap.outerHeight(true);
wrapHeight = totalHeight;
$rel = $commentsEnd;
//use wtr-end shortcode as bottom visible rel if it exists
if($shorter > 0) $rel = $end;
//we are into the content
if(bottomVisible($rel, winHeight * .25)) {
$slider.css(orientation, '0');
$slider.css('background', $endfg);
$endreached = true;
wtrDebug('end of content reached');
} else if(beyond > 0 && winScroll > 0) {
$slider.css('background', $fg);
//how far past the start are we?
percentage = -(100 - ((beyond / wrapHeight) * 100)); //get a negative percentage
$slider.css(orientation, percentage + '%');
wtrDebug('progress bar percentage: ' + percentage);
} else {
//console.log('winScroll=' + winScroll + '\nwrapOffset=' + wrapOffset);
$slider.css(orientation, '-100%');
$slider.css('background', $fg);
wtrDebug('content has not been scrolled into yet - hide progress bar');
//mute progress bar after inactivity
if(!$endreached) {
clearTimeout(jQuery.data(this, 'scrollTimer'));
jQuery.data(this, 'scrollTimer', setTimeout(function() {
$slider.delay(200).queue(function (next) {
wtrDebug('progress bar muted');
jQuery(this).css('background', $mutedfg);
}, 200));
} else {
wtrDebug('content height is less than window height - no need to show progress bar');
jQuery(window).scroll(function() {
}); |