253 lines
9.0 KiB
253 lines
9.0 KiB
# monophonic pitch estimator using harmonic_net.
# torch
from random import shuffle
import torch
import torch.cuda
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torchaudio
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
# system
from tqdm import tqdm
from datetime import datetime
import os
from glob import glob
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from .network import HarmoF0
# os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0"
class PitchTracker():
def __init__(self,
checkpoint_path = None,
fmin = 27.5,
sample_rate = 16000,
hop_length = 160,
frame_len = 1024,
frames_per_step = 1000,
post_processing = True,
n_beam = 5,
min_pitch_dur = 0.1,
freq_bins_in = 88*4,
freq_bins_out = 88*4,
bins_per_octave_in = 48,
bins_per_octave_out = 48,
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu",
) -> None:
# Load Model
harmonic_f0 = HarmoF0()
if(checkpoint_path == None):
package_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
weights_name = "mdb-stem-synth.pth"
checkpoint_path = os.path.join(package_dir, 'checkpoints' , weights_name)
# Load checkpoint
harmonic_f0.load_state_dict(torch.load(checkpoint_path, map_location=device))
harmonic_f0 = harmonic_f0.to(device)
self.net = harmonic_f0
self.hop_length = hop_length
self.frame_len = frame_len
self.frames_per_step = frames_per_step
# post processing
self.min_pitch_len = min_pitch_dur * sample_rate / hop_length
self.post_processing = post_processing
self.high_threshold = high_threshold
self.low_threshold = low_threshold
self.n_beam = n_beam
self.device = device
self.freq_bins_in = freq_bins_in
self.freq_bins_out = freq_bins_out
self.bins_per_octave_in = bins_per_octave_in
self.bins_per_octave_out = bins_per_octave_out
self.fmin = fmin
self.sample_rate = sample_rate
def visit(self, activation_map, low_map, out_map, t, pitch, visited_set, sub_set, n_beam):
if(t, pitch) in visited_set or low_map[t, pitch] < 1:
out_map[t, pitch] = activation_map[t, pitch]
visited_set.add((t, pitch))
sub_set.add((t, pitch))
low = max(0, pitch - n_beam)
high = min(low_map.shape[1], pitch + n_beam)
# visit left
if t > 0:
for p in range(low, high):
self.visit(activation_map, low_map, out_map, t-1, p, visited_set, sub_set, n_beam)
#visit right
if(t < low_map.shape[0] -1):
for p in range(low, high):
self.visit(activation_map, low_map, out_map, t+1, p, visited_set, sub_set, n_beam)
def postProcessing(self, activation_map, high_threshold=0.8, low_threshold=0.1):
activation_map: ndarray [T x 352]
high_map = activation_map >= high_threshold
low_map = activation_map >= low_threshold
out_map = np.zeros_like(activation_map)
visited_set = set()
rows, cols = high_map.nonzero()
for t, pitch in zip(rows, cols):
sub_set = set()
self.visit(activation_map, low_map, out_map, t, pitch, visited_set, sub_set, self.n_beam)
# remove the region that has length < self.min_pitch_len
if len(sub_set) > 0:
pit_len = max([x[0] for x in sub_set]) - min([x[0] for x in sub_set])
if pit_len < self.min_pitch_len:
for t, pitch in sub_set:
out_map[t, pitch] = 0
return out_map
def pred(self, waveform, sr):
# inputs:
# waveform:
# sr: 16000
# returns:
# time, freq, activation, activation_map
# [T], [T], [T], [T x 352]
if isinstance(waveform,np.ndarray):
waveform = torch.tensor(waveform)
if(len(waveform.size()) == 1):
waveform = waveform[None, :]
if(sr != self.sample_rate):
print("convert sr from %d to %d"%(sr, self.sample_rate))
resampler = torchaudio.transforms.Resample(sr, self.sample_rate).to(self.device)
waveform = waveform.to(self.device)
waveform = resampler(waveform)
# start from the 0
waveform = F.pad(waveform, [self.frame_len//2, 0], mode='reflect')
b, wav_len = waveform.shape
assert b == 1
num_frames = int((wav_len - self.frame_len)//self.hop_length) + 1
batch = torch.zeros([1, num_frames, self.frame_len])
for i in range(num_frames):
begin = i * self.hop_length
end = begin + self.frame_len
batch[:, i, :] = waveform[:, begin:end]
batch = batch.to(self.device)
times = np.arange(num_frames) * (self.hop_length/self.sample_rate)
result_dict = {
# 'pred_freqs':[],
# 'pred_activations':[],
steps = int(np.ceil(num_frames / self.frames_per_step))
for i in tqdm(range(steps)):
begin = i * self.frames_per_step
end = begin + self.frames_per_step
waveforms = batch[:, begin:end ]
with torch.no_grad():
# => [b x num_frames x (88*4)], [b x num_frames x (88*4)]
est_onehot, specgram = self.net.eval()(waveforms)
result_dict['pred_activations_map'] += [est_onehot.squeeze(0).cpu()]
pred_activation_map = torch.concat(result_dict['pred_activations_map'], dim=0).cpu().numpy()
pred_activation_map = self.postProcessing(pred_activation_map, self.high_threshold, self.low_threshold)
# => [num_frames ]
est_freqs, est_activations = self.onehot_to_hz(torch.tensor(pred_activation_map)[None,:], self.bins_per_octave_out, threshold=0.0)
pred_freq = est_freqs.flatten().cpu().numpy()
pred_activation = est_activations.flatten().cpu().numpy()
return times, pred_freq, pred_activation, pred_activation_map
def pred_file(self, audio_path, output_dir=None, save_activation=True):
wav_path_list = []
if os.path.isdir(audio_path):
all_files = glob(os.path.join(audio_path, "*"))
for path in all_files:
_, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
if ext.lower() in ['.wav', '.mp3', '.flac']:
for i, wav_path in enumerate(wav_path_list):
result_dir, basename = os.path.split(wav_path)
if(output_dir != None):
result_dir = str(output_dir)
os.makedirs(result_dir, exist_ok=True)
wav_name, ext = os.path.splitext(basename)
pred_path = os.path.join(result_dir, wav_name + ".f0.txt")
waveform, sr = torchaudio.load(wav_path)
waveform = torch.sum(waveform, dim=0, keepdim=True)
print(f'audio {i+1} of {len(wav_path_list)}')
pred_time, pred_freq, activation, activation_map = self.pred(waveform, sr)
pred_table = np.stack([pred_time, pred_freq, activation], axis=1)
np.savetxt(pred_path, pred_table, header='time frequency activation', fmt="%.03f")
if self.post_processing == False:
activation_path = os.path.join(result_dir, wav_name + ".activation.png")
activation_path = os.path.join(result_dir, wav_name + ".activation.post.png")
plt.imsave(activation_path, activation_map.T[::-1])
# activation_map_post = self.postProcessing(activation_map)
# plt.imsave(activation_post_path, activation_map_post.T[::-1])
def hz_to_onehot(self, hz, freq_bins, bins_per_octave):
# input: [b x T]
# output: [b x T x freq_bins]
fmin = self.fmin
indexs = ( torch.log((hz+0.0000001)/fmin) / np.log(2.0**(1.0/bins_per_octave)) + 0.5 ).long()
assert(torch.max(indexs) < freq_bins)
mask = (indexs >= 0).long()
# => [b x T x 1]
mask = torch.unsqueeze(mask, dim=2)
# => [b x T x freq_bins]
onehot = F.one_hot(torch.clip(indexs, 0), freq_bins)
onehot = onehot * mask # mask the freq below fmin
return onehot
def onehot_to_hz(self, onehot, bins_per_octave, threshold = 0.6):
# input: [b x T x freq_bins]
# output: [b x T]
fmin = self.fmin
max_onehot = torch.max(onehot, dim=2)
indexs = max_onehot[1]
mask = (max_onehot[0] > threshold).float()
hz = fmin * (2**(indexs/bins_per_octave))
hz = hz * mask # set freq to 0 if activate val below threshold
return hz, max_onehot[0]