Merge pull request #207 from svc-develop-team/4.1-Latest

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YuriHead 2023-05-30 00:41:50 +08:00 committed by GitHub
commit 9220e08cd4
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2 changed files with 101 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ The singing voice conversion model uses SoftVC content encoder to extract source
- Feature input is changed to [Content Vec]( Transformer output of 12 layer, And compatible with 4.0 branches.
- Update the shallow diffusion, you can use the shallow diffusion model to improve the sound quality.
- Added Whisper speech encoder support
- Added static/dynamic sound fusion
- Added loudness embedding
### 🆕 Questions about compatibility with the 4.0 model
@ -69,7 +71,7 @@ After conducting tests, we believe that the project runs stably on `Python 3.8.9
**The following encoder needs to select one to use**
##### **1. If using contentvec as speech encoder**
##### **1. If using contentvec as speech encoder(recommended)**
- ContentVec: [](
- Place it under the `pretrain` directory
@ -84,11 +86,11 @@ wget -P pretrain/
- Place it under the `pretrain` directory
##### **3. If whisper-ppg as the encoder**
- download model at
- download model at [](
- Place it under the `pretrain` director
##### **4. If OnnxHubert/ContentVec as the encoder**
- download model at
- download model at [MoeSS-SUBModel](
- Place it under the `pretrain` directory
#### **List of Encoders**
@ -224,6 +226,18 @@ whisper-ppg
If the speech_encoder argument is omitted, the default value is vec768l12
#### You can modify some parameters in the generated config.json and diffusion.yaml
* `keep_ckpts`: Keep the last `keep_ckpts` models during training. Set to `0` will keep them all. Default is `3`.
* `all_in_mem`, `cache_all_data`: Load all dataset to RAM. It can be enabled when the disk IO of some platforms is too low and the system memory is **much larger** than your dataset.
* `batch_size`: The amount of data loaded to the GPU for a single training session can be adjusted to a size lower than the video memory capacity.
**Use loudness embedding**
If loudness embedding is used, the 'vol_aug' and 'vol_embedding' in config.json will be set to true. After use, the trained model will match the loudness of the input source; otherwise, it will be the loudness of the training set.
### 3. Generate hubert and f0
@ -251,12 +265,6 @@ python --f0_predictor dio --use_diff
After completing the above steps, the dataset directory will contain the preprocessed data, and the dataset_raw folder can be deleted.
#### You can modify some parameters in the generated config.json and diffusion.yaml
* `keep_ckpts`: Keep the last `keep_ckpts` models during training. Set to `0` will keep them all. Default is `3`.
* `all_in_mem`: Load all dataset to RAM. It can be enabled when the disk IO of some platforms is too low and the system memory is **much larger** than your dataset.
## 🏋️‍♀️ Training
### Diffusion Model (optional)
@ -299,13 +307,14 @@ Optional parameters: see the next section
- `-cm` | `--cluster_model_path`: path to the clustering model, fill in any value if clustering is not trained.
- `-cr` | `--cluster_infer_ratio`: proportion of the clustering solution, range 0-1, fill in 0 if the clustering model is not trained.
- `-eh` | `--enhance`: Whether to use NSF_HIFIGAN enhancer, this option has certain effect on sound quality enhancement for some models with few training sets, but has negative effect on well-trained models, so it is turned off by default.
- `-shd` | `--shallow_diffusion`Whether to use shallow diffusion, which can solve some electrical sound problems after use. This option is turned off by default. When this option is enabled, NSF_HIFIGAN intensifier will be disabled
- `-shd` | `--shallow_diffusion`: Whether to use shallow diffusion, which can solve some electrical sound problems after use. This option is turned off by default. When this option is enabled, NSF_HIFIGAN intensifier will be disabled
- `-usm` | `--use_spk_mix`: whether to use dynamic voice/merge their role
Shallow diffusion settings:
+ `-dm` | `--diffusion_model_path`Diffusion model path
+ `-dc` | `--diffusion_config_path`Diffusion model profile path
+ `-ks` | `--k_step`The larger the number of diffusion steps, the closer it is to the result of the diffusion model. The default is 100
+ `-od` | `--only_diffusion`Only diffusion mode, which does not load the sovits model to the diffusion model inference
- `-dm` | `--diffusion_model_path`: Diffusion model path
- `-dc` | `--diffusion_config_path`: Diffusion model profile path
- `-ks` | `--k_step`: The larger the number of diffusion steps, the closer it is to the result of the diffusion model. The default is 100
- `-od` | `--only_diffusion`: Only diffusion mode, which does not load the sovits model to the diffusion model inference
### Attention
@ -345,6 +354,35 @@ The generated model contains data that is needed for further training. If you co
python -c="configs/config.json" -i="logs/44k/G_30400.pth" -o="logs/44k/release.pth"
## 👨‍🔧 Timbre mixing
### Stable Timbre mixing
**Refer to `` file for stable Timbre mixing of the gadget/lab feature.**
Introduction: This function can combine multiple sound models into one sound model (convex combination or linear combination of multiple model parameters) to create sound lines that do not exist in reality
1. This function only supports single-speaker models
2. If the multi-speaker model is forced to be used, it is necessary to ensure that the number of speakers in multiple models is the same, so that the voices under the same SpaekerID can be mixed
3. Ensure that the model fields in config.json of all models to be mixed are the same
4. The output hybrid model can use any config.json of the model to be synthesized, but the clustering model will not be used
5. When batch uploading models, it is best to put the models into a folder and upload them together after selecting them
6. It is suggested to adjust the mixing ratio between 0 and 100, or to other numbers, but unknown effects will occur in the linear combination mode
7. After mixing, the file named output.pth will be saved in the root directory of the project
8. Convex combination mode will perform Softmax to add the mix ratio to 1, while linear combination mode will not
### Dynamic timbre mixing
**Refer to the `` file for an introduction to dynamic timbre mixing**
Character mix track writing rules:
Role ID: \[\[Start time 1, end time 1, start value 1, start value 1], [Start time 2, end time 2, start value 2]]
The start time must be the same as the end time of the previous one. The first start time must be 0, and the last end time must be 1 (time ranges from 0 to 1).
All roles must be filled in. For unused roles, fill \[\[0., 1., 0., 0.]]
The fusion value can be filled in arbitrarily, and the linear change from the start value to the end value within the specified period of time. The internal linear combination will be automatically guaranteed to be 1 (convex combination condition), so it can be used safely
Use the `--use_spk_mix` parameter when reasoning to enable dynamic timbre mixing
## 📤 Exporting to Onnx
Use [](

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@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
+ 特征输入更换为 [Content Vec]( 的第12层Transformer输出并兼容4.0分支
+ 更新浅层扩散,可以使用浅层扩散模型提升音质
+ 增加whisper语音编码器的支持
+ 增加静态/动态声线融合
+ 增加响度嵌入
### 🆕 关于兼容4.0模型的问题
+ 可通过修改4.0模型的config.json对4.0的模型进行支持需要在config.json的model字段中添加speech_encoder字段具体见下
@ -71,7 +73,7 @@
##### **1. 若使用contentvec作为声音编码器**
##### **1. 若使用contentvec作为声音编码器(推荐)**
+ contentvec [](
+ 放在`pretrain`目录下
@ -86,11 +88,11 @@ wget -P pretrain/
+ 放在`pretrain`目录下
##### **3. 若使用Whisper-ppg作为声音编码器**
- download model at
- download model at [](
- 放在`pretrain`目录下
##### **4. 若使用OnnxHubert/ContentVec作为声音编码器**
- download model at
- download model at [MoeSS-SUBModel](
- 放在`pretrain`目录下
#### **编码器列表**
@ -226,6 +228,18 @@ whisper-ppg
#### 此时可以在生成的config.json与diffusion.yaml修改部分参数
* `keep_ckpts`:训练时保留最后几个模型,`0`为保留所有,默认只保留最后`3`个
* `all_in_mem`,`cache_all_data`加载所有数据集到内存中某些平台的硬盘IO过于低下、同时内存容量 **远大于** 数据集体积时可以启用
* `batch_size`单次训练加载到GPU的数据量调整到低于显存容量的大小即可
### 3. 生成hubert与f0
@ -253,12 +267,6 @@ python --f0_predictor dio --use_diff
执行完以上步骤后 dataset 目录便是预处理完成的数据,可以删除 dataset_raw 文件夹了
#### 此时可以在生成的config.json与diffusion.yaml修改部分参数
* `keep_ckpts`:训练时保留最后几个模型,`0`为保留所有,默认只保留最后`3`个
* `all_in_mem`加载所有数据集到内存中某些平台的硬盘IO过于低下、同时内存容量 **远大于** 数据集体积时可以启用
## 🏋️‍♀️ 训练
### 扩散模型(可选)
@ -302,7 +310,8 @@ python -m "logs/44k/G_30400.pth" -c "configs/config.json" -n "
+ `-cr` | `--cluster_infer_ratio`聚类方案占比范围0-1若没有训练聚类模型则默认0即可
+ `-eh` | `--enhance`是否使用NSF_HIFIGAN增强器,该选项对部分训练集少的模型有一定的音质增强效果,但是对训练好的模型有反面效果,默认关闭
+ `-shd` | `--shallow_diffusion`是否使用浅层扩散使用后可解决一部分电音问题默认关闭该选项打开时NSF_HIFIGAN增强器将会被禁止
+ `-usm` | `--use_spk_mix`:是否使用角色融合/动态声线融合
+ `-dm` | `--diffusion_model_path`:扩散模型路径
+ `-dc` | `--diffusion_config_path`:扩散模型配置文件路径
@ -349,6 +358,34 @@ python -m "logs/44k/G_30400.pth" -c "configs/config.json" -n "
python -c="configs/config.json" -i="logs/44k/G_30400.pth" -o="logs/44k/release.pth"
## 👨‍🔧 声线混合
### 静态声线混合
### 动态声线混合
角色混合轨道 编写规则:
角色ID : \[\[起始时间1, 终止时间1, 起始数值1, 起始数值1], [起始时间2, 终止时间2, 起始数值2, 起始数值2]]
起始时间和前一个的终止时间必须相同第一个起始时间必须为0最后一个终止时间必须为1 时间的范围为0-1
全部角色必须填写,不使用的角色填\[\[0., 1., 0., 0.]]即可
## 📤 Onnx导出
使用 [](