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2023-05-14 18:03:11 +00:00
{"cells":[{"attachments":{},"cell_type":"markdown","metadata":{"id":"2q0l56aFQhAM"},"source":["# Terms of Use\n","\n","### Please solve the authorization problem of the dataset on your own. You shall be solely responsible for any problems caused by the use of non-authorized datasets for training and all consequences thereof.The repository and its maintainer, svc develop team, have nothing to do with the consequences!\n","\n","1. This project is established for academic exchange purposes only and is intended for communication and learning purposes. It is not intended for production environments.\n","2. Any videos based on sovits that are published on video platforms must clearly indicate in the description that they are used for voice changing and specify the input source of the voice or audio, for example, using videos or audios published by others and separating the vocals as input source for conversion, which must provide clear original video or music links. If your own voice or other synthesized voices from other commercial vocal synthesis software are used as the input source for conversion, you must also explain it in the description.\n","3. You shall be solely responsible for any infringement problems caused by the input source. When using other commercial vocal synthesis software as input source, please ensure that you comply with the terms of use of the software. Note that many vocal synthesis engines clearly state in their terms of use that they cannot be used for input source conversion.\n","4. Continuing to use this project is deemed as agreeing to the relevant provisions stated in this repository README. This repository README has the obligation to persuade, and is not responsible for any subsequent problems that may arise.\n","5. If you distribute this repository's code or publish any results produced by this project publicly (including but not limited to video sharing platforms), please indicate the original author and code source (this repository).\n","6. If you use this project for any other plan, please contact and inform the author of this repository in advance. Thank you very much.\n"]},{"attachments":{},"cell_type":"markdown","metadata":{"id":"M_RcDbVPhivj"},"source":["## **Note:**\n","## **Make sure there is no a directory named `sovits4data` in your google drive at the first time you use this notebook.**\n","## **It will be created to store some necessary files.** \n","## **For sure you can change it to another directory by modifying `sovits_data_dir` variable.**"]},{"attachments":{},"cell_type":"markdown","metadata":{"id":"fHaw6hGEa_Nk"},"source":["# **Initialize environment**"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":null,"metadata":{"id":"0gQcIZ8RsOkn"},"outputs":[],"source":["#@title Connect to colab runtime and check GPU\n","\n","#@markdown # Connect to colab runtime and check GPU\n","\n","#@markdown\n","\n","!nvidia-smi"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":null,"metadata":{"id":"0YUGpYrXhMck"},"outputs":[],"source":["#@title Clone repository and install requirements\n","\n","#@markdown # Clone repository and install requirements\n","\n","#@markdown\n","\n","#@markdown ### After the execution is completed, the runtime will **automatically restart**\n","\n","#@markdown\n","\n","!git clone -b 4.0-Vec768-Layer12\n","%pip uninstall -y torchdata torchtext\n","%pip install --upgrade pip setuptools numpy numba\n","%pip install tensorrt pyworld praat-parselmouth fairseq tensorboardX torchcrepe librosa==0.9.1\n","%pip install torch==2.0.0+cu118 torchvision==0.15.1+cu118 torchaudio==2.0.1+cu118 --extra-index-url\n","exit()"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":null,"metadata":{"id":"wmUkpUmfn_Hs"},"outputs":[],"source":["#@title Mount google drive and select which directories to sync with google drive\n","\n","#@markdown # Mount google drive and select which directories to sync with google drive\n","\n","#@markdown\n","\n","from google.colab import drive\n","drive.mount(\"/content/drive\")\n","\n","#@markdown Di