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Acne is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that often occurs in adolescence and is prevalent in the teenagers, bringing a great impact on the physical and mental health of patients. According to the Journal of Clinical Dermatology.2019.48(9):583-588, the prevalence of acne in the Chinese population is 81% in cross-section. 3% to 7% of patients with acne will be left with scarring. At present, there are many patients who do not go to the hospital for clinical diagnosis in a timely manner after having acne, and clinicians' choices of acne treatments vary greatly, with some treatments having uncertain efficacy, lacking evidence-based medical evidence to support them, and individual methods may even be damaging to patients.

Acne can be caused by a variety of reasons, including excessive secretion of androgens and sebum, abnormal keratinization of the follicular cortical gland ducts, and the proliferation of Propionibacterium acnes in the hair follicles. According to incomplete statistics, many adolescents are under pressure from schoolwork, anxiety, etc., which can also subconsciously affect the endocrine function and lead to acne, and many acne sufferers are also anxious about the change in appearance caused by acne itself. Therefore, it is important to treat acne.


Placeholder: Human Practice 校园问卷



通过查找文献我们了解产生痤疮的主要原因之一是由于痤疮丙酸杆菌在毛囊中大量分泌卟啉引发炎症所以如果我们能减少卟啉便可以抑制炎症从而减少痤疮的产生。根据我们查阅的文献【卟啉和维生素b12在脸上的常驻菌群的合成通路有共同的中间产物place如果我们能让中间产物尽可能合成为维生素b12这样便可以减少卟啉的产生。注意到一类细菌可以吸收维生素b12我们决定使用一种普遍存在于人体的细菌——大肠杆菌来作为我们的底盘细菌。通过导入VB12转入蛋白基因使其吸收面部的VB12从而迫使常驻菌群为了维持稳态而将中间产物尽可能合成缺乏的维生素b12进而减少卟啉的合成【拮抗】抑制痤疮。 同时我们导入了VB12转出蛋白基因从而使大肠杆菌在吸收完面部的VB12后可以进行回收并导出以便用于对VB12的再利用 *当然,我们也向工程菌中导入了自杀系统以保证其不会对环境产生危害。】