
61 lines
2.6 KiB

"spec_version": "v1.4",
"identifier": "HumanStuff",
"name": "HumanStuff",
"abstract": "A (Slightly More) Realistic Spacesuits, OVER 50 HUMAN SKIN TONE Heads & Staff Mod, NEEDS TextureReplacer as a Dependency. Uses up to 16K textures! Intended & Suggested For The Realism Overhaul, RealSolarSystem, & RP-1 Realistic Progression One Mod Families. Add more realistic visuals for: Recreations of \"Human\" face/hair features, Recreations of real life equipment, flags, patches & logo's , Recreations flight suits, IVA, EIVA, IVA space suites. \"Standard/base\" suit's only currently, not vintage or futuristic I will be adding \"mostly\" American/NASA & Russian/CCCP recreations, \"mostly\" chronologically in order. \"In service\" 1951 equip, Thats RP-1's (Realistic Progression One) Career Start date, moving towards \"current\" equipment, over time. European Space Agency (ESA) equipment & China National Space Administration (CNSA) equipment are planned inclusions. But only once I reach the 1983 and 2003 with the main focus nations.",
"author": "aazard",
"version": "1:v1.1.1",
"ksp_version_min": "1.7.3",
"ksp_version_max": "1.10.1",
"license": "CC-BY-SA-4.0",
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"spacedock": "",
"repository": "",
"x_screenshot": ""
"tags": [
"depends": [
"name": "ModuleManager"
"name": "TextureReplacer"
"supports": [
"name": "RealSolarSystem"
"name": "RealismOverhaul"
"name": "RP-0"
"install": [
"find": "GameData/HumanStuff",
"install_to": "GameData"
"find": "GameData/TextureReplacer",
"install_to": "GameData"
"download": "",
"download_size": 836306528,
"download_hash": {
"sha1": "D5A7F635BADE677779A98DDE64E5F5A967E3E4BC",
"sha256": "039323A2B473B8423D1726FFB2E4B2A318D8E3468390015A4EE1D94B982162E0"
"download_content_type": "application/zip",
"release_date": "2020-09-28T05:37:52.545152+00:00",
"x_generated_by": "netkan"