{ "spec_version": 1, "identifier": "SpaceProgramFunding", "name": "Space Program Funding", "abstract": "A mod for Kerbal Space Program that grants a funding allowance per month based on reputation. The funds can be spent on vessels, science points, building reputation (PR), or even saved for a big mission -- all with various benefits and limitations. Play the game like a real Space Program!", "author": "JoeBostic", "license": "MIT", "resources": { "homepage": "https://github.com/JoeBostic/SpaceProgramFunding/wiki", "repository": "https://github.com/JoeBostic/SpaceProgramFunding" }, "version": "v1.0.2", "ksp_version_min": "1.7.0", "ksp_version_max": "1.7.99", "conflicts": [ { "name": "MonthlyBudgets" } ], "download": "https://github.com/JoeBostic/SpaceProgramFunding/releases/download/v1.0.2/SpaceProgramFunding-1.0.2.zip", "download_size": 29753, "download_hash": { "sha1": "36ADD6BB6EC8B2F4E56445ECF1752256D9FC263D", "sha256": "34B8524E7E03C4243D5122816182FC26F32B321B4C7AC825D4BE42AD12702FD6" }, "download_content_type": "application/zip", "tags": [ "plugin", "career" ], "x_generated_by": "netkan" }