{ "spec_version": "v1.4", "identifier": "KOOSE", "name": "KOOSE", "abstract": "Originally planned as the Kerbal Out of Space Economically, the name was changed to Kerbal Orbital Operations Safety Equipment. The pod is a minimal reentry vehicle for a single Kerbal. A small deorbit charge is included as four small SRBs. RCS is available, and can be used to extend the deorbit deltaV if needed. A small radio beacon is included for no extra charge. Use with matching heatshield and parachute unit to maintain warranty.", "author": "TiktaalikDreaming", "license": "MIT", "resources": { "homepage": "https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/175857-14-koose-mini-reentry-pod-aka-escape-pod/", "spacedock": "https://spacedock.info/mod/1885/KOOSE", "repository": "https://github.com/TiktaalikDreaming/KOOSE", "x_screenshot": "https://spacedock.info/content/TiktaalikDreaming_235/KOOSE/KOOSE-1528783479.8641934.png" }, "version": "1.1.1", "ksp_version": "1.4.3", "install": [ { "find": "KOOSE", "install_to": "GameData" } ], "download": "https://spacedock.info/mod/1885/KOOSE/download/1.1.1", "download_size": 1616399, "download_hash": { "sha1": "901B2B16E1E2158F48E6FE9E3791D041627DCF2B", "sha256": "CA980048EE8C52AFAC4F343F7A6AD8B8AF3767FC1003C459C061DCCF1C38DD51" }, "download_content_type": "application/zip", "x_generated_by": "netkan" }