{ "spec_version": "v1.4", "identifier": "DuoPods", "name": "Duopods", "abstract": "So you got that first rescue contract but where to put your passenger? If you like to play stock, but need a 2 person command pod Duopods is for you. It consists of three 2 kerbal command pods: the mk1a is an extruded version of the MK1-2 bringing it to 1.25m. The mk1b is a larger version of the mk1 pod that measures 1.825 meters. Finally the mk1c is a restored version of StarVisions' legacy pod. Rebalanced and reworked cfg for KSP 1.2.2 Also included is a 1.825m heat shield. Requires Module Manager 2.7.5 or higher.", "author": "duopods", "license": "MIT", "resources": { "spacedock": "https://spacedock.info/mod/1222/Duopods", "x_screenshot": "https://spacedock.info/content/duopods_10573/Duopods/Duopods-1487592068.7861338.png" }, "version": "1.0", "ksp_version": "1.2.2", "install": [ { "filter": [ ".DS_Store", "__MACOSX" ], "install_to": "GameData", "find": "DuoPods" } ], "download": "https://spacedock.info/mod/1222/Duopods/download/1.0", "download_size": 11406422, "download_hash": { "sha1": "BFE3A17325E5B2919E7DC6EC81411FD70646CAF0", "sha256": "2A5691A8FD7A9D9060D9DD4B6E8E6F08A26C1F438AC081B53060D3A10C5FA3C6" }, "download_content_type": "application/zip", "x_via": "Automated Linuxgurugamer CKAN script", "x_generated_by": "netkan" }