{ "spec_version": "v1.4", "identifier": "NehemiahEngineeringOrbitalScience", "name": "Nehemiah Engineering Orbital Science", "abstract": "Nehemiah Engineering Orbital Science is a collection of orbital science experiments aimed at prolonged station keeping.", "description": "Nehemiah Engineering Orbital Science is a collection of orbital science experiments aimed at prolonged station keeping. It consists of three distinct sets of experiments:\n* Kemini Research Program (KRP) - early-game experiments run from within a capsule based on real-life experiments run during the Gemini program.\n* Kerbal Environmental Effects Study (KEES) - mid-game experiments for attaching to the outside of a small station based on real-life material exposure experiments run on the MIR station.\n* Orbital Station Science (OSS) - Kerbal Life Science (KLS) and Orbital Material Science (OMS) - late-game large-scale station experiments based on real-life ISS experiments. These require modular station construction and maintenance.\n\nAll of the experiments are designed to be run in the background while the player performs other missions.", "author": [ "N3h3miah", "Micha" ], "license": "GPL-3.0", "resources": { "homepage": "http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?showtopic=149298", "spacedock": "https://spacedock.info/mod/1393/Nehemiah%20Engineering%20Orbital%20Science", "repository": "https://github.com/mwerle/OrbitalMaterialScience", "bugtracker": "https://github.com/mwerle/OrbitalMaterialScience/issues" }, "version": "0.8.0", "ksp_version_min": "1.4.5", "ksp_version_max": "1.6.99", "provides": [ "NehemiahInc-Complete", "NehemiahScienceCommon", "NehemiahMultiPurposeParts", "KeminiResearchProgram", "KerbalEnvironmentalEffectsStudy", "KerbalLifeScience", "OrbitalMaterialScience" ], "depends": [ { "name": "ModuleManager" }, { "name": "KIS" } ], "recommends": [ { "name": "Corvus125mTwoKerbalPod" }, { "name": "K2CommandPodCont" }, { "name": "KerbalAlarmClock" } ], "suggests": [ { "name": "DockingPortAlignmentIndicator" }, { "name": "UniversalStorage2" } ], "supports": [ { "name": "ConnectedLivingSpace" } ], "conflicts": [ { "name": "KeminiResearchProgram" }, { "name": "KerbalEnvironmentalEffectsStudy" }, { "name": "KerbalLifeScience" }, { "name": "NehemiahInc-Complete" }, { "name": "NehemiahMultiPurposeParts" }, { "name": "NehemiahScienceCommon" }, { "name": "OrbitalMaterialScience" }, { "name": "Kerbalism" } ], "install": [ { "file": "NehemiahInc", "install_to": "GameData" } ], "download": "https://github.com/mwerle/OrbitalMaterialScience/releases/download/0.8.0/NehemiahEngineeringOrbitalScience_0.8.0.zip", "download_size": 17153471, "download_hash": { "sha1": "34FE92A29AA36161F57AD718964789CADD3F7D1E", "sha256": "89F43659609FE9C7FCDB3FE8BB050AB85D8E6561875E4ABB0ABB88C354E0E9D7" }, "download_content_type": "application/zip", "x_generated_by": "netkan" }