#!/bin/bash set -e # Default flags. KSP_VERSION_DEFAULT="1.0.2" KSP_NAME_DEFAULT="dummy" # Locations of CKAN and validation. LATEST_CKAN_URL="http://ckan-travis.s3.amazonaws.com/ckan.exe" LATEST_CKAN_VALIDATE="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/master/bin/ckan-validate.py" LATEST_CKAN_SCHEMA="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/master/CKAN.schema" LATEST_CKAN_META="https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN-meta/archive/master.tar.gz" # Third party utilities. JQ_PATH="jq" # ------------------------------------------------ # Function for creating dummy KSP directories to # test on. Takes version as an argument. # ------------------------------------------------ create_dummy_ksp () { KSP_VERSION=$KSP_VERSION_DEFAULT KSP_NAME=$KSP_NAME_DEFAULT # Set the version to the requested KSP version if supplied. if [ $# -eq 2 ] then KSP_VERSION=$1 KSP_NAME=$2 fi # TODO: Manual hack, a better way to handle this kind of identifiers may be needed. case $KSP_VERSION in "0.90") echo "Overiding '0.90' with '0.90.0'" KSP_VERSION="0.90.0" ;; "any") echo "Overriding any with $KSP_VERSION_DEFAULT" KSP_VERSION=$KSP_VERSION_DEFAULT ;; *) echo "No override, Running with $KSP_VERSION" ;; esac echo "Creating a dummy KSP $KSP_VERSION install" # Remove any existing KSP dummy install. if [ -d "dummy_ksp/" ] then rm -rf dummy_ksp fi # Create a new dummy KSP. mkdir dummy_ksp mkdir dummy_ksp/CKAN mkdir dummy_ksp/GameData mkdir dummy_ksp/Ships/ mkdir dummy_ksp/Ships/VAB mkdir dummy_ksp/Ships/SPH mkdir dummy_ksp/Ships/@thumbs mkdir dummy_ksp/Ships/@thumbs/VAB mkdir dummy_ksp/Ships/@thumbs/SPH echo "Version $KSP_VERSION" > dummy_ksp/readme.txt # Copy in resources. cp ckan.exe dummy_ksp/ckan.exe # Reset the Mono registry. if [ "$USER" = "jenkins" ] then REGISTRY_FILE=${HOME}/.mono/registry/CurrentUser/software/ckan/values.xml if [ -r $REGISTRY_FILE ] then rm -f $REGISTRY_FILE fi fi # Register the new dummy install. mono ckan.exe ksp add ${KSP_NAME} "`pwd`/dummy_ksp" # Set the instance to default. mono ckan.exe ksp default ${KSP_NAME} # Point to the local metadata instead of GitHub. mono ckan.exe repo add local "file://`pwd`/master.tar.gz" mono ckan.exe repo remove default # Link to the downloads cache. ln -s downloads_cache dummy_ksp/CKAN/downloads } # Find the changes to test. echo "Finding changes to test..." if [ -n $ghprbActualCommit ] then echo Commit hash: ${ghprbActualCommit} echo Changes in this commit: export COMMIT_CHANGES="`git diff --diff-filter=AM --name-only --stat origin/master`" echo ${COMMIT_CHANGES} else echo "No commit ID to test" exit 1 fi # CKAN Validation files wget --quiet $LATEST_CKAN_VALIDATE -O ckan-validate.py wget --quiet $LATEST_CKAN_SCHEMA -O CKAN.schema chmod a+x ckan-validate.py # fetch latest ckan.exe echo "Fetching latest ckan.exe" wget --quiet $LATEST_CKAN_URL -O ckan.exe # Fetch the latest metadata. echo "Fetching latest metadata" wget --quiet $LATEST_CKAN_META -O metadata.tar.gz # Create folders. # TODO: Point to cache folder here instead if possible. if [ ! -d "downloads_cache/" ] then mkdir downloads_cache fi for f in ${COMMIT_CHANGES} do # set -e doesn't apply inside an if block CKAN#1273 if [ "$f" = "build.sh" ]; then echo "Lets try not to validate our build script with CKAN" continue fi ./ckan-validate.py $f echo ---------------------------------------------- cat $f | python -m json.tool echo ---------------------------------------------- # Extract identifier and KSP version. CURRENT_IDENTIFIER=$($JQ_PATH '.identifier' $f) CURRENT_KSP_VERSION=$($JQ_PATH 'if .ksp_version then .ksp_version else .ksp_version_min end' $f) # Strip "'s. CURRENT_IDENTIFIER=${CURRENT_IDENTIFIER//'"'} CURRENT_KSP_VERSION=${CURRENT_KSP_VERSION//'"'} echo "Extracted $CURRENT_IDENTIFIER as identifier." echo "Extracted $CURRENT_KSP_VERSION as KSP version." # Create a dummy KSP install. create_dummy_ksp $CURRENT_KSP_VERSION $ghprbActualCommit echo "Running ckan update" mono ckan.exe update echo Running ckan install -c $f mono --debug ckan.exe install -c $f --headless # Show all installed mods. echo "Installed mods:" mono --debug ckan.exe list --porcelain # Check the installed files for this .ckan file. mono ckan.exe show $CURRENT_IDENTIFIER # Cleanup. mono ckan.exe ksp forget $KSP_NAME done