{ "spec_version": "v1.4", "identifier": "TheSendemiaSystem", "name": "The Sendemia System!", "abstract": "Sendemia is a mod that adds a fun system of three moons and a ring. Sendemia: A yellowish tylo-like world with a pink streak. Magnone: Not much to say about it, except it looks cool. Beppy: Bumpy yellow moon that provides a moderate challenge. Abagotia: Mini-Minmus. This is my first mod. Please contact me with any bugs on discord. Info in read me file.", "author": "Baactiba", "version": "1.7.3", "ksp_version": "1.7.3", "license": "CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0", "resources": { "homepage": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr0jPpVQQv1pNU-39unsaGQ?view_as=subscriber", "spacedock": "https://spacedock.info/mod/2281/The%20Sendemia%20System!", "x_screenshot": "https://spacedock.info/content/Baactiba_31904/The_Sendemia_System/The_Sendemia_System-1575220699.5406656.png" }, "tags": [ "config", "planet-pack" ], "depends": [ { "name": "ModuleManager" }, { "name": "Kopernicus" } ], "install": [ { "find": "Sendemia", "install_to": "GameData" } ], "download": "https://spacedock.info/mod/2281/The%20Sendemia%20System%21/download/1.7.3", "download_size": 28946340, "download_hash": { "sha1": "DAD8F1B57944C49306F98FA40ADE721EE5D7E0C9", "sha256": "E65464A09CEE1B64882FAC9FEBA78053D54AC4427CCFFFD135F80D668590A8DD" }, "download_content_type": "application/zip", "install_size": 30688364, "release_date": "2019-12-01T16:49:47.385379+00:00", "x_generated_by": "netkan" }