NetKAN generated mods - AGExt/AGExt-1.29c, AMEG/AMEG-1.1, AVeryKerbalChristmas/AVeryKerbalChristmas-1, Achievements/Achievements-1.8.0, ActiveStruts/ActiveStruts-1.1.1, ActiveTextureManagement-Aggressive/ActiveTextureManagement-Aggressive-A1.0_x86, ActiveTextureManagement/ActiveTextureManagement-1.0_x86, ActsEW/ActsEW-1.2, AdjustableLandingGear/AdjustableLandingGear-1.0.4, AdvancedFlyByWire-Linux/AdvancedFlyByWire-Linux-1.4.4, AdvancedFlyByWire/AdvancedFlyByWire-1.4.5, AdvancedJetEngine/AdvancedJetEngine-2.0.2, AerojetKerbodyne/AerojetKerbodyne-3.04, AlcubierreStandalone/AlcubierreStandalone-0.1.1, AlternateResourcePanel/AlternateResourcePanel-, AmbientLightAdjustment/AmbientLightAdjustment-, AnimatedDecouplers/AnimatedDecouplers-1.0.1.x64, AntennaRange/AntennaRange-1.7b, AutoAction/AutoAction-1.3, AutoAsparagus/AutoAsparagus-v0.8, AviationLights/AviationLights-3.7, B9/B9-R5.2.8, B9StyleShuttleWings/B9StyleShuttleWings-1.2, BDAnimationModules/BDAnimationModules-v0.5.2, BDArmory/BDArmory-, BackgroundProcessing/BackgroundProcessing-0.3.5, BahamutoDynamicsPartsPack/BahamutoDynamicsPartsPack-v1.1.1a, BetterBuoyancy/BetterBuoyancy-v1.0, BiggerLaunchpads/BiggerLaunchpads-0.5, Biza/Biza-1.0, BoxSat-prototypes/BoxSat-prototypes-A.02c, BoxSat/BoxSat-A.02c, CameraTools/CameraTools-1.2, Chatterer/Chatterer-0.8.0, CoherentContracts/CoherentContracts-1.02, CollisionFX/CollisionFX-2.1, ColorCodedCans/ColorCodedCans-0.4, CommunityResourcePack/CommunityResourcePack-0.3.2, CommunityTechTree/CommunityTechTree-1.1, ConnectedLivingSpace/ConnectedLivingSpace-, ContractConfigurator/ContractConfigurator-0.4.3, ContractsWindowPlus/ContractsWindowPlus-3.0, CrewFiles/CrewFiles-2.1, CrossFeedEnabler/CrossFeedEnabler-v3.2, CustomAsteroids-Pops-Stock-Inner/CustomAsteroids-Pops-Stock-Inner-v1.1.0, CustomAsteroids-Pops-Stock-Outer/CustomAsteroids-Pops-Stock-Outer-v1.1.0, CustomAsteroids/CustomAsteroids-v1.1.0, CustomBiomes-Data-RSS/CustomBiomes-Data-RSS-v8.5, CustomBiomes/CustomBiomes-v1.7.2, DMagicOrbitalScience/DMagicOrbitalScience-0.9.1, DangIt/DangIt-, DarkMultiPlayer/DarkMultiPlayer-v0.2.0.1, DavonSupplyMod/DavonSupplyMod-011, DavonTCsystemsMod/DavonTCsystemsMod-073, DeadlyReentry/DeadlyReentry-v6.4.0, DevHelper/DevHelper-0.6, DistantObject-RealSolarSystem/DistantObject-RealSolarSystem-v1.5.1, DistantObject-default/DistantObject-default-v1.5.1, DistantObject/DistantObject-v1.5.1, DogeCoinFlag/DogeCoinFlag-v1.02, EditorExtensions/EditorExtensions-2.5.1, EngineIgnitor-Unofficial-Repack/EngineIgnitor-Unofficial-Repack-, EnhancedNavBall/EnhancedNavBall-1.3.4, EntchenFlag/EntchenFlag-1.0, Entropy/Entropy-v0.4.1, EntropyRealChute/EntropyRealChute-v0.4.1, EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements-7-4, FASA/FASA-5.11, FASALaunchClamps/FASALaunchClamps-5.00, FMRS/FMRS-v0.3.01, FShangarExtender/FShangarExtender-2.0, FerramAerospaceResearch/FerramAerospaceResearch-v0.14.6, FinalFrontier/FinalFrontier-0.6.5-697, Firespitter/Firespitter-6.3.5, FreedomTex/FreedomTex-1.4, HandGliderStyleWings/HandGliderStyleWings-2.0, Hangar/Hangar-2.0.2, HangarExtender/HangarExtender-2.0, HaystackContinued/HaystackContinued-, HorizontalLandingAid/HorizontalLandingAid-2.1a, HullcamVDS/HullcamVDS-0.33, ImageViewer/ImageViewer-0.2.2, ImpossibleInnovations/ImpossibleInnovations-0.8.5, InFlightWaypoints/InFlightWaypoints-1.2.7, InfernalRobotics/InfernalRobotics-0.19.3, IntakeBuildAid/IntakeBuildAid-0.4, JackOLantern/JackOLantern-1, JsonKerman/JsonKerman-0.1.2-fixed, K2CommandPod/K2CommandPod-1.1, KASAIXSClassInterstellar/KASAIXSClassInterstellar-1.0, KASAIXSClassStock/KASAIXSClassStock-1.0, KASAIXSCommandModule/KASAIXSCommandModule-1.0, KASASpacedock/KASASpacedock-1.0, KASsuppliescontainers/KASsuppliescontainers-1.0, KDEX/KDEX-v1.04, KKPsMoarKerbals/KKPsMoarKerbals-1.1, KOSMOS-SSPP/KOSMOS-SSPP-0.14.02, KOSMOS-URM/KOSMOS-URM-0.14.02, KSPAPIExtensions/KSPAPIExtensions-v1.7.2, KSPIRC/KSPIRC-, KSPInterstellarLite/KSPInterstellarLite-v0.12.3, KSPTips/KSPTips-, KWRocketry/KWRocketry-2.6d2, Kaboom/Kaboom-1.1.0, Karbonite/Karbonite-0.5.1, KarbonitePlus/KarbonitePlus-0.3.0, KeepFit/KeepFit-, KerbalAdventure/KerbalAdventure-V1.0, KerbalAircraftExpansion/KerbalAircraftExpansion-v2.3.3, KerbalAlarmClock/KerbalAlarmClock-v3.1.2.0, KerbalConstructionTime/KerbalConstructionTime-1.1.2, KerbalEngineerRedux/KerbalEngineerRedux-, KerbalFlightData/KerbalFlightData-R15, KerbalFlightIndicators/KerbalFlightIndicators-R9, KerbalFoundries/KerbalFoundries-Alpha_1.7c, KerbalIspDifficultyScaler/KerbalIspDifficultyScaler-v1.4.2, KerbalJointReinforcement/KerbalJointReinforcement-v3.0.1, KerbalKonstructs/KerbalKonstructs-0.7.0, KerbalWeatherSystems/KerbalWeatherSystems-0.5.3-alpha, KerbalXMAS/KerbalXMAS-1.046, Kerbanomics/Kerbanomics-0.1.6, KerbinSide/KerbinSide-0.41, Kethane/Kethane-0.9.2, KineTechAnimation/KineTechAnimation-1.1.1, KronalVesselViewer/KronalVesselViewer-0.0.4_0.90.0, LandingHeight/LandingHeight-1.3, LowProfileMiscEngines/LowProfileMiscEngines-0.6, LunaticAeronauticsAntygravityRoom/LunaticAeronauticsAntygravityRoom-1.0, MarkIVSpaceplaneSystem/MarkIVSpaceplaneSystem-1.1.2, MemoryUsage/MemoryUsage-v1.11a, ModularRocketSystem/ModularRocketSystem-1.4.4, ModuleRCSFX/ModuleRCSFX-v3.4, NEAR/NEAR-v1.3.1, NanoGauges/NanoGauges-0.5.26-681, NavHud/NavHud-1.1.4, NavUtilities/NavUtilities-0.5_RC_3, NavballDockingIndicator/NavballDockingIndicator-6, NearFutureConstruction/NearFutureConstruction-0.4.0, NearFutureElectrical/NearFutureElectrical-0.3.1, NearFutureProps/NearFutureProps-0.3.1, NearFuturePropulsion/NearFuturePropulsion-0.4.0, NearFutureSolar/NearFutureSolar-0.4.0, NearFutureSpacecraft/NearFutureSpacecraft-0.3.1, NebulaEVAHandrails/NebulaEVAHandrails-1.1, NoMoreGrind/NoMoreGrind-1.2, NovaPunch/NovaPunch-2.08, ORSX/ORSX-0.1.3, OrbitalMaterialScience/OrbitalMaterialScience-0.5.1, Ox-IAConverter/Ox-IAConverter-1.0, PilotAssistant/PilotAssistant-, PlanetShine/PlanetShine-, ProceduralDynamics/ProceduralDynamics-v0.9.3, ProceduralFairings/ProceduralFairings-v3.11, Proton-Bobcat/Proton-Bobcat-1.0, QuantumStrutsContinued/QuantumStrutsContinued-1.2, QuickExit/QuickExit-v1.10, QuickHide/QuickHide-v1.01, QuickRevert/QuickRevert-v1.11, QuickScroll/QuickScroll-v1.01, QuickSearch/QuickSearch-v0.10, RCSLandAid/RCSLandAid-2.1a, RFStockalike/RFStockalike-v2.0.6, RKE-Joystick/RKE-Joystick-1.0.5, RLA-Stockalike/RLA-Stockalike-12.1, RP-0/RP-0-v0.19, RandSCapsuledyne/RandSCapsuledyne-1.4.0, RasterPropMonitor-Core/RasterPropMonitor-Core-v0.18.3, RasterPropMonitor/RasterPropMonitor-v0.18.3, RealChute/RealChute-, RealEffects/RealEffects-1.0, RealFuels/RealFuels-rf-v8.3, RealPlume/RealPlume-v7.0.5, RealRoster/RealRoster-v2.1, RealSolarSystem/RealSolarSystem-v8.5, Regolith/Regolith-0.1.2, RemoteTech/RemoteTech-v1.5.2, ResGen/ResGen-0.28.2, RetroFuture/RetroFuture-v1.7.2b, RoutineMissionManager/RoutineMissionManager-006, RoversNOthers-Set1/RoversNOthers-Set1-1.2, RoversNOthers-Set2/RoversNOthers-Set2-1.0, RoversNOthers-Set3/RoversNOthers-Set3-0.5, SAVE/SAVE-0.9.14-335, SCANsat/SCANsat-8.1, SDHI-ServiceModuleSystem/SDHI-ServiceModuleSystem-v2.4, SP314CircularSolarPanel/SP314CircularSolarPanel-1.1, SRL/SRL-v1.33, SXT/SXT-19, SafeChute/SafeChute-1.6, ScienceAlert/ScienceAlert-1.8.4, ScienceFunding/ScienceFunding-1.0, SerialIO/SerialIO-0.16.1, SeriousKerbalBusiness/SeriousKerbalBusiness-0.6, ShipManifest/ShipManifest-ShipManifest., ShowAllFuels/ShowAllFuels-1, SmartParts/SmartParts-v2.0.4, SmartStage/SmartStage-v2.5.0, Snacks/Snacks-v0.3.3alpha, SovietEngines/SovietEngines-1.0, SpaceTug/SpaceTug-DEV_0.4e, SpaceY-Lifters/SpaceY-Lifters-0.7, SpannersBoomsticks/SpannersBoomsticks-, StationPartsExpansion/StationPartsExpansion-0.2.1, StockBugFixModules/StockBugFixModules-v0.1.7c, StockDragFix/StockDragFix-1.1, StockPlugins/StockPlugins-v1.01, StockRT/StockRT-v1.20, Strategem/Strategem-1.1, TACLS-Config-RealismOverhaul/TACLS-Config-RealismOverhaul-v7.0.5, TACLS-Config-Stock/TACLS-Config-Stock-v0.10.1, TACLS/TACLS-v0.10.1, TWR1/TWR1-1.16a, TacFuelBalancer/TacFuelBalancer-v2.4.1, Tantares/Tantares-13.1, TechManager/TechManager-1.5, Telemachus/Telemachus-v1.4.26.0, TextureReplacer/TextureReplacer-2.1.2, TimeControl/TimeControl-13.2, ToadicusTools/ToadicusTools-3, Trajectories/Trajectories-1.1.2, TriggerAu-Flags/TriggerAu-Flags-, TweakableEverything/TweakableEverything-1.7, UniversalStorage-ECLSS/UniversalStorage-ECLSS-1.0.0, UniversalStorage-IFI/UniversalStorage-IFI-1.0.0, UniversalStorage-KAS/UniversalStorage-KAS-1.0.0, UniversalStorage-SNACKS/UniversalStorage-SNACKS-1.0.0, UniversalStorage-TAC/UniversalStorage-TAC-1.0.0, UniversalStorage/UniversalStorage-, VOID/VOID-0.16.4, VerticalPropulsionEmporium/VerticalPropulsionEmporium-v0.20a, VirginKalactic-NodeToggle/VirginKalactic-NodeToggle-1.6.1, ZeroPointInlineFairings-Lite/ZeroPointInlineFairings-Lite-0.9, ZeroPointInlineFairings/ZeroPointInlineFairings-0.9.1, kOS/kOS-0.15.5, kgnosecones/kgnosecones-1.2, mk2inlineairintake/mk2inlineairintake-0.9, mk2miscpartsandengines/mk2miscpartsandengines-0.1, notes/notes-0.10.1

This commit is contained in:
NetKAN bot 2015-01-05 14:56:14 +01:00
parent 7934d016e7
commit b2731f2ee5
238 changed files with 6409 additions and 6036 deletions

AGExt/AGExt-1.29c.ckan Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
"spec_version": 1,
"name": "Action Groups Extended",
"identifier": "AGExt",
"author": "Diazo",
"abstract": "Increases the number of action groups to 250 and allows in-flight editing.",
"license": "GPL-3.0",
"release_status": "stable",
"ksp_version": "0.90",
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"repository": ""
"depends": [
"name": "ModuleManager"
"recommends": [
"name": "Toolbar"
"install": [
"file": "GameData/Diazo",
"install_to": "GameData"
"x_supports": [
"name": "SCANsat"
"name": "Kethane"
"name": "FerramAerospaceResearch"
"name": "Firespitter"
"name": "InfernalRobotics"
"name": "TACLS"
"name": "WarpPlugin"
"version": "1.29c",
"download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 72141

View File

@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "AMEG", "identifier": "AMEG",
"author": "Justin Kerbice", "author": "Justin Kerbice",
"license": "restricted", "license": "restricted",
"release_status": "stable", "release_status": "stable",
"ksp_version_min": "0.23", "ksp_version_min": "0.23",
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "GameData/Kerbice Group", "file": "GameData/Kerbice Group",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"name": "AMEG", "name": "AMEG",
"abstract": "Anti-matter based Electric Generator (AMEG), fUel Generator (AMUG) and manY stuffes Generator (AMYG)", "abstract": "Anti-matter based Electric Generator (AMEG), fUel Generator (AMUG) and manY stuffes Generator (AMYG)",
"version": "1.1", "version": "1.1",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 2481555 "download_size": 2481555
} }

View File

@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "AVeryKerbalChristmas", "identifier": "AVeryKerbalChristmas",
"x_netkan_license_ok": true, "x_netkan_license_ok": true,
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "MP_Nazari", "file": "MP_Nazari",
"install_to": "GameData", "install_to": "GameData",
"filter": "Firespitter" "filter": "Firespitter"
} }
], ],
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "FirespitterCore" "name": "FirespitterCore"
} }
], ],
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "A Very Kerbal Christmas", "name": "A Very Kerbal Christmas",
"license": "MIT", "license": "MIT",
"abstract": "Explosive Holiday Fun", "abstract": "Explosive Holiday Fun",
"author": "nazari", "author": "nazari",
"version": "1", "version": "1",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 521321 "download_size": 521321
} }

View File

@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "Achievements", "identifier": "Achievements",
"license": "GPL-3.0", "license": "GPL-3.0",
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "GameData/Achievements", "file": "GameData/Achievements",
"install_to": "GameData", "install_to": "GameData",
"filter": "000_Toolbar" "filter": "000_Toolbar"
} }
], ],
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "Toolbar" "name": "Toolbar"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "KSP Achievements", "name": "KSP Achievements",
"abstract": "145 Achievements you can get playing Kerbal Space Program.", "abstract": "145 Achievements you can get playing Kerbal Space Program.",
"author": "Malkuth74", "author": "Malkuth74",
"version": "1.8.0", "version": "1.8.0",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 1388409 "download_size": 1388409
} }

View File

@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
{ {
"spec_version": "v1.4", "spec_version": "v1.4",
"identifier": "ActiveStruts", "identifier": "ActiveStruts",
"name": "CIT - ActiveStruts", "name": "CIT - ActiveStruts",
"author": "marce", "author": "marce",
"abstract": "Allows struts to be created and removed in the editor & in flight. Plus automatic strutting, flexible struts and a Kerbal-Tether", "abstract": "Allows struts to be created and removed in the editor & in flight. Plus automatic strutting, flexible struts and a Kerbal-Tether",
"license": "CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0", "license": "CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0",
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "CIT-Util" "name": "CIT-Util"
} }
], ],
"suggests": [ "suggests": [
{ {
"name": "KAS" "name": "KAS"
} }
], ],
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "CIT/ActiveStruts", "file": "CIT/ActiveStruts",
"install_to": "GameData/CIT" "install_to": "GameData/CIT"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "" "homepage": ""
}, },
"download": "", "download": "",
"version": "1.1.1", "version": "1.1.1",
"ksp_version": "0.90.0" "ksp_version": "0.90.0"
} }

View File

@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "ActiveTextureManagement-Aggressive", "identifier": "ActiveTextureManagement-Aggressive",
"name": "Active Texture Management (Aggressive)", "name": "Active Texture Management (Aggressive)",
"x_netkan_license_ok": true, "x_netkan_license_ok": true,
"conflicts": [ "conflicts": [
{ {
"name": "ActiveTextureManagement" "name": "ActiveTextureManagement"
} }
], ],
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "GameData/ActiveTextureManagement", "file": "GameData/ActiveTextureManagement",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "!", "homepage": "!",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"license": "MIT", "license": "MIT",
"abstract": "x86 Agressive texture compression to DXT1 and DXT5 ", "abstract": "x86 Agressive texture compression to DXT1 and DXT5 ",
"author": "Teonlight", "author": "Teonlight",
"version": "A1.0_x86", "version": "A1.0_x86",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 78757 "download_size": 78757
} }

View File

@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "ActiveTextureManagement", "identifier": "ActiveTextureManagement",
"x_netkan_license_ok": true, "x_netkan_license_ok": true,
"conflicts": [ "conflicts": [
{ {
"name": "ActiveTextureManagement-Aggressive" "name": "ActiveTextureManagement-Aggressive"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "!", "homepage": "!",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "Active Texture Management", "name": "Active Texture Management",
"license": "MIT", "license": "MIT",
"abstract": "x86 basic texture compression to DXT1 and DXT5", "abstract": "x86 basic texture compression to DXT1 and DXT5",
"author": "Teonlight", "author": "Teonlight",
"version": "1.0_x86", "version": "1.0_x86",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 78754 "download_size": 78754
} }

View File

@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"name": "Actions Everywhere", "name": "Actions Everywhere",
"identifier": "ActsEW", "identifier": "ActsEW",
"abstract": "Add mouse only actions from right-click menu to action groups, including resource locking and cross-feeding", "abstract": "Add mouse only actions from right-click menu to action groups, including resource locking and cross-feeding",
"license": "GPL-3.0", "license": "GPL-3.0",
"release_status": "stable", "release_status": "stable",
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"author": "Diazo", "author": "Diazo",
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"repository": "" "repository": ""
}, },
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "ModuleManager" "name": "ModuleManager"
} }
], ],
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "GameData/Diazo", "file": "GameData/Diazo",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"version": "1.2", "version": "1.2",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 7336 "download_size": 7336
} }

View File

@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "AdjustableLandingGear", "identifier": "AdjustableLandingGear",
"license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0", "license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0",
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "BDAnimationModules" "name": "BDAnimationModules"
"name": "FirespitterCore"
"install": [
"file": "GameData/BahaSP",
"install_to": "GameData",
"filter": "Plugins",
"comment": "Plugins is the folder where BDAnimationModules is installed"
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
{ "ksp_version": "0.25",
"name": "FirespitterCore" "name": "Adjustable Landing Gear",
} "abstract": "Landing gear the way you want it!",
], "author": "BahamutoD",
"install": [ "version": "1.0.4",
{ "download": "",
"file": "GameData/BahaSP", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"install_to": "GameData", "download_size": 1919578
"filter": "Plugins",
"comment": "Plugins is the folder where BDAnimationModules is installed"
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": ""
"ksp_version": "0.25",
"name": "Adjustable Landing Gear",
"abstract": "Landing gear the way you want it!",
"author": "BahamutoD",
"version": "1.0.4",
"download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 1919578
} }

View File

@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "AdvancedFlyByWire-Linux", "identifier": "AdvancedFlyByWire-Linux",
"release_status": "stable", "release_status": "stable",
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"repository": "", "repository": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "GameData/ksp-advanced-flybywire", "file": "GameData/ksp-advanced-flybywire",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "Toolbar" "name": "Toolbar"
} }
], ],
"conflicts": [ "conflicts": [
{ {
"name": "AdvancedFlyByWire" "name": "AdvancedFlyByWire"
} }
], ],
"x_netkan_license_ok": true, "x_netkan_license_ok": true,
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "Advanced Fly-By-Wire (Linux version)", "name": "Advanced Fly-By-Wire (Linux version)",
"license": "MIT", "license": "MIT",
"abstract": "Linux version of the AFBW mod", "abstract": "Linux version of the AFBW mod",
"author": "nlight", "author": "nlight",
"version": "1.4.4", "version": "1.4.4",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 121988 "download_size": 121988
} }

View File

@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"name": "Advanced Fly-By-Wire (Windows, x86)", "name": "Advanced Fly-By-Wire (Windows, x86)",
"abstract": "Joystick & controller mod with multiple presets and in-flight controls binding!", "abstract": "Joystick & controller mod with multiple presets and in-flight controls binding!",
"identifier": "AdvancedFlyByWire", "identifier": "AdvancedFlyByWire",
"release_status": "stable", "release_status": "stable",
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"repository": "", "repository": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
"install": [
"file": "SDL2.dll",
"install_to": "GameRoot"
}, },
{ "install": [
"file": "SDL_LICENSE", {
"install_to": "GameRoot" "file": "SDL2.dll",
}, "install_to": "GameRoot"
{ },
"install_to": "GameRoot" "file": "SDL_LICENSE",
}, "install_to": "GameRoot"
{ },
"file": "XInputInterface.dll", {
"install_to": "GameRoot" "file": "XINPUTDOTNET_LICENSE",
}, "install_to": "GameRoot"
{ },
"file": "GameData/ksp-advanced-flybywire", {
"install_to": "GameData" "file": "XInputInterface.dll",
} "install_to": "GameRoot"
], },
"depends": [ {
{ "file": "GameData/ksp-advanced-flybywire",
"name": "Toolbar" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"recommends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "KSP-AVC" "name": "Toolbar"
} }
], ],
"conflicts": [ "recommends": [
{ {
"name": "AdvancedFlyByWire-linux" "name": "KSP-AVC"
} }
], ],
"x_netkan_license_ok": true, "conflicts": [
"ksp_version": "0.90", {
"license": "MIT", "name": "AdvancedFlyByWire-linux"
"author": "nlight", }
"version": "1.4.5", ],
"download": "", "x_netkan_license_ok": true,
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"download_size": 715498 "license": "MIT",
"author": "nlight",
"version": "1.4.5",
"download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 715498
} }

View File

@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
{ {
"identifier": "AdvancedJetEngine", "identifier": "AdvancedJetEngine",
"license": "LGPL-2.1", "license": "LGPL-2.1",
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "FerramAerospaceResearch" "name": "FerramAerospaceResearch"
"name": "ModuleManager"
"recommends": [
"name": "RealFuels"
"name": "HotRockets"
"install": [
"file": "AJE-solver_redo/GameData/AJE",
"install_to": "GameData/AJE"
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
{ "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "ModuleManager" "name": "Advanced Jet Engine",
} "abstract": "Realism for turbojet, turbofans, air-breathing rockets, propellers and rotors in KSP.",
], "author": "camlost",
"recommends": [ "version": "2.0.2",
{ "download": "",
"name": "RealFuels" "x_generated_by": "netkan",
}, "download_size": 929713
"name": "HotRockets"
"install": [
"file": "AJE-solver_redo/GameData/AJE",
"install_to": "GameData/AJE"
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": ""
"ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "Advanced Jet Engine",
"abstract": "Realism for turbojet, turbofans, air-breathing rockets, propellers and rotors in KSP.",
"author": "camlost",
"version": "2.0.2",
"download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 929713
} }

View File

@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "AerojetKerbodyne", "identifier": "AerojetKerbodyne",
"license": "CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0", "license": "CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0",
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "GameData/AerojetKerbodyne", "file": "GameData/AerojetKerbodyne",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "FirespitterCore" "name": "FirespitterCore"
"name": "TweakScale"
"name": "VirginKalactic-NodeToggle"
"recommends": [
"name": "SmokeScreen"
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
{ "ksp_version": "0.25",
"name": "TweakScale" "name": "Aerojet Kerbodyne",
}, "abstract": "A set of Service Modules which are modular and can be used how ever you like.",
{ "author": "blackheart612",
"name": "VirginKalactic-NodeToggle" "version": "3.04",
} "download": "",
], "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"recommends": [ "download_size": 9529434
"name": "SmokeScreen"
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": ""
"ksp_version": "0.25",
"name": "Aerojet Kerbodyne",
"abstract": "A set of Service Modules which are modular and can be used how ever you like.",
"author": "blackheart612",
"version": "3.04",
"download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 9529434
} }

View File

@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "AlcubierreStandalone", "identifier": "AlcubierreStandalone",
"author": "RoverDude", "author": "RoverDude",
"name": "Alcubierre Warp Drive (Stand-alone)", "name": "Alcubierre Warp Drive (Stand-alone)",
"abstract": "The Alcubierre drive works by moving space around your ship, not through acceleration.", "abstract": "The Alcubierre drive works by moving space around your ship, not through acceleration.",
"license": "CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0", "license": "CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0",
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"repository": "" "repository": ""
}, },
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries", "file": "GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "Regolith" "name": "Regolith"
} }
], ],
"version": "0.1.1", "version": "0.1.1",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 1441068 "download_size": 1441068
} }

View File

@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
{ {
"spec_version": "v1.4", "spec_version": "v1.4",
"name": "Alternate Resource Panel", "name": "Alternate Resource Panel",
"identifier": "AlternateResourcePanel", "identifier": "AlternateResourcePanel",
"abstract": "An alternate view of vessel resources plugin for Kerbal Space Program", "abstract": "An alternate view of vessel resources plugin for Kerbal Space Program",
"license": "MIT", "license": "MIT",
"release_status": "stable", "release_status": "stable",
"author": "TriggerAu", "author": "TriggerAu",
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"license": "", "license": "",
"repository": "", "repository": "",
"kerbalstuff": "", "kerbalstuff": "",
"manual": "", "manual": "",
"x_curse": "" "x_curse": ""
}, },
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"find": "KSPAlternateResourcePanel", "find": "KSPAlternateResourcePanel",
"install_to": "GameData/TriggerTech" "install_to": "GameData/TriggerTech"
} }
], ],
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"version": "", "version": "",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 295477 "download_size": 295477
} }

View File

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "AmbientLightAdjustment", "identifier": "AmbientLightAdjustment",
"license": "GPL-3.0", "license": "GPL-3.0",
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "Ambient Light Adjustment", "name": "Ambient Light Adjustment",
"abstract": "Allows to adjust the ambient lighting on the fly in the flight scene", "abstract": "Allows to adjust the ambient lighting on the fly in the flight scene",
"author": "timmers_uk", "author": "timmers_uk",
"version": "", "version": "",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 141245 "download_size": 141245
} }

View File

@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "AnimatedDecouplers", "identifier": "AnimatedDecouplers",
"name": "Animated Decouplers", "name": "Animated Decouplers",
"abstract": "Extensions of KSP's decouplers that play animations.", "abstract": "Extensions of KSP's decouplers that play animations.",
"license": "CC-BY-SA-4.0", "license": "CC-BY-SA-4.0",
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"resources": { "resources": {
"repository": "" "repository": ""
}, },
"author": "Starwaster", "author": "Starwaster",
"version": "1.0.1.x64", "version": "1.0.1.x64",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 4225 "download_size": 4225
} }

View File

@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "AntennaRange", "identifier": "AntennaRange",
"license": "BSD-3-clause", "license": "BSD-3-clause",
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "GameData/AntennaRange", "file": "GameData/AntennaRange",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "ModuleManager" "name": "ModuleManager"
"name": "ToadicusTools"
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
{ "name": "AntennaRange",
"name": "ToadicusTools" "abstract": "Enforce and Encourage Antenna Diversity",
} "author": "toadicus",
], "version": "1.7b",
"resources": { "download": "",
"homepage": "", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"kerbalstuff": "" "download_size": 155472
"name": "AntennaRange",
"abstract": "Enforce and Encourage Antenna Diversity",
"author": "toadicus",
"version": "1.7b",
"download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 155472
} }

View File

@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "AutoAction", "identifier": "AutoAction",
"name": "Auto Action", "name": "Auto Action",
"abstract": "Automatically activate action groups (and RCS/SAS) on vessel launch", "abstract": "Automatically activate action groups (and RCS/SAS) on vessel launch",
"license": "GPL-3.0", "license": "GPL-3.0",
"release_status": "stable", "release_status": "stable",
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"author": "Diazo", "author": "Diazo",
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "ModuleManager" "name": "ModuleManager"
} }
], ],
"suggests": [ "suggests": [
{ {
"name": "Toolbar" "name": "Toolbar"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"repository": "" "repository": ""
}, },
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "GameData/Diazo", "file": "GameData/Diazo",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"version": "1.3", "version": "1.3",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 16565 "download_size": 16565
} }

View File

@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "AutoAsparagus", "identifier": "AutoAsparagus",
"license": "Apache-2.0", "license": "Apache-2.0",
"resources": { "resources": {
"bugtracker": "", "bugtracker": "",
"repository": "", "repository": "",
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "AutoAsparagus", "name": "AutoAsparagus",
"abstract": "Asparagus staging is awesome, but tedious. So, I built a plugin to do it for me! ", "abstract": "Asparagus staging is awesome, but tedious. So, I built a plugin to do it for me! ",
"author": "hab136", "author": "hab136",
"version": "v0.8", "version": "v0.8",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 25536 "download_size": 25536
} }

View File

@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "AviationLights", "identifier": "AviationLights",
"license": "CC-BY-NC-SA", "license": "CC-BY-NC-SA",
"x_netkan_license_ok": true, "x_netkan_license_ok": true,
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "Aviation Lights", "name": "Aviation Lights",
"abstract": "This mod adds modern aviation style navigation-/warningligths to the game.", "abstract": "This mod adds modern aviation style navigation-/warningligths to the game.",
"author": "BigNose", "author": "BigNose",
"version": "3.7", "version": "3.7",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 293986 "download_size": 293986
} }

View File

@ -1,64 +1,64 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "B9", "identifier": "B9",
"license": "CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0", "license": "CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0",
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "CrossFeedEnabler" "name": "CrossFeedEnabler"
"name": "FirespitterCore"
"name": "KineTechAnimation"
"name": "KlockheedMartian-Gimbal"
"name": "ModuleManager",
"min_version": "2.5.1"
"name": "RasterPropMonitor-Core"
"name": "ResGen"
"name": "VirginKalactic-NodeToggle"
"recommends": [
"name": "HotRockets"
"name": "AerodynamicModel"
"install": [
"file": "GameData/B9_Aerospace",
"install_to": "GameData"
"file": "Ships",
"install_to": "Ships",
"optional": true,
"description": "B9 example crafts"
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
{ "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "FirespitterCore" "name": "B9 Aerospace Pack",
}, "abstract": "Essential and enormous set of structural, control, propulsion, command and utility parts for aerospace designs.",
{ "author": "bac9",
"name": "KineTechAnimation" "version": "R5.2.8",
}, "download": "",
{ "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"name": "KlockheedMartian-Gimbal" "download_size": 69326319
"name": "ModuleManager",
"min_version": "2.5.1"
"name": "RasterPropMonitor-Core"
"name": "ResGen"
"name": "VirginKalactic-NodeToggle"
"recommends": [
"name": "HotRockets"
"name": "AerodynamicModel"
"install": [
"file": "GameData/B9_Aerospace",
"install_to": "GameData"
"file": "Ships",
"install_to": "Ships",
"optional": true,
"description": "B9 example crafts"
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": ""
"ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "B9 Aerospace Pack",
"abstract": "Essential and enormous set of structural, control, propulsion, command and utility parts for aerospace designs.",
"author": "bac9",
"version": "R5.2.8",
"download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 69326319
} }

View File

@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
{ {
"identifier": "B9StyleShuttleWings", "identifier": "B9StyleShuttleWings",
"license": "CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0", "license": "CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0",
"spec_version": "v1.4", "spec_version": "v1.4",
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "GilB9Shuttle_Wings", "file": "GilB9Shuttle_Wings",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "B9 Style Shuttle Wings", "name": "B9 Style Shuttle Wings",
"abstract": "I introduce to you the most high-tech scrap, THE SHUTTLE WINGS B9 STYLE", "abstract": "I introduce to you the most high-tech scrap, THE SHUTTLE WINGS B9 STYLE",
"author": "gilbr0ther", "author": "gilbr0ther",
"version": "1.2", "version": "1.2",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 741218 "download_size": 741218
} }

View File

@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "BDAnimationModules", "identifier": "BDAnimationModules",
"name": "BahamutoD Animation Modules", "name": "BahamutoD Animation Modules",
"abstract": "Animation modules plugin for KSP", "abstract": "Animation modules plugin for KSP",
"license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0", "license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0",
"ksp_version": "0.25", "ksp_version": "0.25",
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "GameData/BahaSP", "file": "GameData/BahaSP",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"repository": "" "repository": ""
}, },
"author": "BahamutoD", "author": "BahamutoD",
"version": "v0.5.2", "version": "v0.5.2",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 23871 "download_size": 23871
} }

View File

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "BDArmory", "identifier": "BDArmory",
"license": "CC-BY-SA-2.0", "license": "CC-BY-SA-2.0",
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "'s%20Armory" "kerbalstuff": "'s%20Armory"
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.25", "ksp_version": "0.25",
"name": "BahamutoD's Armory", "name": "BahamutoD's Armory",
"abstract": "Adds gun turrets, missiles, bombs, etc. ", "abstract": "Adds gun turrets, missiles, bombs, etc. ",
"author": "BahamutoD", "author": "BahamutoD",
"version": "", "version": "",
"download": "'s%20Armory/download/", "download": "'s%20Armory/download/",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 15097877 "download_size": 15097877
} }

View File

@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "BackgroundProcessing", "identifier": "BackgroundProcessing",
"x_netkan_license_ok": true, "x_netkan_license_ok": true,
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "BackgroundProcessing.dll", "file": "BackgroundProcessing.dll",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "BackgroundProcessing", "name": "BackgroundProcessing",
"license": "MIT", "license": "MIT",
"abstract": "Addon to handle some resources for unloaded vessels and provide modded parts the ability to perform processing on unloaded vessels.", "abstract": "Addon to handle some resources for unloaded vessels and provide modded parts the ability to perform processing on unloaded vessels.",
"author": "jamespicone", "author": "jamespicone",
"version": "0.3.5", "version": "0.3.5",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 9936 "download_size": 9936
} }

View File

@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "BahamutoDynamicsPartsPack", "identifier": "BahamutoDynamicsPartsPack",
"license": "CC-BY-SA", "license": "CC-BY-SA",
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "BDAnimationModules" "name": "BDAnimationModules"
} }
], ],
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "BahaSP", "file": "BahaSP",
"install_to": "GameData", "install_to": "GameData",
"filter": "Plugins", "filter": "Plugins",
"comment": "Plugins is the folder where BDAnimationModules is installed" "comment": "Plugins is the folder where BDAnimationModules is installed"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.24.2", "ksp_version": "0.24.2",
"name": "Bahamuto Dynamics (Parts pack)", "name": "Bahamuto Dynamics (Parts pack)",
"abstract": "Adds retractable engines, thrust vectoring jets, and that silly critter crawler.", "abstract": "Adds retractable engines, thrust vectoring jets, and that silly critter crawler.",
"author": "BahamutoD", "author": "BahamutoD",
"version": "v1.1.1a", "version": "v1.1.1a",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 9135244 "download_size": 9135244
} }

View File

@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "BetterBuoyancy", "identifier": "BetterBuoyancy",
"name": "Better Buoyancy", "name": "Better Buoyancy",
"abstract": "Double precision measurements for buoyancy", "abstract": "Double precision measurements for buoyancy",
"license": "restricted", "license": "restricted",
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"resources": { "resources": {
"repository": "" "repository": ""
}, },
"author": "ferram4", "author": "ferram4",
"version": "v1.0", "version": "v1.0",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 30163 "download_size": 30163
} }

View File

@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "BiggerLaunchpads", "identifier": "BiggerLaunchpads",
"license": "restricted", "license": "restricted",
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "GameData/KerbiceBuildings", "file": "GameData/KerbiceBuildings",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.25", "ksp_version": "0.25",
"name": "Bigger Launchpads", "name": "Bigger Launchpads",
"abstract": "Launch gigantic rockets without any kind of trouble !", "abstract": "Launch gigantic rockets without any kind of trouble !",
"author": "KerbiceGroup", "author": "KerbiceGroup",
"version": "0.5", "version": "0.5",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 2133647 "download_size": 2133647
} }

View File

@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "Biza", "identifier": "Biza",
"license": "restricted", "license": "restricted",
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "GameData/Kerbice Group", "file": "GameData/Kerbice Group",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"suggests": [ "suggests": [
{ {
"name": "EditorExtensions" "name": "EditorExtensions"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": ",%20or%20Biza" "kerbalstuff": ",%20or%20Biza"
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "Bizarre Command Pod, or Biza", "name": "Bizarre Command Pod, or Biza",
"abstract": "This is an ultra lightweight command pod made for five kerbals, one pilot and four passengers/pilot substitute :). It offer a large number of flat surfaces outside to attach everything you need (solar panels, batteries, science sensors, ...).", "abstract": "This is an ultra lightweight command pod made for five kerbals, one pilot and four passengers/pilot substitute :). It offer a large number of flat surfaces outside to attach everything you need (solar panels, batteries, science sensors, ...).",
"author": "KerbiceGroup", "author": "KerbiceGroup",
"version": "1.0", "version": "1.0",
"download": ",%20or%20Biza/download/1.0", "download": ",%20or%20Biza/download/1.0",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 1749927 "download_size": 1749927
} }

View File

@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
{ {
"spec_version": "v1.4", "spec_version": "v1.4",
"identifier": "BoxSat-prototypes", "identifier": "BoxSat-prototypes",
"name": "BoxSat prototype parts", "name": "BoxSat prototype parts",
"release_status": "development", "release_status": "development",
"license": "restricted", "license": "restricted",
"x_netkan_license_ok": true, "x_netkan_license_ok": true,
"resources": { "resources": {
"x_curse": "", "x_curse": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"find": "BoxSat prototypes", "find": "BoxSat prototypes",
"install_to": "GameData", "install_to": "GameData",
"filter": [ "filter": [
".DS_Store" ".DS_Store"
] ]
} }
], ],
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"abstract": "A modular, stackable, serviceable, & customizable satellite in a box! ", "abstract": "A modular, stackable, serviceable, & customizable satellite in a box! ",
"author": "DasPenguin85", "author": "DasPenguin85",
"version": "A.02c", "version": "A.02c",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 16021703 "download_size": 16021703
} }

View File

@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
{ {
"spec_version": "v1.4", "spec_version": "v1.4",
"identifier": "BoxSat", "identifier": "BoxSat",
"license": "restricted", "license": "restricted",
"x_netkan_license_ok": true, "x_netkan_license_ok": true,
"resources": { "resources": {
"x_curse": "", "x_curse": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"find": "BoxSat alpha", "find": "BoxSat alpha",
"install_to": "GameData", "install_to": "GameData",
"filter": [ "filter": [
".DS_Store" ".DS_Store"
] ]
} }
], ],
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "BoxSat", "name": "BoxSat",
"abstract": "A modular, stackable, serviceable, & customizable satellite in a box! ", "abstract": "A modular, stackable, serviceable, & customizable satellite in a box! ",
"author": "DasPenguin85", "author": "DasPenguin85",
"version": "A.02c", "version": "A.02c",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 16021703 "download_size": 16021703
} }

View File

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "CameraTools", "identifier": "CameraTools",
"license": "GPL-3.0", "license": "GPL-3.0",
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.25", "ksp_version": "0.25",
"name": "Camera Tools", "name": "Camera Tools",
"abstract": "This mod adds a tool that you can use to achieve various camera angles. It's helpful for getting cool shots for cinematics.", "abstract": "This mod adds a tool that you can use to achieve various camera angles. It's helpful for getting cool shots for cinematics.",
"author": "BahamutoD", "author": "BahamutoD",
"version": "1.2", "version": "1.2",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 12239 "download_size": 12239
} }

View File

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "Chatterer", "identifier": "Chatterer",
"license": "GPL-3.0", "license": "GPL-3.0",
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "Chatterer", "name": "Chatterer",
"abstract": "A plugin for Kerbal Space Program from SQUAD, which adds some SSTV, beeps, and nonsensical radio chatter between your crewed command pods and Mission Control. There is also some environmental sounds as : wind in atmosphere, breathing on EVA and background noises inside space-crafts.", "abstract": "A plugin for Kerbal Space Program from SQUAD, which adds some SSTV, beeps, and nonsensical radio chatter between your crewed command pods and Mission Control. There is also some environmental sounds as : wind in atmosphere, breathing on EVA and background noises inside space-crafts.",
"author": "Athlonic", "author": "Athlonic",
"version": "0.8.0", "version": "0.8.0",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 6115194 "download_size": 6115194
} }

View File

@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "CoherentContracts", "identifier": "CoherentContracts",
"license": "BSD-3-clause", "license": "BSD-3-clause",
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "ModuleManager" "name": "ModuleManager"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "Coherent Contracts", "name": "Coherent Contracts",
"abstract": "Prevents ocular traumatization by replacing the contract description generator", "abstract": "Prevents ocular traumatization by replacing the contract description generator",
"author": "DuoDex", "author": "DuoDex",
"version": "1.02", "version": "1.02",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 13267 "download_size": 13267
} }

View File

@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "CollisionFX", "identifier": "CollisionFX",
"license": "GPL-2.0", "license": "GPL-2.0",
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "GameData/CollisionFX", "file": "GameData/CollisionFX",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "Collision FX", "name": "Collision FX",
"abstract": "Adds bangs, sparks and skidding effects to parts.", "abstract": "Adds bangs, sparks and skidding effects to parts.",
"author": "pizzaoverhead", "author": "pizzaoverhead",
"version": "2.1", "version": "2.1",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 4156965 "download_size": 4156965
} }

View File

@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "ColorCodedCans", "identifier": "ColorCodedCans",
"license": "CC-BY-NC-SA", "license": "CC-BY-NC-SA",
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "ModuleManager", "name": "ModuleManager",
"min_version": "2.5.6" "min_version": "2.5.6"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"name": "Color Coded Canisters", "name": "Color Coded Canisters",
"abstract": "Stock-relplacement models and textures for rocket fuel tanks! Cleaner, prettier, and color-coded end-caps for ease of use in the VAB/SPH menus.", "abstract": "Stock-relplacement models and textures for rocket fuel tanks! Cleaner, prettier, and color-coded end-caps for ease of use in the VAB/SPH menus.",
"author": "NecroBones", "author": "NecroBones",
"version": "0.4", "version": "0.4",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 1989823, "download_size": 1989823,
"ksp_version_min": "0.90.0" "ksp_version_min": "0.90.0"
} }

View File

@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"name": "Community Resource Pack", "name": "Community Resource Pack",
"author": "RoverDude", "author": "RoverDude",
"identifier": "CommunityResourcePack", "identifier": "CommunityResourcePack",
"abstract": "Common resources for KSP mods", "abstract": "Common resources for KSP mods",
"license": "CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0", "license": "CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0",
"release_status": "stable", "release_status": "stable",
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"repository": "" "repository": ""
}, },
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "GameData/CommunityResourcePack", "file": "GameData/CommunityResourcePack",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"version": "0.3.2", "version": "0.3.2",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 13838 "download_size": 13838
} }

View File

@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "CommunityTechTree", "identifier": "CommunityTechTree",
"license": "CC-BY-NC-4.0", "license": "CC-BY-NC-4.0",
"release_status": "stable", "release_status": "stable",
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "TechManager" "name": "TechManager"
} }
], ],
"recommends": [ "recommends": [
{ {
"name": "ModuleManager" "name": "ModuleManager"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.25", "ksp_version": "0.25",
"name": "Community Tech Tree", "name": "Community Tech Tree",
"abstract": "An extension for the stock technology tree designed to support many mods", "abstract": "An extension for the stock technology tree designed to support many mods",
"author": "Nertea", "author": "Nertea",
"version": "1.1", "version": "1.1",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 11425 "download_size": 11425
} }

View File

@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "ConnectedLivingSpace", "identifier": "ConnectedLivingSpace",
"license": "CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0", "license": "CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0",
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "ModuleManager" "name": "ModuleManager"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "Connected Living Space", "name": "Connected Living Space",
"abstract": "Identifies internals spaces that are connected together within a vessel.", "abstract": "Identifies internals spaces that are connected together within a vessel.",
"author": "codepoet", "author": "codepoet",
"version": "", "version": "",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 37251 "download_size": 37251
} }

View File

@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "ContractConfigurator", "identifier": "ContractConfigurator",
"name": "Contract Configurator", "name": "Contract Configurator",
"abstract": "A config-file based solution for creating new contracts!", "abstract": "A config-file based solution for creating new contracts!",
"license": "CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0", "license": "CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0",
"release_status": "stable", "release_status": "stable",
"author": "nightingale", "author": "nightingale",
"description": "A config-file based solution for creating new contracts!", "description": "A config-file based solution for creating new contracts!",
"suggests": [ "suggests": [
{ {
"name": "CoherentContracts" "name": "CoherentContracts"
"name": "ContractsWindowPlus"
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"bugtracker": "",
"license": "",
"manual": "",
"repository": ""
}, },
{ "version": "0.4.3",
"name": "ContractsWindowPlus" "download": "",
} "x_generated_by": "netkan",
], "download_size": 65405,
"resources": { "ksp_version_min": "0.90.0",
"homepage": "", "ksp_version_max": "0.90.0"
"bugtracker": "",
"license": "",
"manual": "",
"repository": ""
"version": "0.4.3",
"download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 65405,
"ksp_version_min": "0.90.0",
"ksp_version_max": "0.90.0"
} }

View File

@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "ContractsWindowPlus", "identifier": "ContractsWindowPlus",
"x_netkan_license_ok": true, "x_netkan_license_ok": true,
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "GameData/Contracts Window", "file": "GameData/Contracts Window",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "Toolbar" "name": "Toolbar"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "Contract Window +", "name": "Contract Window +",
"license": "MIT", "license": "MIT",
"abstract": "A new, more flexible contract monitoring window.", "abstract": "A new, more flexible contract monitoring window.",
"author": "DMagic", "author": "DMagic",
"version": "3.0", "version": "3.0",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 73835 "download_size": 73835
} }

View File

@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "CrewFiles", "identifier": "CrewFiles",
"release_status": "stable", "release_status": "stable",
"x_netkan_license_ok": true, "x_netkan_license_ok": true,
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"bugtracker": "", "bugtracker": "",
"repository": "", "repository": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "CrewFiles", "name": "CrewFiles",
"license": "LGPL-3.0", "license": "LGPL-3.0",
"abstract": "A modder API to give each kerbal his own individual data file that you can use to store information about him", "abstract": "A modder API to give each kerbal his own individual data file that you can use to store information about him",
"author": "Ippo", "author": "Ippo",
"version": "2.1", "version": "2.1",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 32206 "download_size": 32206
} }

View File

@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "CrossFeedEnabler", "identifier": "CrossFeedEnabler",
"name": "Crossfeed Enabler", "name": "Crossfeed Enabler",
"abstract": "Adds toggleable fuel crossfeed between the part it's added to, and the part this part is surface-attached to. Use it for radial tanks.", "abstract": "Adds toggleable fuel crossfeed between the part it's added to, and the part this part is surface-attached to. Use it for radial tanks.",
"license": "CC-BY-SA", "license": "CC-BY-SA",
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"resources": { "resources": {
"repository": "" "repository": ""
}, },
"author": "NathanKell", "author": "NathanKell",
"version": "v3.2", "version": "v3.2",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 31865 "download_size": 31865
} }

View File

@ -1,46 +1,46 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "CustomAsteroids-Pops-Stock-Inner", "identifier": "CustomAsteroids-Pops-Stock-Inner",
"name": "Custom Asteroids (inner stock system data)", "name": "Custom Asteroids (inner stock system data)",
"abstract": "Adds asteroids inside orbit of Jool", "abstract": "Adds asteroids inside orbit of Jool",
"release_status": "stable", "release_status": "stable",
"x_netkan_license_ok": true, "x_netkan_license_ok": true,
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "CustomAsteroids", "name": "CustomAsteroids",
"min_version": "1.0", "min_version": "1.0",
"comment": "Version at which config format stabilized." "comment": "Version at which config format stabilized."
} }
], ],
"provides": [ "provides": [
"CustomAsteroids-Pops" "CustomAsteroids-Pops"
], ],
"conflicts": [ "conflicts": [
{ {
"name": "AlternisKerbol" "name": "AlternisKerbol"
"name": "RealSolarSystem",
"comment": "The 6.4× and 10× Kerbol packs are compatible; how to allow them?"
"install": [
"file": "GameData/CustomAsteroids",
"install_to": "GameData",
"filter_regexp": "(?<!Basic Asteroids\\.cfg)$"
"x_maintained_by": "Starstrider42",
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
{ "ksp_version": "0.25",
"name": "RealSolarSystem", "license": "MIT",
"comment": "The 6.4× and 10× Kerbol packs are compatible; how to allow them?" "author": "Starstrider42",
} "version": "v1.1.0",
], "download": "",
"install": [ "x_generated_by": "netkan",
{ "download_size": 24276
"file": "GameData/CustomAsteroids",
"install_to": "GameData",
"filter_regexp": "(?<!Basic Asteroids\\.cfg)$"
"x_maintained_by": "Starstrider42",
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": ""
"ksp_version": "0.25",
"license": "MIT",
"author": "Starstrider42",
"version": "v1.1.0",
"download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 24276
} }

View File

@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "CustomAsteroids-Pops-Stock-Outer", "identifier": "CustomAsteroids-Pops-Stock-Outer",
"name": "Custom Asteroids (outer stock system data)", "name": "Custom Asteroids (outer stock system data)",
"abstract": "Adds comets outside orbit of Jool", "abstract": "Adds comets outside orbit of Jool",
"release_status": "stable", "release_status": "stable",
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "CustomAsteroids", "name": "CustomAsteroids",
"min_version": "1.0", "min_version": "1.0",
"comment": "Version at which config format stabilized." "comment": "Version at which config format stabilized."
} }
], ],
"provides": [ "provides": [
"CustomAsteroids-Pops" "CustomAsteroids-Pops"
], ],
"conflicts": [ "conflicts": [
{ {
"name": "AlternisKerbol" "name": "AlternisKerbol"
"name": "PlanetFactory"
"name": "PlanetFactoryCE"
"name": "RealSolarSystem",
"comment": "The 6.4× and 10× Kerbol packs are compatible; how to select for them?"
"install": [
"file": "GameData/CustomAsteroids",
"install_to": "GameData",
"filter_regexp": "(?<!Trans-Jool\\.cfg)$"
"x_maintained_by": "Starstrider42",
"x_netkan_license_ok": true,
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
{ "ksp_version": "0.25",
"name": "PlanetFactory" "license": "MIT",
}, "author": "Starstrider42",
{ "version": "v1.1.0",
"name": "PlanetFactoryCE" "download": "",
}, "x_generated_by": "netkan",
{ "download_size": 24276
"name": "RealSolarSystem",
"comment": "The 6.4× and 10× Kerbol packs are compatible; how to select for them?"
"install": [
"file": "GameData/CustomAsteroids",
"install_to": "GameData",
"filter_regexp": "(?<!Trans-Jool\\.cfg)$"
"x_maintained_by": "Starstrider42",
"x_netkan_license_ok": true,
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": ""
"ksp_version": "0.25",
"license": "MIT",
"author": "Starstrider42",
"version": "v1.1.0",
"download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 24276
} }

View File

@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "CustomAsteroids", "identifier": "CustomAsteroids",
"release_status": "stable", "release_status": "stable",
"x_netkan_license_ok": true, "x_netkan_license_ok": true,
"resources": { "resources": {
"repository": "", "repository": "",
"bugtracker": "", "bugtracker": "",
"manual": "", "manual": "",
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
"depends": [
"name": "CustomAsteroids-Pops"
"recommends": [
"name": "CustomAsteroids-Pops-Stock-Inner"
}, },
{ "depends": [
"name": "CustomAsteroids-Pops-Stock-Outer" {
} "name": "CustomAsteroids-Pops"
], }
"install": [ ],
{ "recommends": [
"file": "GameData/CustomAsteroids", {
"install_to": "GameData", "name": "CustomAsteroids-Pops-Stock-Inner"
"filter": "config" },
} {
], "name": "CustomAsteroids-Pops-Stock-Outer"
"name": "Custom Asteroids", }
"description": "Custom Asteroids is a mod for KSP that expands the stock asteroid functionality. Under Custom Asteroids most asteroids will not be on a flyby course for Kerbin. Instead, the mod places asteroids in specific populations throughout the stock kerbol system.", ],
"x_maintained_by": "Starstrider42", "install": [
"ksp_version": "0.25", {
"license": "MIT", "file": "GameData/CustomAsteroids",
"abstract": "Lets users control where asteroids appear", "install_to": "GameData",
"author": "Starstrider42", "filter": "config"
"version": "v1.1.0", }
"download": "", ],
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "name": "Custom Asteroids",
"download_size": 24276 "description": "Custom Asteroids is a mod for KSP that expands the stock asteroid functionality. Under Custom Asteroids most asteroids will not be on a flyby course for Kerbin. Instead, the mod places asteroids in specific populations throughout the stock kerbol system.",
"x_maintained_by": "Starstrider42",
"ksp_version": "0.25",
"license": "MIT",
"abstract": "Lets users control where asteroids appear",
"author": "Starstrider42",
"version": "v1.1.0",
"download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 24276
} }

View File

@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"name": "Custom Biomes (Real Solar System data)", "name": "Custom Biomes (Real Solar System data)",
"identifier": "CustomBiomes-Data-RSS", "identifier": "CustomBiomes-Data-RSS",
"abstract": "Custom biomes for the Real Solar System", "abstract": "Custom biomes for the Real Solar System",
"license": "CC-BY-NC-SA", "license": "CC-BY-NC-SA",
"release_status": "stable", "release_status": "stable",
"ksp_version": "any", "ksp_version": "any",
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "RealSolarSystem" "name": "RealSolarSystem"
"name": "CustomBiomes"
"provides": [
"conflicts": [
"name": "CustomBiomes-Data"
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"repository": ""
}, },
{ "install": [
"name": "CustomBiomes" {
} "file": "CustomBiomes",
], "install_to": "GameData",
"provides": [ "comment": "This regexp only installs PluginData, and nothing else, skipping PluginData/CustomBiomes/config.xml",
"CustomBiomes-Data" "filter_regexp": "^(?!CustomBiomes/PluginData/)|config.xml"
], }
"conflicts": [ ],
{ "author": "NathanKell",
"name": "CustomBiomes-Data" "version": "v8.5",
} "download": "",
], "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"resources": { "download_size": 15560854
"homepage": "",
"repository": ""
"install": [
"file": "CustomBiomes",
"install_to": "GameData",
"comment": "This regexp only installs PluginData, and nothing else, skipping PluginData/CustomBiomes/config.xml",
"filter_regexp": "^(?!CustomBiomes/PluginData/)|config.xml"
"author": "NathanKell",
"version": "v8.5",
"download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 15560854
} }

View File

@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"name": "Custom Biomes", "name": "Custom Biomes",
"identifier": "CustomBiomes", "identifier": "CustomBiomes",
"abstract": "Add or replace biomes to any celestial body in KSP", "abstract": "Add or replace biomes to any celestial body in KSP",
"license": "CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0", "license": "CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0",
"release_status": "stable", "release_status": "stable",
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "CustomBiomes-Data" "name": "CustomBiomes-Data"
} }
], ],
"recommends": [ "recommends": [
{ {
"name": "CustomBiomes-Data-Stock" "name": "CustomBiomes-Data-Stock"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"repository": "" "repository": ""
}, },
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "CustomBiomes", "file": "CustomBiomes",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"author": "NathanKell", "author": "NathanKell",
"version": "v1.7.2", "version": "v1.7.2",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 24559 "download_size": 24559
} }

View File

@ -1,46 +1,46 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "DMagicOrbitalScience", "identifier": "DMagicOrbitalScience",
"license": "BSD-3-clause", "license": "BSD-3-clause",
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "GameData/DMagic Orbital Science", "file": "GameData/DMagic Orbital Science",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"repository": "", "repository": "",
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
"recommends": [
"name": "ContractsWindowPlus"
"suggests": [
"name": "CustomBiomes"
}, },
{ "recommends": [
"name": "UniversalStorage" {
}, "name": "ContractsWindowPlus"
{ }
"name": "ScienceAlert" ],
}, "suggests": [
{ {
"name": "SCANsat" "name": "CustomBiomes"
}, },
{ {
"name": "CommunityTechTree" "name": "UniversalStorage"
} },
], {
"ksp_version": "0.90", "name": "ScienceAlert"
"name": "DMagic Orbital Science", },
"abstract": "New science parts and experiments", {
"author": "DMagic", "name": "SCANsat"
"version": "0.9.1", },
"download": "", {
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "name": "CommunityTechTree"
"download_size": 9331673 }
"ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "DMagic Orbital Science",
"abstract": "New science parts and experiments",
"author": "DMagic",
"version": "0.9.1",
"download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 9331673
} }

View File

@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "DangIt", "identifier": "DangIt",
"release_status": "development", "release_status": "development",
"license": "GPL-3.0", "license": "GPL-3.0",
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "CrewFiles" "name": "CrewFiles"
"name": "ModuleManager"
"name": "CommunityResourcePack"
"recommends": [
"name": "Entropy"
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"bugtracker": "",
"repository": "",
"kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
{ "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "ModuleManager" "name": "DangIt!",
}, "abstract": "A random failure mod for KSP.",
{ "author": "Ippo",
"name": "CommunityResourcePack" "version": "",
} "download": "!/download/",
], "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"recommends": [ "download_size": 155554
"name": "Entropy"
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"bugtracker": "",
"repository": "",
"kerbalstuff": ""
"ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "DangIt!",
"abstract": "A random failure mod for KSP.",
"author": "Ippo",
"version": "",
"download": "!/download/",
"x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 155554
} }

View File

@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "DarkMultiPlayer", "identifier": "DarkMultiPlayer",
"release_status": "development", "release_status": "development",
"resources": { "resources": {
"manual": "", "manual": "",
"repository": "", "repository": "",
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "DMPClient/GameData/DarkMultiPlayer", "file": "DMPClient/GameData/DarkMultiPlayer",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"x_netkan_license_ok": true, "x_netkan_license_ok": true,
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "DarkMultiPlayer Client", "name": "DarkMultiPlayer Client",
"license": "MIT", "license": "MIT",
"abstract": "DarkMultiPlayer is a multiplayer mod for KSP 0.25. It supports subspace-style (and master controlled warp) warping & career mode, with an easy-to-edit server database.", "abstract": "DarkMultiPlayer is a multiplayer mod for KSP 0.25. It supports subspace-style (and master controlled warp) warping & career mode, with an easy-to-edit server database.",
"author": "godarklight", "author": "godarklight",
"version": "v0.2.0.1", "version": "v0.2.0.1",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 200607 "download_size": 200607
} }

View File

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
{ {
"identifier": "DavonSupplyMod", "identifier": "DavonSupplyMod",
"x_netkan_license_ok": true, "x_netkan_license_ok": true,
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"resources": { "resources": {
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "Davon Supply Mod", "name": "Davon Supply Mod",
"license": "restricted", "license": "restricted",
"abstract": "Davon Station Logistics Hub. The outsourcing solution for your resupply needs in the Kerbin locale. After transportation and proper activation of the Station Logistics Hub, it allows fuel resupply missions to the station to be undertaken by Davon industries on your request as part of Davon logistic services. Read manual before use. Limited to Kerbin and its moons. Delivery time may vary upon location. Terms of service apply. ", "abstract": "Davon Station Logistics Hub. The outsourcing solution for your resupply needs in the Kerbin locale. After transportation and proper activation of the Station Logistics Hub, it allows fuel resupply missions to the station to be undertaken by Davon industries on your request as part of Davon logistic services. Read manual before use. Limited to Kerbin and its moons. Delivery time may vary upon location. Terms of service apply. ",
"author": "PrivateFlip", "author": "PrivateFlip",
"version": "011", "version": "011",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 1873166 "download_size": 1873166
} }

View File

@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "DavonTCsystemsMod", "identifier": "DavonTCsystemsMod",
"x_netkan_license_ok": true, "x_netkan_license_ok": true,
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "Davon Throttle Control systems", "name": "Davon Throttle Control systems",
"license": "GPL-2.0", "license": "GPL-2.0",
"abstract": "Davon TC systems delivers advanced throttle control capabilities including additional throttles en blancing of thrust. ", "abstract": "Davon TC systems delivers advanced throttle control capabilities including additional throttles en blancing of thrust. ",
"author": "PrivateFlip", "author": "PrivateFlip",
"version": "073", "version": "073",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 36966 "download_size": 36966
} }

View File

@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"name": "Deadly Reentry Continued", "name": "Deadly Reentry Continued",
"abstract": "Makes re-entry much more dangerous", "abstract": "Makes re-entry much more dangerous",
"identifier": "DeadlyReentry", "identifier": "DeadlyReentry",
"license": "CC-BY-SA", "license": "CC-BY-SA",
"release_status": "stable", "release_status": "stable",
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"repository": "" "repository": ""
}, },
"author": "Starwaster", "author": "Starwaster",
"version": "v6.4.0", "version": "v6.4.0",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 1945892 "download_size": 1945892
} }

View File

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "DevHelper", "identifier": "DevHelper",
"license": "restricted", "license": "restricted",
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.24.2", "ksp_version": "0.24.2",
"name": "Magic Smoke Industries DevHelper", "name": "Magic Smoke Industries DevHelper",
"abstract": "Jump straight to the VAB/SPH when starting KSP.", "abstract": "Jump straight to the VAB/SPH when starting KSP.",
"author": "sirkut", "author": "sirkut",
"version": "0.6", "version": "0.6",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 798451 "download_size": 798451
} }

View File

@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "DistantObject-RealSolarSystem", "identifier": "DistantObject-RealSolarSystem",
"name": "Distant Object Enhancement Real Solar System config", "name": "Distant Object Enhancement Real Solar System config",
"abstract": "For the basic version of NathanKell's Real Solar System mod", "abstract": "For the basic version of NathanKell's Real Solar System mod",
"license": "CC-BY-4.0", "license": "CC-BY-4.0",
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "DistantObject" "name": "DistantObject"
} }
], ],
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "Alternate Planet Color Configs/Real Solar System (default)/DistantObject", "file": "Alternate Planet Color Configs/Real Solar System (default)/DistantObject",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"provides": [ "provides": [
"DistantObject-config" "DistantObject-config"
], ],
"conflicts": [ "conflicts": [
{ {
"name": "DistantObject-config" "name": "DistantObject-config"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"author": "MOARdV", "author": "MOARdV",
"version": "v1.5.1", "version": "v1.5.1",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 43863 "download_size": 43863
} }

View File

@ -1,41 +1,41 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "DistantObject-default", "identifier": "DistantObject-default",
"name": "Distant Object Enhancement default config", "name": "Distant Object Enhancement default config",
"abstract": "Default planets colors", "abstract": "Default planets colors",
"license": "CC-BY-4.0", "license": "CC-BY-4.0",
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "DistantObject" "name": "DistantObject"
} }
], ],
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "GameData/DistantObject", "file": "GameData/DistantObject",
"install_to": "GameData", "install_to": "GameData",
"filter": [ "filter": [
"DistantObject.dll", "DistantObject.dll",
"Flare", "Flare",
"Icons" "Icons"
] ]
} }
], ],
"provides": [ "provides": [
"DistantObject-config" "DistantObject-config"
], ],
"conflicts": [ "conflicts": [
{ {
"name": "DistantObject-config" "name": "DistantObject-config"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"author": "MOARdV", "author": "MOARdV",
"version": "v1.5.1", "version": "v1.5.1",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 43863 "download_size": 43863
} }

View File

@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "DistantObject", "identifier": "DistantObject",
"name": "Distant Object Enhancement", "name": "Distant Object Enhancement",
"abstract": "Visual enhancement mod that makes objects realistically visible over large distances.", "abstract": "Visual enhancement mod that makes objects realistically visible over large distances.",
"license": "CC-BY-4.0", "license": "CC-BY-4.0",
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "DistantObject-config" "name": "DistantObject-config"
} }
], ],
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "GameData/DistantObject", "file": "GameData/DistantObject",
"install_to": "GameData", "install_to": "GameData",
"filter": "PlanetColors.cfg" "filter": "PlanetColors.cfg"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"author": "MOARdV", "author": "MOARdV",
"version": "v1.5.1", "version": "v1.5.1",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 43863 "download_size": 43863
} }

View File

@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "DogeCoinFlag", "identifier": "DogeCoinFlag",
"name": "Dogecoin Flag", "name": "Dogecoin Flag",
"abstract": "Such flag. Very currency. Wow.", "abstract": "Such flag. Very currency. Wow.",
"description": "Adorn your craft with your favourite cryptocurrency. To the mün!", "description": "Adorn your craft with your favourite cryptocurrency. To the mün!",
"ksp_version": "any", "ksp_version": "any",
"license": "CC-BY", "license": "CC-BY",
"author": "daviddwk", "author": "daviddwk",
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"repository": "" "repository": ""
}, },
"version": "v1.02", "version": "v1.02",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 53359 "download_size": 53359
} }

View File

@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
{ {
"identifier": "EditorExtensions", "identifier": "EditorExtensions",
"abstract": "Tweaks and features for the in-game vessel editor, e.g. alignment and symmetry aids.", "abstract": "Tweaks and features for the in-game vessel editor, e.g. alignment and symmetry aids.",
"x_netkan_license_ok": true, "x_netkan_license_ok": true,
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "Editor Extensions", "name": "Editor Extensions",
"license": "MIT", "license": "MIT",
"author": "MachXXV", "author": "MachXXV",
"version": "2.5.1", "version": "2.5.1",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 16838 "download_size": 16838
} }

View File

@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "EngineIgnitor-Unofficial-Repack", "identifier": "EngineIgnitor-Unofficial-Repack",
"name": "Engine Ignitor (repack)", "name": "Engine Ignitor (repack)",
"author": "HoneyFox (repacked by pjf)", "author": "HoneyFox (repacked by pjf)",
"abstract": "Engine ignition and throttles now work like real engines.", "abstract": "Engine ignition and throttles now work like real engines.",
"license": "MIT", "license": "MIT",
"release_status": "stable", "release_status": "stable",
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "RealFuels" "name": "RealFuels"
"name": "ModuleManager"
"suggests": [
"name": "RealismOverhaul"
"provides": [
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"repository": ""
}, },
{ "install": [
"name": "ModuleManager" {
} "file": "EngineIgnitor-",
], "install_to": "GameData"
"suggests": [ }
{ ],
"name": "RealismOverhaul" "version": "",
} "download": "",
], "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"provides": [ "download_size": 652429,
"EngineIgnitor" "ksp_version": "0.25.0"
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"repository": ""
"install": [
"file": "EngineIgnitor-",
"install_to": "GameData"
"version": "",
"download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 652429,
"ksp_version": "0.25.0"
} }

View File

@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "EnhancedNavBall", "identifier": "EnhancedNavBall",
"x_netkan_license_ok": true, "x_netkan_license_ok": true,
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "Enhanced Navball", "name": "Enhanced Navball",
"license": "GPL-3.0", "license": "GPL-3.0",
"abstract": "Enhanced Navball is a navball addon that adds ghosting and scaling of the Navball", "abstract": "Enhanced Navball is a navball addon that adds ghosting and scaling of the Navball",
"author": "Teonlight", "author": "Teonlight",
"version": "1.3.4", "version": "1.3.4",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 39799 "download_size": 39799
} }

View File

@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "EntchenFlag", "identifier": "EntchenFlag",
"name": "Entchen Flag", "name": "Entchen Flag",
"abstract": "Official Flag of the Rubber Duck Empire", "abstract": "Official Flag of the Rubber Duck Empire",
"license": "CC-BY", "license": "CC-BY",
"resources": { "resources": {
"x_curse": "", "x_curse": "",
"repository": "" "repository": ""
}, },
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "Entchen", "file": "Entchen",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"author": "hakan42", "author": "hakan42",
"version": "1.0", "version": "1.0",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 6153 "download_size": 6153
} }

View File

@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "Entropy", "identifier": "Entropy",
"release_status": "development", "release_status": "development",
"license": "GPL-3.0", "license": "GPL-3.0",
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "DangIt", "name": "DangIt",
"min_version": "0.5" "min_version": "0.5"
"name": "ModuleManager"
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"bugtracker": "",
"repository": "",
"kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
{ "install": [
"name": "ModuleManager" {
} "file": "GameData/Entropy",
], "install_to": "GameData"
"resources": { }
"homepage": "", ],
"bugtracker": "", "suggests": [
"repository": "", {
"kerbalstuff": "" "name": "EntropyRealChute"
}, }
"install": [ ],
{ "ksp_version": "0.90",
"file": "GameData/Entropy", "name": "Entropy",
"install_to": "GameData" "abstract": "A Hardmode for Ippo's DangIt!",
} "author": "Coffeeman",
], "version": "v0.4.1",
"suggests": [ "download": "",
{ "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"name": "EntropyRealChute" "download_size": 15091
"ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "Entropy",
"abstract": "A Hardmode for Ippo's DangIt!",
"author": "Coffeeman",
"version": "v0.4.1",
"download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 15091
} }

View File

@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "EntropyRealChute", "identifier": "EntropyRealChute",
"release_status": "development", "release_status": "development",
"license": "GPL-3.0", "license": "GPL-3.0",
"name": "Entropy extensions for RealChute", "name": "Entropy extensions for RealChute",
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "DangIt", "name": "DangIt",
"min_version": "0.5" "min_version": "0.5"
"name": "RealChute"
"name": "ModuleManager"
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"bugtracker": "",
"repository": "",
"kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
{ "install": [
"name": "RealChute" {
}, "file": "GameData/z_Entropy_realchutes",
{ "install_to": "GameData"
"name": "ModuleManager" }
} ],
], "recommends": [
"resources": { {
"homepage": "", "name": "Entropy"
"bugtracker": "", }
"repository": "", ],
"kerbalstuff": "" "ksp_version": "0.90",
}, "abstract": "A Hardmode for Ippo's DangIt!",
"install": [ "author": "Coffeeman",
{ "version": "v0.4.1",
"file": "GameData/z_Entropy_realchutes", "download": "",
"install_to": "GameData" "x_generated_by": "netkan",
} "download_size": 15091
"recommends": [
"name": "Entropy"
"ksp_version": "0.90",
"abstract": "A Hardmode for Ippo's DangIt!",
"author": "Coffeeman",
"version": "v0.4.1",
"download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 15091
} }

View File

@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements", "identifier": "EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements",
"name": "Environmental Visual Enhancements", "name": "Environmental Visual Enhancements",
"abstract": "City Lights for Kerbin and Clouds for Any planet you wish", "abstract": "City Lights for Kerbin and Clouds for Any planet you wish",
"license": "MIT", "license": "MIT",
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "GameData/BoulderCo", "file": "GameData/BoulderCo",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
"file": "GameData/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements",
"install_to": "GameData"
"ksp_version": "0.25",
"resources": {
"repository": ""
}, },
{ "author": "rbray89",
"file": "GameData/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements", "version": "7-4",
"install_to": "GameData" "download": "",
} "x_generated_by": "netkan",
], "download_size": 9925505
"ksp_version": "0.25",
"resources": {
"repository": ""
"author": "rbray89",
"version": "7-4",
"download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 9925505
} }

View File

@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "FASA", "identifier": "FASA",
"license": "restricted", "license": "restricted",
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "RasterPropMonitor" "name": "RasterPropMonitor"
} }
], ],
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "GameData/FASA", "file": "GameData/FASA",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"conflicts": [ "conflicts": [
{ {
"name": "FASALaunchClamps" "name": "FASALaunchClamps"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "!!!-Sept-4?highlight=fasa", "homepage": "!!!-Sept-4?highlight=fasa",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "FASA", "name": "FASA",
"abstract": "FASA has Kerbal style NASA space craft from Mercury to Apollo", "abstract": "FASA has Kerbal style NASA space craft from Mercury to Apollo",
"author": "frizzank", "author": "frizzank",
"version": "5.11", "version": "5.11",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 140916584 "download_size": 140916584
} }

View File

@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "FASALaunchClamps", "identifier": "FASALaunchClamps",
"license": "restricted", "license": "restricted",
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "GameData/FASA", "file": "GameData/FASA",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"conflicts": [ "conflicts": [
{ {
"name": "FASA" "name": "FASA"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "!!!-Sept-4?highlight=fasa", "homepage": "!!!-Sept-4?highlight=fasa",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "FASA Launch Clamps and Towers", "name": "FASA Launch Clamps and Towers",
"abstract": "Just the Launch clamps from FASA", "abstract": "Just the Launch clamps from FASA",
"author": "frizzank", "author": "frizzank",
"version": "5.00", "version": "5.00",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 6528848 "download_size": 6528848
} }

View File

@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "FMRS", "identifier": "FMRS",
"resources": { "resources": {
"repository": "", "repository": "",
"x_preview": "", "x_preview": "",
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "ModuleManager" "name": "ModuleManager"
} }
], ],
"x_netkan_license_ok": true, "x_netkan_license_ok": true,
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "Flight Manager for Reusable Stages [FMRS]", "name": "Flight Manager for Reusable Stages [FMRS]",
"license": "MIT", "license": "MIT",
"abstract": "FMRS lets you jump back and forth in time. So you can land an recover your launch vehicles.", "abstract": "FMRS lets you jump back and forth in time. So you can land an recover your launch vehicles.",
"author": "SIT89", "author": "SIT89",
"version": "v0.3.01", "version": "v0.3.01",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 71435 "download_size": 71435
} }

View File

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "FShangarExtender", "identifier": "FShangarExtender",
"license": "CC-BY-4.0", "license": "CC-BY-4.0",
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.24.2", "ksp_version": "0.24.2",
"name": "Hangar Extender", "name": "Hangar Extender",
"abstract": "Extends the usable area when building in the SPH or VAB, so you can build outside or above the building. Useful for building large aircraft carriers or tall rockets.", "abstract": "Extends the usable area when building in the SPH or VAB, so you can build outside or above the building. Useful for building large aircraft carriers or tall rockets.",
"author": "Snjo", "author": "Snjo",
"version": "2.0", "version": "2.0",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 6593 "download_size": 6593
} }

View File

@ -1,50 +1,50 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "FerramAerospaceResearch", "identifier": "FerramAerospaceResearch",
"license": "GPL-3.0", "license": "GPL-3.0",
"release_status": "stable", "release_status": "stable",
"resources": { "resources": {
"repository": "", "repository": "",
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
"provides": [
"conflicts": [
"name": "AerodynamicModel"
"depends": [
"name": "ModuleManager"
"suggests": [
"name": "KerbalIspDifficultyScaler"
"install": [
"file": "GameData/FerramAerospaceResearch",
"install_to": "GameData"
}, },
{ "provides": [
"file": "Ships", "AerodynamicModel",
"install_to": "Ships", "FAR"
"optional": true, ],
"description": "FAR example craft" "conflicts": [
} {
], "name": "AerodynamicModel"
"ksp_version": "0.90", }
"name": "Ferram Aerospace Research", ],
"abstract": "FAR replaces KSP's stock mass-based aerodynamics model with one based on real-life physics.", "depends": [
"author": "ferram4", {
"version": "v0.14.6", "name": "ModuleManager"
"download": "", }
"x_generated_by": "netkan", ],
"download_size": 241084 "suggests": [
"name": "KerbalIspDifficultyScaler"
"install": [
"file": "GameData/FerramAerospaceResearch",
"install_to": "GameData"
"file": "Ships",
"install_to": "Ships",
"optional": true,
"description": "FAR example craft"
"ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "Ferram Aerospace Research",
"abstract": "FAR replaces KSP's stock mass-based aerodynamics model with one based on real-life physics.",
"author": "ferram4",
"version": "v0.14.6",
"download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 241084
} }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
"spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "FinalFrontier",
"license": "BSD-2-clause",
"resources": {
"x_curse": "",
"homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": ""
"install": [
"file": "GameData",
"install_to": "GameData",
"filter": [
"ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "Final Frontier",
"abstract": "kerbal individual merits",
"author": "Nereid",
"version": "0.6.5-697",
"download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 1792435

View File

@ -1,46 +1,46 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "Firespitter", "identifier": "Firespitter",
"license": "restricted", "license": "restricted",
"comment": "Our version really depends on FirespitterCore", "comment": "Our version really depends on FirespitterCore",
"ksp_version_min": "0.24.2", "ksp_version_min": "0.24.2",
"resources": { "resources": {
"repository": "", "repository": "",
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
"depends": [
"name": "FirespitterCore",
"min_version": "7.0.5398.27328"
"x_supports": [
"name": "PartCatalog"
"install": [
"file": "Firespitter",
"install_to": "GameData",
"filter": [
"comment": "The DLL is installed from FirespitterCore"
}, },
{ "depends": [
"file": "PartCatalog", {
"install_to": "GameData", "name": "FirespitterCore",
"comment": "Firespitter graphics for PartCatalog" "min_version": "7.0.5398.27328"
} }
], ],
"name": "Firespitter", "x_supports": [
"abstract": "Propeller plane and helicopter parts", {
"author": "Snjo", "name": "PartCatalog"
"version": "6.3.5", }
"download": "", ],
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "install": [
"download_size": 37457313 {
"file": "Firespitter",
"install_to": "GameData",
"filter": [
"comment": "The DLL is installed from FirespitterCore"
"file": "PartCatalog",
"install_to": "GameData",
"comment": "Firespitter graphics for PartCatalog"
"name": "Firespitter",
"abstract": "Propeller plane and helicopter parts",
"author": "Snjo",
"version": "6.3.5",
"download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 37457313
} }

View File

@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "FreedomTex", "identifier": "FreedomTex",
"x_netkan_license_ok": true, "x_netkan_license_ok": true,
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "ProceduralParts" "name": "ProceduralParts"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"kerbalstuff": "'s%20Procedural%20Parts%20Textures%20a.k.a.%20FreedomTex" "kerbalstuff": "'s%20Procedural%20Parts%20Textures%20a.k.a.%20FreedomTex"
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "JebediahKerman42's Procedural Parts Textures a.k.a. FreedomTex", "name": "JebediahKerman42's Procedural Parts Textures a.k.a. FreedomTex",
"license": "MIT", "license": "MIT",
"abstract": "A collection of requested textures for use with Procedural Parts.", "abstract": "A collection of requested textures for use with Procedural Parts.",
"author": "JebediahKerman42", "author": "JebediahKerman42",
"version": "1.4", "version": "1.4",
"download": "'s%20Procedural%20Parts%20Textures%20a.k.a.%20FreedomTex/download/1.4", "download": "'s%20Procedural%20Parts%20Textures%20a.k.a.%20FreedomTex/download/1.4",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 7569797 "download_size": 7569797
} }

View File

@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "HandGliderStyleWings", "identifier": "HandGliderStyleWings",
"license": "restricted", "license": "restricted",
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "GameData/Kerbice Group", "file": "GameData/Kerbice Group",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.25", "ksp_version": "0.25",
"name": "Hand-Glider style wings", "name": "Hand-Glider style wings",
"abstract": "This is a big, colourful and lightweight wing to create true gliders", "abstract": "This is a big, colourful and lightweight wing to create true gliders",
"author": "KerbiceGroup", "author": "KerbiceGroup",
"version": "2.0", "version": "2.0",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 3467052 "download_size": 3467052
} }

View File

@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
{ {
"spec_version": "v1.4", "spec_version": "v1.4",
"identifier": "Hangar", "identifier": "Hangar",
"x_netkan_license_ok": true, "x_netkan_license_ok": true,
"conflicts": [ "conflicts": [
{ {
"name": "KSPAPIExtensions" "name": "KSPAPIExtensions"
} }
], ],
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "ModuleManager" "name": "ModuleManager"
} }
], ],
"suggests": [ "suggests": [
{ {
"name": "Extraplanetary-Launchpads" "name": "Extraplanetary-Launchpads"
"name": "EditorExtensions"
"install": [
"file": "GameData/Hangar",
"install_to": "GameData"
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
{ "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "EditorExtensions" "name": "Hangar",
} "license": "CC-BY-4.0",
], "abstract": "Hangars are parts that can store whole ships inside. Stored ships are not docked but unloaded, which reduces part count considerably.",
"install": [ "author": "allista",
{ "version": "2.0.2",
"file": "GameData/Hangar", "download": "",
"install_to": "GameData" "x_generated_by": "netkan",
} "download_size": 25096804
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": ""
"ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "Hangar",
"license": "CC-BY-4.0",
"abstract": "Hangars are parts that can store whole ships inside. Stored ships are not docked but unloaded, which reduces part count considerably.",
"author": "allista",
"version": "2.0.2",
"download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 25096804
} }

View File

@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "HangarExtender", "identifier": "HangarExtender",
"license": "CC-BY-4.0", "license": "CC-BY-4.0",
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "FShangarExtender", "file": "FShangarExtender",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.24.2", "ksp_version": "0.24.2",
"name": "Hangar Extender", "name": "Hangar Extender",
"abstract": "Extends the usable area when building in the SPH or VAB, so you can build outside or above the building. Useful for building large aircraft carriers or tall rockets.", "abstract": "Extends the usable area when building in the SPH or VAB, so you can build outside or above the building. Useful for building large aircraft carriers or tall rockets.",
"author": "Snjo", "author": "Snjo",
"version": "2.0", "version": "2.0",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 6593 "download_size": 6593
} }

View File

@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "HaystackContinued", "identifier": "HaystackContinued",
"license": "CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0", "license": "CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0",
"release_status": "stable", "release_status": "stable",
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"repository": "", "repository": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.25", "ksp_version": "0.25",
"name": "Haystack Continued", "name": "Haystack Continued",
"abstract": "Now you can find that lost ship you were looking for!", "abstract": "Now you can find that lost ship you were looking for!",
"author": "qberticus", "author": "qberticus",
"version": "", "version": "",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 86219 "download_size": 86219
} }

View File

@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
{ {
"identifier": "HorizontalLandingAid", "identifier": "HorizontalLandingAid",
"license": "GPL-3.0", "license": "GPL-3.0",
"spec_version": "v1.4", "spec_version": "v1.4",
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "GameData/Diazo", "file": "GameData/Diazo",
"install_to": "GameData/Diazo" "install_to": "GameData/Diazo"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "Horizontal Landing Aid", "name": "Horizontal Landing Aid",
"abstract": "Kill your horizontal velocity to land, or hover over a specific point on the ground.", "abstract": "Kill your horizontal velocity to land, or hover over a specific point on the ground.",
"author": "Diazo", "author": "Diazo",
"version": "2.1a", "version": "2.1a",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 16428 "download_size": 16428
} }

View File

@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "HullcamVDS", "identifier": "HullcamVDS",
"x_netkan_license_ok": true, "x_netkan_license_ok": true,
"license": "LGPL-3.0", "license": "LGPL-3.0",
"resources": { "resources": {
"x_curse": "", "x_curse": "",
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "HullCameraVDS", "file": "HullCameraVDS",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "Hullcam VDS", "name": "Hullcam VDS",
"abstract": "Hullcam let's you add cameras to any part of your vehicle or construction.", "abstract": "Hullcam let's you add cameras to any part of your vehicle or construction.",
"author": "Albert_VDS", "author": "Albert_VDS",
"version": "0.33", "version": "0.33",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 10226259 "download_size": 10226259
} }

View File

@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "ImageViewer", "identifier": "ImageViewer",
"x_netkan_license_ok": true, "x_netkan_license_ok": true,
"license": "GPL-3.0", "license": "GPL-3.0",
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "GameData/img_viewer", "file": "GameData/img_viewer",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "Image viewer", "name": "Image viewer",
"abstract": "Just an ingame image viewer.", "abstract": "Just an ingame image viewer.",
"author": "hashashin", "author": "hashashin",
"version": "0.2.2", "version": "0.2.2",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 49049 "download_size": 49049
} }

View File

@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "ImpossibleInnovations", "identifier": "ImpossibleInnovations",
"x_netkan_license_ok": true, "x_netkan_license_ok": true,
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "TweakScale" "name": "TweakScale"
"name": "ModuleManager"
"name": "TechManager"
"install": [
"file": "GameData/ImpossibleInnovations",
"install_to": "GameData"
"file": "Ships",
"install_to": "Ships"
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
{ "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "ModuleManager" "name": "Impossible Innovations",
}, "license": "CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0",
{ "abstract": "Adds fusion based engines and tanks, along with other utilities.",
"name": "TechManager" "author": "jandcando",
} "version": "0.8.5",
], "download": "",
"install": [ "x_generated_by": "netkan",
{ "download_size": 15378254
"file": "GameData/ImpossibleInnovations",
"install_to": "GameData"
"file": "Ships",
"install_to": "Ships"
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": ""
"ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "Impossible Innovations",
"license": "CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0",
"abstract": "Adds fusion based engines and tanks, along with other utilities.",
"author": "jandcando",
"version": "0.8.5",
"download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 15378254
} }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
"spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "InFlightWaypoints",
"name": "In-Flight Waypoints",
"abstract": "Display waypoints while in flight.",
"license": "CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0",
"release_status": "stable",
"author": "nightingale",
"description": "Display waypoints while in flight.",
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"bugtracker": "",
"license": "",
"repository": ""
"version": "1.2.7",
"download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 12841,
"ksp_version_min": "0.90.0",
"ksp_version_max": "0.90.0"

View File

@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "InfernalRobotics", "identifier": "InfernalRobotics",
"license": "GPL-3.0", "license": "GPL-3.0",
"release_status": "stable", "release_status": "stable",
"resources": { "resources": {
"repository": "", "repository": "",
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"recommends": [ "recommends": [
{ {
"name": "TweakScale" "name": "TweakScale"
} }
], ],
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "GameData/MagicSmokeIndustries", "file": "GameData/MagicSmokeIndustries",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics", "name": "Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics",
"abstract": "Making stuff move.", "abstract": "Making stuff move.",
"author": "sirkut", "author": "sirkut",
"version": "0.19.3", "version": "0.19.3",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 11664667 "download_size": 11664667
} }

View File

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
{ {
"identifier": "IntakeBuildAid", "identifier": "IntakeBuildAid",
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"license": "unrestricted", "license": "unrestricted",
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "Intake Build Aid", "name": "Intake Build Aid",
"abstract": "Visualize which intakes feed air to which engines, automatic and manual intake to engine assignments", "abstract": "Visualize which intakes feed air to which engines, automatic and manual intake to engine assignments",
"author": "LordFjord", "author": "LordFjord",
"version": "0.4", "version": "0.4",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 17282 "download_size": 17282
} }

View File

@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "JackOLantern", "identifier": "JackOLantern",
"license": "CC-BY-NC-4.0", "license": "CC-BY-NC-4.0",
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "GameData/Jack_O_Lantern", "file": "GameData/Jack_O_Lantern",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"kerbalstuff": "'-Lantern" "kerbalstuff": "'-Lantern"
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.25", "ksp_version": "0.25",
"name": "Jack-O'-Lantern", "name": "Jack-O'-Lantern",
"abstract": "A glowing Jack-O'-Lantern. Comes in 3 sizes. Happy Halloween!", "abstract": "A glowing Jack-O'-Lantern. Comes in 3 sizes. Happy Halloween!",
"author": "Porkjet", "author": "Porkjet",
"version": "1", "version": "1",
"download": "'-Lantern/download/1", "download": "'-Lantern/download/1",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 610402 "download_size": 610402
} }

View File

@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "JsonKerman", "identifier": "JsonKerman",
"license": "MIT", "license": "MIT",
"resources": { "resources": {
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.25", "ksp_version": "0.25",
"name": "Json Kerman", "name": "Json Kerman",
"abstract": "Runs a web server in KSP letting you view in-game information on other devices, such as a phone or tablet.", "abstract": "Runs a web server in KSP letting you view in-game information on other devices, such as a phone or tablet.",
"author": "KrimZon", "author": "KrimZon",
"version": "0.1.2-fixed", "version": "0.1.2-fixed",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 33687 "download_size": 33687
} }

View File

@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
{ {
"identifier": "K2CommandPod", "identifier": "K2CommandPod",
"x_netkan_license_ok": true, "x_netkan_license_ok": true,
"spec_version": "v1.4", "spec_version": "v1.4",
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "GameData/JFJohnny5", "file": "GameData/JFJohnny5",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "K2 Command Pod", "name": "K2 Command Pod",
"license": "MIT", "license": "MIT",
"abstract": "2-Kerbal pod in a \"stock-alike\" style, but inspired by the Gemini capsule.", "abstract": "2-Kerbal pod in a \"stock-alike\" style, but inspired by the Gemini capsule.",
"author": "jfjohnny5", "author": "jfjohnny5",
"version": "1.1", "version": "1.1",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 252118 "download_size": 252118
} }

View File

@ -1,45 +1,45 @@
{ {
"spec_version": "v1.2", "spec_version": "v1.2",
"identifier": "KASAIXSClassInterstellar", "identifier": "KASAIXSClassInterstellar",
"license": "GPL-3.0", "license": "GPL-3.0",
"x_netkan_license_ok": true, "x_netkan_license_ok": true,
"x_maintained_by": "distantcam", "x_maintained_by": "distantcam",
"provides": [ "provides": [
"KASAIXSCommandModule", "KASAIXSCommandModule",
"KASASpacedock" "KASASpacedock"
], ],
"conflicts": [ "conflicts": [
{ {
"name": "KASAIXSCommandModule" "name": "KASAIXSCommandModule"
"name": "KASASpacedock"
"depends": [
"name": "FirespitterCore"
"name": "KSPInterstellar"
"install": [
"file": "IXS_Class_for_InterstellarLite/GameData/KASA",
"install_to": "GameData/KASAIXSClassInterstellar"
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
{ "ksp_version": "0.24.2",
"name": "KASASpacedock" "name": "KASA - IXS Class 1.0 for Kerbal Interstellar Lite Mod",
} "abstract": "Created for WavefunctionP's latest version of Kerbal Interstellar Lite mod, the IXS class brings the NASA IXS Enterprise ship into KSP!",
], "author": "KASA",
"depends": [ "version": "1.0",
{ "download": "",
"name": "FirespitterCore" "x_generated_by": "netkan",
}, "download_size": 8068866
"name": "KSPInterstellar"
"install": [
"file": "IXS_Class_for_InterstellarLite/GameData/KASA",
"install_to": "GameData/KASAIXSClassInterstellar"
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": ""
"ksp_version": "0.24.2",
"name": "KASA - IXS Class 1.0 for Kerbal Interstellar Lite Mod",
"abstract": "Created for WavefunctionP's latest version of Kerbal Interstellar Lite mod, the IXS class brings the NASA IXS Enterprise ship into KSP!",
"author": "KASA",
"version": "1.0",
"download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 8068866
} }

View File

@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
{ {
"spec_version": "v1.2", "spec_version": "v1.2",
"identifier": "KASAIXSClassStock", "identifier": "KASAIXSClassStock",
"license": "GPL-3.0", "license": "GPL-3.0",
"x_netkan_license_ok": true, "x_netkan_license_ok": true,
"x_maintained_by": "distantcam", "x_maintained_by": "distantcam",
"provides": [ "provides": [
"KASAIXSCommandModule", "KASAIXSCommandModule",
"KASASpacedock" "KASASpacedock"
], ],
"conflicts": [ "conflicts": [
{ {
"name": "KASAIXSCommandModule" "name": "KASAIXSCommandModule"
"name": "KASASpacedock"
"depends": [
"name": "FirespitterCore"
"install": [
"file": "IXS_Class_for_StockKSP/GameData/KASA",
"install_to": "GameData/KASAIXSClassStock"
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
{ "ksp_version": "0.24.2",
"name": "KASASpacedock" "name": "KASA - IXS Class 1.0 for Stock-KSP",
} "abstract": "A basegame version of the IXS Class mod with no requirements other than firespitter.",
], "author": "KASA",
"depends": [ "version": "1.0",
{ "download": "",
"name": "FirespitterCore" "x_generated_by": "netkan",
} "download_size": 8071505
"install": [
"file": "IXS_Class_for_StockKSP/GameData/KASA",
"install_to": "GameData/KASAIXSClassStock"
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": ""
"ksp_version": "0.24.2",
"name": "KASA - IXS Class 1.0 for Stock-KSP",
"abstract": "A basegame version of the IXS Class mod with no requirements other than firespitter.",
"author": "KASA",
"version": "1.0",
"download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 8071505
} }

View File

@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
{ {
"spec_version": "v1.2", "spec_version": "v1.2",
"identifier": "KASAIXSCommandModule", "identifier": "KASAIXSCommandModule",
"license": "GPL-3.0", "license": "GPL-3.0",
"x_netkan_license_ok": true, "x_netkan_license_ok": true,
"x_maintained_by": "distantcam", "x_maintained_by": "distantcam",
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "FirespitterCore" "name": "FirespitterCore"
} }
], ],
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "IXS_CommandModule/GameData/KASA", "file": "IXS_CommandModule/GameData/KASA",
"install_to": "GameData/KASAIXSCommandModule" "install_to": "GameData/KASAIXSCommandModule"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.24.2", "ksp_version": "0.24.2",
"name": "KASA - IXS Command Module 1.0", "name": "KASA - IXS Command Module 1.0",
"abstract": "The Standalone NASA IXS Enterprise Command Module/Cockpit. Requiring no other mods.", "abstract": "The Standalone NASA IXS Enterprise Command Module/Cockpit. Requiring no other mods.",
"author": "KASA", "author": "KASA",
"version": "1.0", "version": "1.0",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 2471233 "download_size": 2471233
} }

View File

@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
{ {
"spec_version": "v1.2", "spec_version": "v1.2",
"identifier": "KASASpacedock", "identifier": "KASASpacedock",
"license": "GPL-3.0", "license": "GPL-3.0",
"x_netkan_license_ok": true, "x_netkan_license_ok": true,
"x_maintained_by": "distantcam", "x_maintained_by": "distantcam",
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "Kerbal_Spacedock/GameData/KASA", "file": "Kerbal_Spacedock/GameData/KASA",
"install_to": "GameData/KASASpacedock" "install_to": "GameData/KASASpacedock"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.24.2", "ksp_version": "0.24.2",
"name": "KASA - Kerbal Spacedock 1.0", "name": "KASA - Kerbal Spacedock 1.0",
"abstract": "Originally designed for my IXS Class ship mod. These docks come in three sizes and are Extraplanetary Launchpad compatible (but not required or a dependancy).", "abstract": "Originally designed for my IXS Class ship mod. These docks come in three sizes and are Extraplanetary Launchpad compatible (but not required or a dependancy).",
"author": "KASA", "author": "KASA",
"version": "1.0", "version": "1.0",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 1266541 "download_size": 1266541
} }

View File

@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "KASsuppliescontainers", "identifier": "KASsuppliescontainers",
"license": "restricted", "license": "restricted",
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "GameData/Kerbice Group", "file": "GameData/Kerbice Group",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "KAS" "name": "KAS"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.25", "ksp_version": "0.25",
"name": "KAS supplies containers", "name": "KAS supplies containers",
"abstract": "This is two big containers to used with KAS mod to hold grabbable parts, they are a lot more bigger than the two default one and can hold a lot more parts, avoiding too have too much parts on your vessels.", "abstract": "This is two big containers to used with KAS mod to hold grabbable parts, they are a lot more bigger than the two default one and can hold a lot more parts, avoiding too have too much parts on your vessels.",
"author": "KerbiceGroup", "author": "KerbiceGroup",
"version": "1.0", "version": "1.0",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 1515187 "download_size": 1515187
} }

View File

@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "KDEX", "identifier": "KDEX",
"license": "CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0", "license": "CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0",
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "GameData/masTerTorch", "file": "GameData/masTerTorch",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.25", "ksp_version": "0.25",
"name": "KDEX - Kerbal Dust Experiment ", "name": "KDEX - Kerbal Dust Experiment ",
"abstract": "Inspired by the NASA mission LADEE and it´s Lunar Dust Experiment (LDEX). One new model. Lots of results for the new experiment.", "abstract": "Inspired by the NASA mission LADEE and it´s Lunar Dust Experiment (LDEX). One new model. Lots of results for the new experiment.",
"author": "masTerTorch", "author": "masTerTorch",
"version": "v1.04", "version": "v1.04",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 504698 "download_size": 504698
} }

View File

@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
{ {
"identifier": "KKPsMoarKerbals", "identifier": "KKPsMoarKerbals",
"license": "CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0", "license": "CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0",
"spec_version": "v1.4", "spec_version": "v1.4",
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "GameData/KKP", "file": "GameData/KKP",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "'s%20MoarKerbals" "kerbalstuff": "'s%20MoarKerbals"
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "KKP's MoarKerbals", "name": "KKP's MoarKerbals",
"abstract": "Populate your space colony, in space!", "abstract": "Populate your space colony, in space!",
"author": "strideknight", "author": "strideknight",
"version": "1.1", "version": "1.1",
"download": "'s%20MoarKerbals/download/1.1", "download": "'s%20MoarKerbals/download/1.1",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 5068824 "download_size": 5068824
} }

View File

@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "KOSMOS-SSPP", "identifier": "KOSMOS-SSPP",
"license": "CC-BY-NC-ND-3.0", "license": "CC-BY-NC-ND-3.0",
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "FirespitterCore" "name": "FirespitterCore"
} }
], ],
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "GameData/KOSMOS", "file": "GameData/KOSMOS",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.25", "ksp_version": "0.25",
"name": "KOSMOS SSPP", "name": "KOSMOS SSPP",
"abstract": "The Space Station Parts Pack contains everything needed to construct big, beautiful space stations. The pack includes the Kosmos VA capsule and TKS functional cargo block, a rugged and reliable vehicle for orbital operations, trusted by Kerbalnauts everywhere. Also included are the Salyut series of space station modules, which are split into customizable segments to build any station configuration. Using Kosmos parts, you can control your station without manning it by using the Pravilo computer system, or dock to it using the androgynous APAS-69 or KCBS docking rings.", "abstract": "The Space Station Parts Pack contains everything needed to construct big, beautiful space stations. The pack includes the Kosmos VA capsule and TKS functional cargo block, a rugged and reliable vehicle for orbital operations, trusted by Kerbalnauts everywhere. Also included are the Salyut series of space station modules, which are split into customizable segments to build any station configuration. Using Kosmos parts, you can control your station without manning it by using the Pravilo computer system, or dock to it using the androgynous APAS-69 or KCBS docking rings.",
"author": "CardBoardBoxProcessor", "author": "CardBoardBoxProcessor",
"version": "0.14.02", "version": "0.14.02",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 77561829 "download_size": 77561829
} }

View File

@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "KOSMOS-URM", "identifier": "KOSMOS-URM",
"license": "CC-BY-NC-ND-3.0", "license": "CC-BY-NC-ND-3.0",
"depends": [ "depends": [
{ {
"name": "FirespitterCore" "name": "FirespitterCore"
"name": "ProceduralFairings"
"install": [
"file": "GameData/KOSMOS",
"install_to": "GameData"
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
{ "ksp_version": "0.25",
"name": "ProceduralFairings" "name": "KOSMOS URM Package",
} "abstract": "The URM Parts Pack contains everything needed to construct the URM-1 based Angara space-launch vehicles in multiple configurations with added access to a variety of high performance lift, insertion and orbital maneuvering engines from the Nositel, Proton, Onega and Angara systems.",
], "author": "CardBoardBoxProcessor",
"install": [ "version": "0.14.02",
{ "download": "",
"file": "GameData/KOSMOS", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"install_to": "GameData" "download_size": 41395098
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": ""
"ksp_version": "0.25",
"name": "KOSMOS URM Package",
"abstract": "The URM Parts Pack contains everything needed to construct the URM-1 based Angara space-launch vehicles in multiple configurations with added access to a variety of high performance lift, insertion and orbital maneuvering engines from the Nositel, Proton, Onega and Angara systems.",
"author": "CardBoardBoxProcessor",
"version": "0.14.02",
"download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 41395098
} }

View File

@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "KSPAPIExtensions", "identifier": "KSPAPIExtensions",
"name": "KAE - KSPAPIExtensions", "name": "KAE - KSPAPIExtensions",
"abstract": "This package contains a bunch of utility methods for general use to modders.", "abstract": "This package contains a bunch of utility methods for general use to modders.",
"license": "CC-BY-3.0", "license": "CC-BY-3.0",
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"install": [ "install": [
{ {
"file": "KSPAPIExt", "file": "KSPAPIExt",
"install_to": "GameData" "install_to": "GameData"
} }
], ],
"resources": { "resources": {
"repository": "" "repository": ""
}, },
"author": "NathanKell", "author": "NathanKell",
"version": "v1.7.2", "version": "v1.7.2",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 57498 "download_size": 57498
} }

View File

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
{ {
"spec_version": 1, "spec_version": 1,
"identifier": "KSPIRC", "identifier": "KSPIRC",
"license": "GPL-3.0", "license": "GPL-3.0",
"resources": { "resources": {
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": "" "kerbalstuff": ""
}, },
"ksp_version": "0.90", "ksp_version": "0.90",
"name": "KSPIRC", "name": "KSPIRC",
"abstract": "Use Internet Relay Chat (IRC) from within KSP", "abstract": "Use Internet Relay Chat (IRC) from within KSP",
"author": "timmers_uk", "author": "timmers_uk",
"version": "", "version": "",
"download": "", "download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan", "x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 69219 "download_size": 69219
} }

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More