Create KerbalAircraftExpansion-v1.5.3.repackage0.ckan

To avoid netkan-bot overwriting it.
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Magnus Aagaard Sørensen 2015-05-21 18:35:24 +02:00
parent 4aefc2380c
commit 2fbc1214b9
1 changed files with 40 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
"spec_version": "v1.4",
"identifier": "KerbalAircraftExpansion",
"license": "GPL-3.0",
"x_netkan_license_ok": true,
"install": [
"file": "KAX",
"install_to": "GameData",
"filter": [
"KAX 2.4.2 dds textures.7z",
"Example Craft"
"comment": "Example crafts are filtered out becouse its impossible to install ships to subdirectory."
"depends": [
"name": "FirespitterCore"
"name": "FirespitterResourcesConfig"
"name": "ModuleManager"
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"kerbalstuff": ""
"ksp_version": "1.0.2",
"name": "Kerbal Aircraft Expansion (KAX)",
"abstract": "A pack of select parts for your aircrafting needs, including propellers, helicopter rotors, and more!",
"author": "keptin",
"version": "v2.5.1.repackage0",
"download": "",
"x_generated_by": "netkan",
"download_size": 22291991