
51 lines
1.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

"spec_version": "v1.4",
"identifier": "SSRMicroSat",
"name": "The SSR MicroSat: 0.35m Probe Parts",
"abstract": "This mod looks to add small probe/satellite parts into the game, similar to the CubeSats which are so common nowadays here on Earth, along with 0.625m Aircraft launched rocket parts.",
"author": "squiggsy",
"license": "CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0",
"resources": {
"homepage": "",
"spacedock": "",
"x_screenshot": ""
"version": "0.96",
"ksp_version": "1.0.5",
"recommends": [
"name": "FMRS"
"name": "RemoteTech"
"name": "HotRockets"
"name": "KerbalJointReinforcement"
"name": "AntennaRange"
"name": "ProceduralFairings"
"install": [
"find": "SquiggsySpaceResearch",
"install_to": "GameData",
"comment": ".craft file not included due to demanding installation to a subfolder of Ships"
"download": "",
"download_size": 9103409,
"download_hash": {
"sha1": "F2051F929300C1115EF38556298BF7BFAA71E7D2",
"sha256": "AE03AD50CFC8C8FCA2FDE1E3848BCD957EC3C9F5A86380ED7A3098DD686BF799"
"download_content_type": "application/zip",
"x_generated_by": "netkan"