/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static; use actix_files as fs; use actix_web::{ dev::{self, Service, ServiceResponse}, http, middleware, App, HttpResponse, HttpServer, }; use clap::Arg; use env_logger::fmt::Color; use log::{error, info}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use sha2::Digest; use std::{ env::{set_var, var}, fs::read_dir, io::{BufReader, Error, ErrorKind, Read, Write}, net::IpAddr, path::{Path, PathBuf}, str::FromStr, }; lazy_static! { pub static ref TEMPLATE: tera::Tera = { let mut tera = tera::Tera::default(); tera.add_raw_template("index", include_str!("../templates/index.html.tera")) .unwrap(); tera }; } #[inline] fn get_file_type(from: &Path) -> String { match from.extension() { Some(os_str) => match os_str.to_str().unwrap_or("") { "7z" => "archive", "bz" => "archive", "bz2" => "archive", "cab" => "archive", "gz" => "archive", "iso" => "archive", "rar" => "archive", "xz" => "archive", "zip" => "archive", "zst" => "archive", "zstd" => "archive", "doc" => "word", "docx" => "word", "ppt" => "powerpoint", "pptx" => "powerpoint", "xls" => "excel", "xlsx" => "excel", "heic" => "image", "pdf" => "pdf", // JavaScript / TypeScript "js" => "code", "cjs" => "code", "mjs" => "code", "jsx" => "code", "ts" => "code", "tsx" => "code", "json" => "code", "coffee" => "code", // HTML / CSS "html" => "code", "htm" => "code", "xml" => "code", "xhtml" => "code", "vue" => "code", "ejs" => "code", "template" => "code", "tmpl" => "code", "pug" => "code", "art" => "code", "hbs" => "code", "tera" => "code", "css" => "code", "scss" => "code", "sass" => "code", "less" => "code", // Python "py" => "code", "pyc" => "code", // JVM "java" => "code", "kt" => "code", "kts" => "code", "gradle" => "code", "groovy" => "code", "scala" => "code", "jsp" => "code", // Shell "sh" => "code", // Php "php" => "code", // C / C++ "c" => "code", "cc" => "code", "cpp" => "code", "h" => "code", "cmake" => "code", // C# "cs" => "code", "xaml" => "code", "sln" => "code", "csproj" => "code", // Golang "go" => "code", "mod" => "code", "sum" => "code", // Swift "swift" => "code", "plist" => "code", "xib" => "code", "xcconfig" => "code", "entitlements" => "code", "xcworkspacedata" => "code", "pbxproj" => "code", // Ruby "rb" => "code", // Rust "rs" => "code", // Objective-C "m" => "code", // Dart "dart" => "code", // Microsoft "manifest" => "code", "rc" => "code", "cmd" => "code", "bat" => "code", "ps1" => "code", // Config "ini" => "code", "yaml" => "code", "toml" => "code", "conf" => "code", "properties" => "code", "lock" => "alt", _ => match mime_guess::from_path(from).first_or_octet_stream().type_() { mime_guess::mime::AUDIO => "audio", mime_guess::mime::IMAGE => "image", mime_guess::mime::PDF => "pdf", mime_guess::mime::VIDEO => "video", mime_guess::mime::TEXT => "alt", _ => "file", }, }, None => "file", } .to_string() } #[derive(Deserialize)] struct Package { name: String, } #[derive(Deserialize)] struct CargoToml { package: Package, } #[derive(Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Serialize)] struct Dir { name: String, modified: String, } #[derive(Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Serialize)] struct File { name: String, size: u64, filetype: String, modified: String, } #[derive(Serialize)] struct IndexContext { title: String, paths: Vec, dirs: Vec, files: Vec, } fn render_index( dir: &actix_files::Directory, req: &actix_web::HttpRequest, ) -> Result { let mut index = dir.path.clone(); index.push("index.html"); if index.exists() && index.is_file() { let res = actix_files::NamedFile::open(index)? .set_content_type(mime_guess::mime::TEXT_HTML_UTF_8) .into_response(req); return Ok(ServiceResponse::new(req.to_owned(), res)); } if var("NOINDEX").unwrap_or_else(|_| "false".to_string()) == "true" { return Ok(ServiceResponse::new( req.to_owned(), HttpResponse::NotFound().body(""), )); } let show_dot_files = var("DOTFILES").unwrap_or_else(|_| "false".to_string()) == "true"; let mut context = IndexContext { title: "".to_string(), paths: vec![], dirs: vec![], files: vec![], }; for path in req.path().split('/') { if path.is_empty() { continue; } let path = urlencoding::decode(path).unwrap_or(std::borrow::Cow::Borrowed("[Parse URL Error]")); let path = path.into_owned(); context.paths.push(path); } match read_dir(&dir.path) { Err(e) => { error!(target: "read_dir", "[ERROR] Read dir error: {}", e.to_string()); } Ok(paths) => { for path in paths { let path = match path { Ok(path) => path, Err(e) => { error!(target: "read_dir", "[ERROR] Read path error: {}", e.to_string()); continue; } }; let name = match path.file_name().to_str() { Some(str) => str.to_string(), None => { error!(target: "read_dir", "[ERROR] Read filename error"); continue; } }; if !show_dot_files && name.starts_with('.') { continue; } let metadata = match path.metadata() { Ok(data) => data, Err(e) => { error!(target: "read_dir", "[ERROR] Read metadata error: {}", e.to_string()); continue; } }; let modified = match metadata.modified() { Ok(time) => time::OffsetDateTime::from(time) .format(time::macros::format_description!( "[year]/[month]/[day] [hour]:[minute]:[second]" )) .unwrap_or_else(|_| "".to_string()), Err(e) => { error!(target: "read_dir", "[ERROR] Read modified time error: {}", e.to_string()); continue; } }; if metadata.is_dir() { context.dirs.push(Dir { name, modified }); } else if metadata.is_file() { let size = metadata.len(); let filetype = get_file_type(&path.path()); context.files.push(File { name, size, filetype, modified, }); } } } } context.title = context.paths.last().unwrap_or(&"/".to_string()).to_string(); context.dirs.sort(); context.files.sort(); let content = tera::Context::from_serialize(&context); let content = match content { Ok(ctx) => ctx, Err(e) => { error!(target: "tera::Context::from_serialize", "[ERROR] Read modified time error: {}", e.to_string()); return Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, e.to_string())); } }; let index = TEMPLATE .render("index", &content) .unwrap_or_else(|_| "TEMPLATE RENDER ERROR".to_string()); let res = HttpResponse::Ok() .content_type("text/html; charset=utf-8") .body(index); Ok(ServiceResponse::new(req.to_owned(), res)) } #[inline] fn display_path(path: &Path) -> String { let root = Path::canonicalize(path).unwrap().display().to_string(); if root.starts_with("\\\\?\\") { root[4..root.len()].to_string() } else { root } } #[inline] fn hash(from: &str) -> String { let mut hasher = sha2::Sha512::new(); hasher.update(from); format!("{:?}", hasher.finalize()) } #[inline] async fn validator( req: dev::ServiceRequest, auth: actix_web_httpauth::extractors::basic::BasicAuth, ) -> Result { if auth.user_id() == var("AUTH_USERNAME") .unwrap_or_else(|_| "".to_string()) .as_str() && hash(auth.password().unwrap_or(&std::borrow::Cow::from(""))) == var("AUTH_PASSWORD") .unwrap_or_else(|_| "".to_string()) .as_str() { return Ok(req); } let err = actix_web_httpauth::extractors::AuthenticationError::new( actix_web_httpauth::headers::www_authenticate::basic::Basic::with_realm( "Incorrect username or password", ), ); Err(actix_web::Error::from(err)) } #[actix_web::main] async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { let check_does_dir_exits = |path: &str| match std::fs::metadata(path) { Ok(meta) => { if meta.is_dir() { Ok(()) } else { Err("Parameter is not a directory".to_owned()) } } Err(e) => Err(e.to_string()), }; let check_does_file_exits = |path: &str| match std::fs::metadata(path) { Ok(metadata) => { if metadata.is_file() { Ok(()) } else { Err("Parameter is not a file".to_owned()) } } Err(e) => Err(e.to_string()), }; let check_is_ip_addr = |s: &str| match IpAddr::from_str(s) { Ok(_) => Ok(()), Err(e) => Err(e.to_string()), }; let check_is_port_num = |s: &str| match s.parse::() { Ok(_) => Ok(()), Err(e) => Err(e.to_string()), }; let check_is_auth = |s: &str| { let parts = s.splitn(2, ':').collect::>(); if parts.len() < 2 || parts.len() >= 2 && parts[1].is_empty() { Err("Password not found".to_owned()) } else if parts[0].is_empty() { Err("Username not found".to_owned()) } else { Ok(()) } }; let matches = clap::command!() .arg(Arg::new("noindex").long("noindex").help("Disable automatic index page generation")) .arg(Arg::new("nocache").long("nocache").help("Disable HTTP cache")) .arg(Arg::new("nocolor").long("nocolor").help("Disable cli colors")) .arg(Arg::new("cors").long("cors").takes_value(true).min_values(0).max_values(1).help("Enable CORS [with custom value]")) .arg(Arg::new("spa").long("spa").help("Enable Single-Page Application mode (always serve /index.html when the file is not found)")) .arg(Arg::new("dotfiles").short('d').long("dotfiles").help("Show dotfiles")) .arg(Arg::new("open").short('o').long("open").help("Open the page in the default browser")) .arg(Arg::new("quiet").short('q').long("quiet").help("Disable access log output")) .arg(Arg::new("quietall").long("quietall").help("Disable all output")) .arg(Arg::new("ROOT").default_value(".").validator(check_does_dir_exits).help("Root directory")) .arg(Arg::new("address").short('a').long("address").default_value("").takes_value(true).validator(check_is_ip_addr).help("IP address to serve on")) .arg(Arg::new("port").short('p').long("port").default_value("8000").takes_value(true).validator(check_is_port_num).help("Port to serve on")) .arg(Arg::new("auth").long("auth").takes_value(true).validator(check_is_auth).help("HTTP Auth (username:password)")) .arg(Arg::new("cert").long("cert").takes_value(true).validator(check_does_file_exits).help("Path of TLS/SSL public key (certificate)")) .arg(Arg::new("key").long("key").takes_value(true).validator(check_does_file_exits).help("Path of TLS/SSL private key")) .subcommand(clap::Command::new("doc") .about("Open cargo doc via local server (Need cargo installation)") .arg(Arg::new("nocolor").long("nocolor").help("Disable cli colors")) .arg(Arg::new("noopen").long("noopen").help("Do not open the page in the default browser")) .arg(Arg::new("log").long("log").help("Enable access log output [default: disabled]")) .arg(Arg::new("quietall").long("quietall").help("Disable all output")) .arg(Arg::new("address").short('a').long("address").default_value("").takes_value(true).validator(check_is_ip_addr).help("IP address to serve on")) .arg(Arg::new("port").short('p').long("port").default_value("8000").takes_value(true).validator(check_is_port_num).help("Port to serve on")) ) .get_matches(); set_var( "ROOT", display_path(Path::new(matches.value_of("ROOT").unwrap_or("."))), ); set_var("NOINDEX", matches.is_present("noindex").to_string()); set_var("SPA", matches.is_present("spa").to_string()); set_var("DOTFILES", matches.is_present("dotfiles").to_string()); set_var("NOCACHE", matches.is_present("nocache").to_string()); if matches.is_present("quiet") { set_var("RUST_LOG", "info,actix_web::middleware::logger=off"); } if matches.is_present("quietall") { set_var("RUST_LOG", "off"); } if matches.is_present("nocolor") { set_var("RUST_LOG_STYLE", "never"); } if let Some(s) = matches.value_of("auth") { set_var("ENABLE_AUTH", matches.is_present("auth").to_string()); let parts = s.splitn(2, ':').collect::>(); set_var("AUTH_USERNAME", parts[0]); set_var("AUTH_PASSWORD", hash(parts[1])); } if matches.is_present("cors") { set_var("ENABLE_CORS", matches.is_present("cors").to_string()); match matches.value_of("cors") { Some(str) => { set_var("CORS", str); } None => { set_var("CORS", "*"); } } } let enable_tls = matches.is_present("cert") && matches.is_present("key"); let ip = matches .value_of("address") .unwrap_or("") .to_string(); let addr = format!("{}:{}", ip, matches.value_of("port").unwrap_or("8000")); let url = format!( "{}{}:{}", if enable_tls { "https://".to_string() } else { "http://".to_string() }, if ip == "" { "" } else { &ip }, matches.value_of("port").unwrap_or("8000") ); let open_in_browser = |url: &str| { if cfg!(target_os = "windows") { std::process::Command::new("explorer").arg(url).spawn().ok(); } else if cfg!(target_os = "macos") { std::process::Command::new("open").arg(url).spawn().ok(); } else if cfg!(target_os = "linux") || cfg!(target_os = "android") || cfg!(target_os = "freebsd") || cfg!(target_os = "dragonfly") || cfg!(target_os = "openbsd") || cfg!(target_os = "netbsd") { std::process::Command::new("xdg-open").arg(url).spawn().ok(); } }; if matches.is_present("open") { open_in_browser(&url); } if let Some(matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("doc") { if !matches.is_present("log") { set_var("RUST_LOG", "info,actix_web::middleware::logger=off"); } if matches.is_present("quietall") { set_var("RUST_LOG", "off"); } if matches.is_present("nocolor") { set_var("RUST_LOG_STYLE", "never"); } } env_logger::Builder::from_env(env_logger::Env::default().default_filter_or("info")) .format(move |buf, record| { let data = record.args().to_string(); let mut style = buf.style(); let blue = style.set_color(Color::Cyan); let mut style = buf.style(); let red = style.set_color(Color::Red); let mut style = buf.style(); let green = style.set_color(Color::Green); if record.target() == "actix_web::middleware::logger" { let data: Vec<&str> = data.splitn(5, '^').collect(); let time = blue.value( time::OffsetDateTime::parse( data[0], &time::format_description::well_known::Rfc3339, ) .unwrap_or(time::OffsetDateTime::UNIX_EPOCH) .format(time::macros::format_description!( "[year]/[month]/[day] [hour]:[minute]:[second]" )) .unwrap_or_else(|_| "".to_string()), ); let ipaddr = blue.value(data[1]); let status_code = data[2].parse().unwrap_or(500); let status_code = if status_code < 400 { green.value(status_code) } else { red.value(status_code) }; let process_time: Vec<&str> = data[3].splitn(2, '.').collect(); let process_time = process_time[0].to_string() + "ms"; let process_time = blue.value(if process_time.len() == 3 { " ".to_string() + &process_time } else if process_time.len() == 4 { " ".to_string() + &process_time } else { process_time }); let content = blue.value( urlencoding::decode(data[4]) .unwrap_or(std::borrow::Cow::Borrowed("[Parse URL Error]")) .into_owned(), ); return writeln!( buf, "[{}] {} | {} | {} | {}", time, ipaddr, status_code, process_time, content ); } else if record.target() == "actix_server::builder" { if data.starts_with("Starting ") && data.ends_with(" workers") { return Ok(()); } } else if record.target() == "actix_server::server" { if data == "Actix runtime found; starting in Actix runtime" { let data = format!( "[INFO] Serving {} on {}", var("ROOT").unwrap_or_else(|_| ".".to_string()), var("LISTEN_ADDRESS").unwrap_or_else(|_| "".to_string()) ); return writeln!(buf, "\r{}", green.value(data)); } if data == "SIGINT received; starting forced shutdown" { return writeln!( buf, "\r{}", green.value("[INFO] SIGINT received; starting forced shutdown") ); // Add '\r' to remove the input ^C } return Ok(()); } else if record.target() == "actix_server::worker" || record.target() == "actix_server::accept" { return Ok(()); } if data.starts_with("[ERROR]") || data.starts_with("TLS alert") || data.starts_with("Failed") { writeln!(buf, "\r{}", red.value(data)) } else { writeln!(buf, "\r{}", green.value(data)) } }) .init(); let addr = if let Some(matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("doc") { let mut cargo_toml = match std::fs::File::open("./Cargo.toml") { Ok(file) => file, Err(e) => { error!("[ERROR] {}", e.to_string()); return Ok(()); } }; let mut contents = String::new(); match cargo_toml.read_to_string(&mut contents) { Ok(_) => {} Err(e) => { error!("[ERROR] {}", e.to_string()); return Ok(()); } } let contents: CargoToml = match toml::from_str(&contents) { Ok(t) => t, Err(e) => { error!("[ERROR] {}", e.to_string()); return Ok(()); } }; let crate_name = contents.package.name; info!("[INFO] Generating document (may take a while)"); match std::process::Command::new("cargo").arg("doc").output() { Ok(output) => { let output = std::str::from_utf8(&output.stderr).unwrap_or(""); if output.starts_with("error: could not find `Cargo.toml` in") { error!("[ERROR] Cargo.toml Not Found"); return Ok(()); } else if output.starts_with("error: ") { error!( "[ERROR] {}", output.strip_prefix("error: ").unwrap_or(output) ); return Ok(()); } } Err(e) => { error!("[ERROR] Cargo Error: {}", e.to_string()); return Ok(()); } } let path = Path::new("./target/doc/"); let mut index_path = path.to_path_buf(); index_path.push(crate_name.to_string() + "/index.html"); if !index_path.exists() || !index_path.is_file() { error!("[ERROR] Cargo Error: doc path not found"); return Ok(()); } set_var("ROOT", display_path(path)); let ip = matches .value_of("address") .unwrap_or("") .to_string(); let addr = format!("{}:{}", ip, matches.value_of("port").unwrap_or("8000")); let url = format!( "http://{}:{}/{}/index.html", if ip == "" { "" } else { &ip }, matches.value_of("port").unwrap_or("8000"), crate_name, ); if !matches.is_present("noopen") { open_in_browser(&url); } addr } else { addr }; set_var("LISTEN_ADDRESS", addr); let server = HttpServer::new(move || { let app = App::new() .wrap_fn(|req, srv| { let paths = PathBuf::from_str(req.path()).unwrap_or_default(); let mut isdotfile = false; for path in paths.iter() { if path.to_string_lossy().starts_with('.') { isdotfile = true; } } let fut = srv.call(req); async move { Ok(fut.await?.map_body(|head, body| { if var("NOCACHE").unwrap_or_else(|_| "false".to_string()) == "true" { head.headers_mut().insert( http::header::CACHE_CONTROL, http::header::HeaderValue::from_static("no-store"), ); } if var("ENABLE_CORS").unwrap_or_else(|_| "false".to_string()) == "true" { let cors = var("CORS").unwrap_or_else(|_| "*".to_string()); let cors = http::header::HeaderValue::from_str(&cors) .unwrap_or_else(|_| http::header::HeaderValue::from_static("*")); head.headers_mut() .insert(http::header::ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN, cors); } if isdotfile && var("DOTFILES").unwrap_or_else(|_| "false".to_string()) != "true" { return dev::Response::new(http::StatusCode::FORBIDDEN).into_body(); } body })) } }) .wrap(middleware::Compress::default()) .wrap(middleware::Condition::new( var("ENABLE_AUTH").unwrap_or_else(|_| "false".to_string()) == "true", actix_web_httpauth::middleware::HttpAuthentication::basic(validator), )) .wrap(middleware::Logger::new("%t^%a^%s^%D^%r")); let files = fs::Files::new("/", var("ROOT").unwrap_or_else(|_| ".".to_string())) .use_hidden_files() .prefer_utf8(true) .show_files_listing() .files_listing_renderer(render_index) .default_handler(|req: dev::ServiceRequest| { let (http_req, _payload) = req.into_parts(); async { let path = var("ROOT").unwrap_or_else(|_| ".".to_string()); let mut path = Path::new(&path).to_path_buf(); path.push("index.html"); if path.exists() && path.is_file() && var("SPA").unwrap_or_else(|_| "false".to_string()) == "true" { let res = fs::NamedFile::open(path)?.into_response(&http_req); return Ok(ServiceResponse::new(http_req, res)); } Ok(ServiceResponse::new( http_req, HttpResponse::NotFound().body(""), )) } }); app.service(files) }); let server = if enable_tls { let cert = &mut BufReader::new( std::fs::File::open(Path::new(matches.value_of("cert").unwrap())).unwrap(), ); let key = &mut BufReader::new( std::fs::File::open(Path::new(matches.value_of("key").unwrap())).unwrap(), ); let cert = rustls_pemfile::certs(cert) .unwrap() .iter() .map(|x| rustls::Certificate(x.to_vec())) .collect::>(); let key = rustls::PrivateKey( rustls_pemfile::pkcs8_private_keys(key) .unwrap() .first() .expect("no private key found") .to_owned(), ); let config = rustls::ServerConfig::builder() .with_safe_defaults() .with_no_client_auth() .with_single_cert(cert, key) .expect("bad certificate/key"); server.bind_rustls( var("LISTEN_ADDRESS").unwrap_or_else(|_| "".to_string()), config, ) } else { server.bind(var("LISTEN_ADDRESS").unwrap_or_else(|_| "".to_string())) }; server?.run().await }