This is a simple HTTP Server for use in a development environment, inspired by [simple-http-server]( and [caddy2](, and it is also a practice project for me to learn rust.
### Screenshot

### Built With
- ~~[rocket]( Framework used in previous versions
- [clap]( Provide command line parameter analysis
- [tera]( Provide template support
- [actix-web]( Main frame
- [actix-files]( Provide static resources
- [actix-web-httpauth]( Provide authentication
- [rustls]( Provide TLS and HTTP/2 support
- [env_logger]( Provide log output
## Features
- Automatic generation of directory listings (default enabled)
- Relative path/absolute path/support
- Brotli/Gzip/Deflate streaming compression support (default disabled, disables Content-length and segmented downloads when enabled)
- Control whether dotfiles are displayed and can be accessed (default disabled)
- HTTP cache support, 304 support, Last-Modified/ETag support, of course you can also turn off cache
- Clearly colored organized log
- Disable access logging or disable all logging support
- Automatically open default browser (default disabled)
- Single-Page Application mode (always serve /index.html when the file is not found)
- Custom listening address (default Custom listening port number (default 8000)
- HTTP Basic Authentication Support
- TLS/SSL support, HTTP/2 support
- One click to enable CORS, custom CORS header support