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<a href="#">Home</a> | <a href="./about.html">About</a> | <a onclick="'')">Blog</a>
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<p>I'm Nofated. I am a newbie in the coding world.</p>
<p>Find me on
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<li>🏫 I am a student who lives in <strong>Beijing, China</strong>.</li>
<li>📒️ I have a <a onclick="'')">blog</a> based on the Hexo.</li>
<li>⌨️ Coding and open-source are great! Though I haven't learnt any languages...</li>
<li>🏢 I am a member of <a onclick="'')">LittleSkin</a> Community Support . I help maintain the bot and manual.</li>
<li>🚔 I am a fan of Minecraft, Grand Theft Auto, and anime.</li>
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