diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index 9cf6532..7d9a070 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -5,10 +5,12 @@ - Home · Nofated + Amane's Intro
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+ +core.skipWaiting(); +core.clientsClaim(); +precaching.cleanupOutdatedCaches(); + +routing.registerRoute( + /.*xgjalbum\.oss-cn-hangzhou\.aliyuncs\.com/, + new CacheFirst({ + cacheName: 'static-immutable' + cacheSuffixVersion, + fetchOptions: { + mode: 'cors', + credentials: 'omit' + }, + plugins: [ + new ExpirationPlugin({ + maxAgeSeconds: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60, + purgeOnQuotaError: true + }) + ] + }) +); + +routing.registerRoute( + /.*cdn\.staticfile\.org/, + new CacheFirst({ + cacheName: 'static-immutable' + cacheSuffixVersion, + fetchOptions: { + mode: 'cors', + credentials: 'omit' + }, + plugins: [ + new ExpirationPlugin({ + maxAgeSeconds: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60, + purgeOnQuotaError: true + }) + ] + }) +); + +routing.registerRoute( + /.*cdn\.nofated\.win/, + new CacheFirst({ + cacheName: 'static-immutable' + cacheSuffixVersion, + fetchOptions: { + mode: 'cors', + credentials: 'omit' + }, + plugins: [ + new ExpirationPlugin({ + maxAgeSeconds: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60, + purgeOnQuotaError: true + }) + ] + }) +); + +routing.registerRoute( + /.*cdn\.jsdelivr\.net/, + new CacheFirst({ + cacheName: 'static-immutable' + cacheSuffixVersion, + fetchOptions: { + mode: 'cors', + credentials: 'omit' + }, + plugins: [ + new ExpirationPlugin({ + maxAgeSeconds: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60, + purgeOnQuotaError: true + }) + ] + }) +); + +routing.registerRoute( + /.*fonts\.googleapis\.cn/, + new CacheFirst({ + cacheName: 'static-immutable' + cacheSuffixVersion, + fetchOptions: { + mode: 'cors', + credentials: 'omit' + }, + plugins: [ + new ExpirationPlugin({ + maxAgeSeconds: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60, + purgeOnQuotaError: true + }) + ] + }) +); + +routing.registerRoute( + /.*fonts\.gstatic\.cn/, + new CacheFirst({ + cacheName: 'static-immutable' + cacheSuffixVersion, + fetchOptions: { + mode: 'cors', + credentials: 'omit' + }, + plugins: [ + new ExpirationPlugin({ + maxAgeSeconds: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60, + purgeOnQuotaError: true + }) + ] + }) +); + +routing.registerRoute( + new RegExp('analytics.google.com'), + new NetworkOnly({ + plugins: [ + new backgroundSync.BackgroundSyncPlugin('ga_new', { + maxRetentionTime: 12 * 60 + }), + ] + }), + "POST" +) + +const StaleWhileRevalidateInstance = new StaleWhileRevalidate(); +/* + * Others img + * Method: staleWhileRevalidate + * cacheName: img-cache + */ +routing.registerRoute( + // Cache image files + /.*\.(?:png|jpg|jpeg|gif|webp)/, + StaleWhileRevalidateInstance +); + +/* + * Static Assets + * Method: staleWhileRevalidate + * cacheName: static-assets-cache + */ +routing.registerRoute( + // Cache CSS files + /.*\.(css|js)/, + // Use cache but update in the background ASAP + StaleWhileRevalidateInstance +); + +/* + * sw.js - Revalidate every time + * staleWhileRevalidate + */ +routing.registerRoute( + '/sw.js', + StaleWhileRevalidateInstance +); + + + +routing.registerRoute( + new RegExp('moe'), + StaleWhileRevalidateInstance +); + +routing.registerRoute( + /.*localhost/, + new NetworkOnly() +); + +/* + * Default - Serve as it is + * StaleWhileRevalidate + */ +routing.setDefaultHandler( + new NetworkOnly() +); diff --git a/src/App.tsx b/src/App.tsx index 249c0ee..a9065ec 100644 --- a/src/App.tsx +++ b/src/App.tsx @@ -84,21 +84,21 @@ export default function App() { {/* */} - Nofated + Amane - + - + @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ export default function App() { Yoo! - I'm Nofated, aka Tanikaze Amane. + I'm Amane, aka Nofated. @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ export default function App() { Misc - 📒️ I have a blog based on Hexo.
+ 📒️ I have a blog based on Hexo.
⌨️ Coding and open-source are great! Let's contribute together!
🧪 I used to be an iGEMer. My team won a 🥈silver medal in iGEM Competition 2023!
@@ -144,13 +144,15 @@ export default function App() { About + + My full name is Tanikaze Amane, but you may here some one call me Nofated or nof. + I am in senior high and I'm preparing for the Chinese College Entrance Examination, aka GaoKao. I do open-source works, you can check them on GitHub. Most of them are useless and have lots of bugs. -