// Config support-for-ie = false vendor-prefixes = webkit moz ms official // Colors color-default = #565a5f color-grey = #999 color-border = #eceff2 color-link = #38b7ea color-background = #f5f8f9 color-sidebar-text = #777 color-sidebar-text-dark = #333 color-widget-background = #ddd color-widget-border = #ccc color-mobile-nav-background = #191919 // Fonts font-sans = "open sans", "Helvetica Neue", "Microsoft Yahei", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif font-serif = Georgia, "Times New Roman", "Microsoft Yahei", serif font-mono = "Source Code Pro", Consolas, Monaco, Menlo, Consolas, monospace font-size = 14px line-height = 1.6em line-height-title = 1.1em // Header header-height = 64px header-sub-height = 48px logo-url = hexo-config("customize.logo.url") logo-width = 0px + hexo-config("customize.logo.width") logo-height = 0px + hexo-config("customize.logo.height") // Sidebar sidebar = hexo-config("customize.sidebar") thumbnail-default-small = 'images/thumb-default-small.png' // Profile bar profile = hexo-config("customize.profile") profile-avatar-size = 128px // Layout block-margin = 40px article-padding = 20px mobile-nav-width = 280px main-column = 7 sidebar-column = 3 profile-column = 3 sidebar-column-tablet = 4 if sidebar _sidebar-column = sidebar-column else _sidebar-column = 0 if profile _profile-column = profile-column else _profile-column = 0 // Grids column-width = 80px gutter-width = 20px if _sidebar-column is 0 and _profile-column is 0 columns = 10 main-column = 10 else columns = main-column + _sidebar-column + _profile-column if sidebar main-column-tablet = 6 if profile main-column-tablet = 9 // Media queries mq-mini = "screen and (max-width: 559px)" mq-mobile = "screen and (min-width: 560px) and (max-width: 799px)" mq-tablet = "screen and (min-width: 800px) and (max-width: 1199px)" mq-normal = "screen and (min-width: 1200px)" // Code Highlight highlight = hexo-config("customize.highlight") || "tomorrow" // Miscellaneous color-twitter = #00aced color-facebook = #3b5998 color-pinterest = #cb2027 color-google = #dd4b39