$family-sans-serif ?= 'Oxanium', Ubuntu, Roboto, 'Open Sans', 'Microsoft YaHei', sans-serif $family-code ?= 'Roboto Mono', monospace, 'Microsoft YaHei' // shadow and radius $shadow ?= none $radius ?= 0 $radius-small ?= 0 // base colors $white ?= #fff $white-bis ?= #cdcdcd $grey ?= #848484 $black ?= #000 $black-bis ?= #050a0e $orange ?= #ff8e3c $yellow ?= #fcee09 $green ?= #00ff41 $blue ?= #02d7f2 $purple ?= #9561d2 $red ?= #ff003c $primary ?= $yellow $info ?= $blue $success ?= $green $warning ?= $orange $danger ?= $red // invert colors $orange-invert ?= #121617 $yellow-invert ?= #121617 $green-invert ?= #121617 $blue-invert ?= #121617 $purple-invert ?= #121617 $red-invert ?= #121617 $primary-invert ?= #121617 $info-invert ?= #121617 $success-invert ?= #121617 $warning-invert ?= #121617 $danger-invert ?= #121617 // derived colors $scheme-main ?= $black $link ?= $blue $link-hover ?= $primary $text ?= $white-bis $text-strong ?= $yellow $body-background-color ?= $scheme-main $input-color ?= $text $input-placeholder-color ?= rgba($input-color, .8) $footer-color ?= $black $footer-background-color ?= $yellow $navbar-background-color ?= $yellow $navbar-item-color ?= $black $navbar-item-active-color ?= $black $navbar-item-hover-color ?= $black $navbar-item-hover-background-color ?= transparent $navbar-item-margin-v ?= 1.25rem $navbar-item-margin-h ?= .25rem $navbar-item-padding-v ?= 0 $navbar-item-padding-h ?= .5rem $card-background-color ?= transparent $menu-label-color ?= $blue $menu-item-hover-color ?= $black $menu-item-hover-background-color ?= $yellow $menu-list-border-left ?= 1px solid $text $tag-color ?= $black $tag-background-color ?= $blue $timeline-fg-line ?= $blue $timeline-bg-line ?= $body-background-color $post-navigation-fg ?= $white-bis $searchbox-bg-container ?= $black-bis $searchbox-border ?= $blue $searchbox-bg-input ?= $black-bis $searchbox-bg-close-hover ?= $black $searchbox-bg-close-active ?= $searchbox-bg-close-hover $searchbox-bg-result-item-hover ?= $black @import 'style' clip-path(clip) clip-path: clip -webkit-clip-path: clip cut-corner(size) clip-path(unquote('polygon(' + size + ' 0, 100% 0, 100% calc(100% - ' + size + '), calc(100% - ' + size + ') 100%, 0 100%, 0 ' + size + ')')) cut-corner-reverse(size) clip-path(unquote('polygon(0 0, calc(100% - ' + size + ') 0, 100% ' + size + ', 100% 100%, ' + size + ' 100%, 0 calc(100% - ' + size + '), 0 0)')) cut-corner-top-right(size) clip-path(unquote('polygon(0 0, calc(100% - ' + size + ') 0, 100% ' + size + ', 100% 100%, 0 100%)')) cut-corner-bottom-left(size) clip-path(unquote('polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 100% 100%, ' + size + ' 100%, 0 calc(100% - ' + size + '))')) cut-corner-bottom-right(size) clip-path(unquote('polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 100% calc(100% - ' + size + '), calc(100% - ' + size + ') 100%, 0 100%)')) undercover-before() position: relative &:before content: '' position: absolute z-index: -1 top: 0 left: 0 right: 0 bottom: 0 body counter-reset: card ::selection color: $black background: $blue .card:not(#back-to-top) position: relative counter-increment: card &, .card-content undercover-before() &:before top: -1.2px left: -1.2px right: -1.2px bottom: -1.2px background-color: $blue cut-corner-reverse(16px) &:after content: 'R' counter(card) position: absolute color: $blue right: 2rem bottom: -.6em font-size: .75rem padding: 0 .25em background: $body-background-color .card-image cut-corner-top-right(16px) .card-content:before background-color: $body-background-color cut-corner-reverse(16px) .card-image + .card-content:before cut-corner-bottom-left(16px) clip-button($color, $color-invert) &:before background-color: $color color: $color-invert &:hover:before, &.is-hovered:before background-color: darken($color, 2.5%) color: $color-invert &:focus:before, &.is-focused:before color: $color-invert &:active:before, &.is-active:before background-color: darken($color, 5%) color: $color-invert &[disabled]:before, fieldset[disabled] &:before background-color: $color &.is-inverted &:before background-color: $color-invert color: $color &:hover:before, &.is-hovered:before background-color: darken($color-invert, 5%) &[disabled]:before, fieldset[disabled] &:before background-color: $color-invert border-color: transparent box-shadow: none color: $color .button:not(input) border: none outline: none background: transparent !important undercover-before() &:before cut-corner(8px) // clip-path will cut off overflown content inside a button // thus we need to use :before pseudo-element to style the buttons for $name, $pair in $colors $color = $pair['1'] $color-invert = $pair['2'] &.is-{$name} clip-button($color, $color-invert) .field.has-addons .control:not(:first-child) .button cut-corner-bottom-right(8px) .menu-list a cut-corner(8px) .tags.has-addons .tag:first-child background: $yellow !important .tag:last-child background: $blue !important .pagination-previous, .pagination-next, .pagination-link cut-corner(8px) &:hover background-color: $blue &, a color: $black .navbar-main padding-top: 10px padding-bottom: 30px &:after content: '' position: absolute left: 0 right: 0 bottom: -2px background: url('../img/razor-top-black.svg') repeat-x top height: 40px .navbar-menu .navbar-item &:hover, &.is-active color: $navbar-background-color background-color: $body-background-color !important article.article, article.media .title a background-image: linear-gradient(transparent calc(100% - 2px), $text-strong 2px) background-repeat: no-repeat background-size: 0 100% transition: background-size .25s ease-in-out .title:hover a background-size: 100% 100% article.article .article-more clip-button($info, $info-invert) .content blockquote background: transparent border: .5px solid $blue border-left: 5px solid $blue .footer position: relative &:before content: '' position: absolute left: 0 right: 0 top: -1px height: 39px background: url('../img/razor-bottom-black.svg') repeat-x top & > .container padding-top: 40px .timeline .media &:before clip-path: polygon(50% 0, 100% 50%, 50% 100%, 0 50%) .searchbox .searchbox-container border: 1px solid $blue .searchbox-body border-bottom: 1px solid $searchbox-border li:last-child .searchbox-result-section border-bottom: none .searchbox-result-item em color: $black #back-to-top color: $black background: $blue margin-top: 45px cut-corner(8px)