/* eslint no-process-exit: "off" */ const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const util = require('util'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const logger = require('hexo-log')(); const { Migrator } = require('hexo-component-inferno/lib/core/migrate'); module.exports = hexo => { if (!process.argv.includes('--icarus-dont-check-config')) { const SCHEMA_ROOT = path.join(hexo.theme_dir, 'include/schema/'); const CONFIG_PATH = path.join(hexo.theme_dir, '_config.yml'); const yaml = require('hexo-component-inferno/lib/util/yaml'); const { SchemaLoader } = require('hexo-component-inferno/lib/core/schema'); const loader = SchemaLoader.load(require(path.join(SCHEMA_ROOT, 'config.json')), SCHEMA_ROOT); const schema = loader.getSchema('/config.json'); logger.info('=== Checking the configuration file ==='); // Generate config file if not exist if (!process.argv.includes('--icarus-dont-generate-config')) { if (!fs.existsSync(CONFIG_PATH)) { logger.warn(`${CONFIG_PATH} is not found. We are creating one for you...`); logger.info('You may add \'--icarus-dont-generate-config\' to prevent creating the configuration file.'); const defaultValue = schema.getDefaultValue(); fs.writeFileSync(CONFIG_PATH, defaultValue.toYaml()); logger.info(`${CONFIG_PATH} created successfully.`); } } try { const cfgStr = fs.readFileSync(CONFIG_PATH); let cfg = yaml.parse(cfgStr); // Check config version if (!process.argv.includes('--icarus-dont-upgrade-config')) { const head = require(path.join(hexo.theme_dir, 'include/migration/head')); const migrator = new Migrator(head); // Upgrade config if (migrator.isOudated(cfg.version)) { logger.info(`Your configuration file is outdated (${cfg.version} < ${migrator.getLatestVersion()}). ` + 'Trying to upgrade it...'); // Backup old config const hash = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(cfgStr).digest('hex'); const backupPath = CONFIG_PATH + '.' + hash.substring(0, 16); fs.writeFileSync(backupPath, cfgStr); logger.info(`Current configurations are written up to ${backupPath}`); // Migrate config cfg = migrator.migrate(cfg); // Save config fs.writeFileSync(CONFIG_PATH, yaml.stringify(cfg)); logger.info(`${CONFIG_PATH} upgraded successfully.`); const defaultValue = schema.getDefaultValue(); fs.writeFileSync(CONFIG_PATH + '.example', defaultValue.toYaml()); logger.info(`We also created an example at ${CONFIG_PATH + '.example'} for your reference.`); } } // Check config file against schemas const result = schema.validate(cfg); if (result !== true) { logger.warn('Configuration file failed one or more checks.'); logger.warn('Icarus may still run, but you will encounter unexcepted results.'); logger.warn('Here is some information for you to correct the configuration file.'); logger.warn(util.inspect(result)); } } catch (e) { logger.error(e); logger.error(`Failed to load the configuration file ${CONFIG_PATH}.`); logger.error('Please add \'--icarus-dont-check-config\' to your Hexo command if you'); logger.error('wish to skip the config file checking.'); process.exit(-1); } } };