# Menus menu: Home: . Archives: archives Categories: categories Tags: tags About: about # Customize customize: logo: enabled: true width: 40 height: 40 url: images/logo.png profile: enabled: true # Whether to show profile bar avatar: css/images/avatar.png gravatar: # Gravatar email address, if you enable Gravatar, your avatar config will be overriden author: PPOffice author_title: Web Developer & Designer location: Harbin, China follow: https://github.com/ppoffice/ highlight: monokai sidebar: right # sidebar position, options: left, right thumbnail: true # enable posts thumbnail, options: true, false favicon: # path to favicon social_links: github: http://github.com/ppoffice/hexo-theme-icarus twitter: / facebook: / dribbble: / rss: / # Widgets widgets: - recent_posts - category - archive - tag - tagcloud - links # Search search: insight: true swiftype: # enter swiftype install key here baidu: false # you need to disable other search engines to use Baidu search, options: true, false # Comment comment: disqus: hexo-theme-icarus # enter disqus shortname here duoshuo: # enter duoshuo shortname here youyan: # enter youyan uid here # Share share: default # options: jiathis, bdshare, addtoany, default # Plugins plugins: fancybox: true # options: true, false google_analytics: # enter the tracking ID for your Google Analytics google_site_verification: # enter Google site verification code baidu_analytics: # enter Baidu Analytics hash key # Miscellaneous miscellaneous: open_graph: # see http://ogp.me fb_app_id: fb_admins: twitter_id: google_plus: links: Hexo: http://hexo.io