refactor: please refer to Hueman theme

This commit is contained in:
ppoffice 2016-02-03 00:19:44 +08:00
parent 3e929ba435
commit d30c6d5fbe
220 changed files with 6682 additions and 2243 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
# Logo
logo: css/images/logo.png # Empty this to unset logo and show site title in the same place
# Header
# Menus
Home: .
Archives: archives
@ -9,47 +6,67 @@ menu:
Tags: tags
About: about
# Content
excerpt_link: Read More
fancybox: true
# Customize
width: 40
height: 40
url: images/logo.png
enabled: true # Whether to show profile bar
avatar: css/images/avatar.png
gravatar: # Gravatar email address, if you enable Gravatar, your avatar config will be overriden
author: PPOffice
author_title: 'Web Developer & Designer'
location: 'Harbin, China'
highlight: androidstudio
sidebar: right # sidebar position, options: left, right
thumbnail: true # enable posts thumbnail, options: true, false
favicon: # path to favicon
twitter: /
facebook: /
dribbble: /
rss: /
# Profile
profile: true # Whether to show profile bar
gravatar: false # Whether to use gravatar with the email. If you do, put your email address in your site's `_config.yml`.
# Sidebar
sidebar: right # set to false if you don't want a sidebar
# Widgets
- recent_posts
- category
- archive
- tag
- tagcloud
- archive
thumbnail: true
- links
# Contacts
twitter: '#'
facebook: '#'
dribbble: '#'
rss: atom.xml
# Search
swiftype: # enter swiftype install key here
baidu: false # you need to disable other search engines to use Baidu search, options: true, false
# Links
# Comment
disqus: hexo-theme-icarus # enter disqus shortname here
duoshuo: # enter duoshuo shortname here
youyan: # enter youyan uid here
cdn: # You can choose "useso" instead of "google apis"(default).
# cdn: useso
# OR
# cdn:
# Share
share: default # options: jiathis, bdshare, addtoany, default
# Plugins
fancybox: true # options: true, false
google_analytics: # enter the tracking ID for your Google Analytics
google_site_verification: # enter Google site verification code
baidu_analytics: # enter Baidu Analytics hash key
# Miscellaneous
favicon: favicon.png
open_graph: # see

View File

@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
# Hexo Configuration
## Docs:
## Source:
# Site
title: Icarus
description: Hexo theme - Icarus
author: PPOffice
author_title: 'Web Developer & Designer'
avatar: css/images/avatar.png
location: 'Harbin, China'
email: # Your email (Used to show Gravatar).
language: en
since: 2000 # The start year showing in your copyright section.
## If your site is put in a subdirectory, set url as '' and root as '/child/'
root: /hexo-theme-icarus/
permalink: :year/:month/:day/:title/
# Directory
source_dir: source
public_dir: public
tag_dir: tags
archive_dir: archives
category_dir: categories
code_dir: downloads/code
i18n_dir: :lang
# Writing
new_post_name: # File name of new posts
default_layout: post
titlecase: false # Transform title into titlecase
external_link: true # Open external links in new tab
filename_case: 0
render_drafts: false
post_asset_folder: false
relative_link: false
future: true
enable: true
line_number: true
# Category & Tag
default_category: uncategorized
# Date / Time format
## Hexo uses Moment.js to parse and display date
## You can customize the date format as defined in
date_format: YYYY-MM-DD
time_format: HH:mm:ss
# Pagination
## Set per_page to 0 to disable pagination
per_page: 6
pagination_dir: page
# Extensions
## Plugins:
## Themes:
theme: icarus
# Disqus
# disqus_shortname: hexo-theme-icarus
# DuoShuo
# duoshuo_shortname: hexo-theme-icarus
# Swiftype
# swiftype_install_key: XXX_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
# Deployment
## Docs:
type: git
branch: gh-pages

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ widget:
tags: 'tags'
tag_cloud: 'tag cloud'
more: 'Read More'
comments: 'Comments'
share: 'Share'
catalogue: 'Catalogue'

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ widget:
tags: '标签'
tag_cloud: '标签云'
more: '查看更多'
comments: '评论'
share: '分享到'
catalogue: '文章目录'

View File

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
<% if (config.disqus_shortname){ %>
var disqus_shortname = '<%= config.disqus_shortname %>';
var dsq = document.createElement('script');
dsq.type = 'text/javascript';
dsq.async = true;
dsq.src = '//' + disqus_shortname + '<% if (page.comments) { %>embed.js<% } else { %>count.js<% } %>';
(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(dsq);
<% } else if (config.duoshuo_shortname){ %>
<script type="text/javascript">
var duoshuoQuery = {short_name:"<%= config.duoshuo_shortname %>"};
(function() {
var ds = document.createElement('script');
ds.type = 'text/javascript';ds.async = true;
ds.src = (document.location.protocol == 'https:' ? 'https:' : 'http:') + '//';
ds.charset = 'UTF-8';
|| document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(ds);
<% } %>
<% if (config.swiftype_install_key) { %>
<script type="text/javascript">
_st('install','<%= config.swiftype_install_key %>','2.0.0');
<% } %>
<%- partial('cdn_after_footer') %>
<% if (theme.fancybox){ %>
<%- css('fancybox/jquery.fancybox') %>
<%- js('fancybox/jquery.fancybox.pack') %>
<% } %>
<%- js('js/script') %>

View File

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
<article class="archive-article archive-type-<%= post.layout %>">
<div class="archive-article-inner">
<% if(theme.thumbnail == true) { %>
<div class="archive-article-thumbnail">
<%- partial('post/thumbnail.ejs', {post: post}) %>
<% } %>
<header class="archive-article-header">
<%- partial('post/title', {class_name: 'archive-article-title'}) %>
<% if(archive) { %>
<%- partial('post/date', {class_name: 'archive-article-date', date_format: 'MMM D'}) %>
<% } else { %>
<%- partial('post/date', {class_name: 'archive-article-date', date_format: 'YYYY MMM D'}) %>
<% } %>

View File

@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
<% switch (type) {
case 'archive':
var last;
page.posts.each(function(post, i){
var year =;
if (last != year){
if (last != null){ %>
<% }
last = year; %>
<div class="archive-year-wrap">
<a href="<%- url_for('archives/' + year) %>" class="archive-year"><%= year %></a>
<section class="archives-wrap">
<div class="archives">
<% } %>
<%- partial('archive-post', {post: post, archive: true}) %>
<% });
if (page.posts.length){ %>
<% }
if ( > 1){ %>
<nav id="page-nav">
<%- paginator({
prev_text: '&laquo; ' + __('nav.prev'),
next_text: __('') + ' &raquo;'
}) %>
<% }
case 'category': %>
<section class="archives-wrap">
<div class="archive-category-wrap">
<span class="archive-category"><%= page.category %></span>
<div class="archives">
<% page.posts.each(function (post, i) { %>
<%- partial('archive-post', {post: post, archive: false}) %>
<% }); %>
<% if ( > 1){ %>
<nav id="page-nav">
<%- paginator({
prev_text: '&laquo; ' + __('nav.prev'),
next_text: __('') + ' &raquo;'
}) %>
<% }
case 'tag': %>
<section class="archives-wrap">
<div class="archive-tag-wrap">
<span class="archive-tag">#<%= page.tag %></span>
<div class="archives">
<% page.posts.each(function (post, i) { %>
<%- partial('archive-post', {post: post, archive: false}) %>
<% }); %>
<% if ( > 1){ %>
<nav id="page-nav">
<%- paginator({
prev_text: '&laquo; ' + __('nav.prev'),
next_text: __('') + ' &raquo;'
}) %>
<% }
page.posts.each(function(post){ %>
<%- partial('article', {post: post, index: true}) %>
<% })
if ( > 1){ %>
<nav id="page-nav">
<%- paginator({
prev_text: '&laquo; ' + __('nav.prev'),
next_text: __('') + ' &raquo;'
}) %>
<% }
} %>

View File

@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
<article id="<%= post.layout %>-<%= post.slug %>" class="article article-type-<%= post.layout %>" itemscope itemprop="blogPost">
<div class="article-inner">
<% if (post.banner){ %>
<%- partial('post/banner') %>
<% } %>
<%- partial('post/gallery') %>
<% if ( || post.title){ %>
<header class="article-header">
<%- partial('post/title', {class_name: 'article-title'}) %>
<div class="article-meta">
<%- partial('post/date', {class_name: 'article-date', date_format: null}) %>
<%- partial('post/category') %>
<% } %>
<div class="article-entry" itemprop="articleBody">
<% if (post.excerpt && index){ %>
<%- post.excerpt %>
<% if (theme.excerpt_link){ %>
<p class="article-more-link">
<a href="<%- url_for(post.path) %>#more"><%= theme.excerpt_link %></a>
<% } %>
<% } else { %>
<% if (!index && post.toc){ %>
<div id="toc" class="toc-article">
<strong class="toc-title"><%= __('article.catalogue') %></strong>
<%- toc(post.content) %>
<% } %>
<%- post.content %>
<% } %>
<footer class="article-footer">
<a data-url="<%- post.permalink %>" data-id="<%= post._id %>" class="article-share-link"><%= __('article.share') %></a>
<% if (post.comments && config.disqus_shortname){ %>
<a href="<%- post.permalink %>#disqus_thread" class="article-comment-link"><%= __('article.comments') %></a>
<% } else if (post.comments && config.duoshuo_shortname){ %>
<a href="<%- post.permalink %>#ds-thread" class="article-comment-link"><%= __('article.comments') %></a>
<% } %>
<%- partial('post/tag') %>
<% if (!index){ %>
<%- partial('post/nav') %>
<% } %>
<% if (!index && post.comments && config.disqus_shortname){ %>
<section id="comments">
<div id="disqus_thread">
<noscript>Please enable JavaScript to view the <a href="//">comments powered by Disqus.</a></noscript>
<% } else if (!index && post.comments && config.duoshuo_shortname){ %>
<section id="comments">
<div id="ds-thread" class="ds-thread" data-thread-key="<%- post.permalink %>" data-title="<%- post.title %>" data-url="<%- post.permalink %>">
<noscript>Please enable JavaScript to view the <a href="//">comments powered by DuoShuo.</a></noscript>
<% } %>

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
<% if (theme.cdn == "useso"){ %>
<script src="//"></script>
<% } else if (theme.cdn == "ustc") { %>
<script src="//"></script>
<% } else { %>
<script src=""></script>
<% } %>

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
<% if (theme.cdn == "useso"){ %>
<link href='//,400,600' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<% } else if (theme.cdn == "ustc") { %>
<link href='//,400,600' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<% } else { %>
<link href=',400,600' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<% } %>

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
<footer id="footer">
<% if (theme.sidebar === 'bottom'){ %>
<%- partial('_partial/sidebar') %>
<% } %>
<div class="outer">
<div id="footer-info" class="inner">
&copy; <% if (config.since && config.since != date(new Date(), 'YYYY')){ %><%= config.since %> - <% } %><%= date(new Date(), 'YYYY') %> <%= || config.title %><br>
Powered by <a href="" target="_blank">Hexo</a>. Theme by <a href="">PPOffice</a>

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
<% if (theme.google_site_verification){ %>
<meta name="google-site-verification" content="<%= theme.google_site_verification %>" />
<% } %>

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
var title = page.title;
if (is_archive()){
title = 'Archives';
if (is_month()){
title += ': ' + page.year + '/' + page.month;
} else if (is_year()){
title += ': ' + page.year;
} else if (is_category()){
title = 'Category: ' + page.category;
} else if (is_tag()){
title = 'Tag: ' + page.tag;
<title><% if (title){ %><%= title %> | <% } %><%= config.title %></title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1">
<%- open_graph({twitter_id: theme.twitter, google_plus: theme.google_plus, fb_admins: theme.fb_admins, fb_app_id: theme.fb_app_id}) %>
<% if (theme.rss){ %>
<link rel="alternative" href="<%- theme.rss %>" title="<%= config.title %>" type="application/atom+xml">
<% } %>
<% if (theme.favicon){ %>
<link rel="icon" href="<%- theme.favicon %>">
<% } %>
<%- partial('cdn_head') %>
<%- css('css/style') %>
<%- css('font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min') %>
<%- partial('google-analytics') %>
<%- partial('google_site_verification') %>
<% if( theme.customstylesheet ){ %>
<%- css('css/'+theme.customstylesheet) %>
<% } %>

View File

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
<header id="header">
<div id="header-main" class="header-inner">
<div class="outer">
<a href="<%- url_for() %>" id="logo"><%- (theme.logo? '<i class="logo" style="background-image: url(' + url_for(theme.logo) + ')"></i>':'') %><span class="site-title"><%= config.title %></span></a>
<nav id="main-nav">
<% for (var i in{ %>
<a class="main-nav-link" href="<%- url_for([i]) %>"><%= i %></a>
<% } %>
<% if(theme.profile) { %>
<nav id="sub-nav">
<div class="profile" id="profile-nav">
<a id="profile-anchor" href="javascript:;"><img class="avatar" src="<%= ( theme.gravatar ? gravatar( : url_for(config.avatar)) %>"><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></a>
<% } %>
<div id="search-form-wrap">
<% if (config.swiftype_install_key) { %>
<form class="search-form">
<input type="text" class="st-default-search-input search-form-input" placeholder="<%= __('') %>">
<button type="submit" class="search-form-submit"></button>
<% } else { %>
<%- search_form({ button: ' ', text: __('') }) %>
<% } %>
<div id="main-nav-mobile" class="header-sub header-inner">
<table class="menu outer">
<% for (var i in{ %>
<td><a class="main-nav-link" href="<%- url_for([i]) %>"><%= i %></a></td>
<% } %>
<% if (config.swiftype_install_key) { %>
<div class="search-form">
<input type="text" class="st-default-search-input search-form-input" placeholder="<%= __('') %>">
<% } else { %>
<%- search_form({ text: __('') }) %>
<% } %>

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
<% if ({ %>
<a href="<%- url_for( %>" target="_blank" itemprop="url"><img src="<%- post.banner %>" class="article-banner"></a>
<% } else if (post.title){ %>
<% if (index){ %>
<a href="<%- url_for(post.path) %>" itemprop="url"><img src="<%- post.banner %>" class="article-banner"></a>
<% } else { %>
<img src="<%- post.banner %>" class="article-banner">
<% } %>
<% } %>

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
<% if (post.categories && post.categories.length){ %>
<div class="article-category">
<i class="fa fa-folder"></i>
<%- list_categories(post.categories, {
show_count: false,
class: 'article-category',
style: 'none',
separator: '<i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i>'
}) %>
<% } %>

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
<% if ( && !post.hidedate){ %>
<div class="<%= class_name %>">
<i class="fa fa-calendar"></i>
<a href="<%- url_for(post.path) %>">
<time datetime="<%= date_xml( %>" itemprop="datePublished"><%= date(, date_format) %></time>
<% } %>

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
<% if ( &&{ %>
<div class="article-gallery">
<div class="article-gallery-photos">
<%, i){ %>
<a class="article-gallery-img fancybox" href="<%- url_for(photo) %>" rel="gallery_<%= post._id %>">
<img src="<%- url_for(photo) %>" itemprop="image">
<% }) %>
<% } %>

View File

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
<% if (post.prev ||{ %>
<nav id="article-nav">
<% if (post.prev){ %>
<a href="<%- url_for(post.prev.path) %>" id="article-nav-newer" class="article-nav-link-wrap">
<strong class="article-nav-caption"><%= __('nav.newer') %></strong>
<div class="article-nav-title">
<% if (post.prev.title){ %>
<%= post.prev.title %>
<% } else { %>
(no title)
<% } %>
<% } %>
<% if ({ %>
<a href="<%- url_for( %>" id="article-nav-older" class="article-nav-link-wrap">
<strong class="article-nav-caption"><%= __('nav.older') %></strong>
<div class="article-nav-title"><%= %></div>
<% } %>
<% } %>

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
<% if (post.tags && post.tags.length){ %>
<%- list_tags(post.tags, {
show_count: false,
class: 'article-tag'
}) %>
<% } %>

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
<a href="<%- url_for(( %>" class="thumbnail">
var s = "";
if (post.thumbnail){
s = post.thumbnail;
}else if (post.banner){
s = post.banner;
}else if ( &&{
s =[0];
var img=/\<img\s.*?\s?src\s*=\s*['|"]?([^\s'"]+).*?\>/ig;
var result = post.content.match(img);
result = img.exec(post.content);
if(result != null) {
for(var i = result.length -1; i; --i){
s += result[i]+"\n";
if(s.length > 0){
var pattern = /^[\\{0,1}\/{0,1}]([^\/^\\]+)/,
pattern_ = /([^\/^\\]+)/;
if((ret = pattern.exec(s)) != null) {
if(ret[0].length == s.length)
s = config.root + post.path + ret[1];
} else if ((ret = pattern_.exec(s)) != null) {
if(ret[0].length == s.length)
s = config.root + post.path + ret[1];
<span style="background-image:url(<%- url_for(s) %>)" alt="<%= post.title %>" class="thumbnail-image"></span>
<% } else { %>
<span class="thumbnail-image thumbnail-none"></span>
<% } %>

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
<% if ({ %>
<h1 itemprop="name">
<a class="<%= class_name %>" href="<%- url_for( %>" target="_blank" itemprop="url"><%= post.title %></a>
<% } else if (post.title){ %>
<% if (index){ %>
<h1 itemprop="name">
<a class="<%= class_name %>" href="<%- url_for(post.path) %>"><%= post.title %></a>
<% } else { %>
<h1 class="<%= class_name %>" itemprop="name">
<%= post.title %>
<% } %>
<% } %>

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
<aside id="profile">
<div class="inner profile-inner">
<div class="base-info profile-block">
<img id="avatar" src="<%= ( theme.gravatar ? gravatar( : url_for(config.avatar)) %>">
<h2 id="name"><%= %></h2>
<h3 id="title"><%= config.author_title %></h3>
<span id="location"><i class="fa fa-map-marker"></i><%= config.location %></span>
<a id="follow" href="<%= config.follow %>"><%= __('profile.follow') %></a>
<div class="article-info profile-block">
<div class="article-info-block">
<%= site.posts.length %>
<span><%= (site.posts.length > 1 ? __('profile.posts') : __('')) %></span>
<div class="article-info-block">
<%= site.tags.length %>
<span><%= (site.tags.length > 1 ? __('profile.tags') : __('profile.tag')) %></span>
<% if(theme.contacts) { %>
<div class="contact-info profile-block">
<table class="contact-list">
<% for(var i in theme.contacts) { %>
<td><a href="<%- url_for(theme.contacts[i]) %>" target="_blank" title="<%= i %>"><i class="fa fa-<%= i %>"></i></a></td>
<% } %>
<% } %>
<% if(theme.about) { %>
<div class="article-info profile-block bio">
<p><%- theme.about %></p>
<% } %>

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
<aside id="sidebar"<% if (theme.sidebar === 'bottom'){ %> class="outer"<% } %>>
<% theme.widgets.forEach(function(widget){ %>
<%- partial('_widget/' + widget) %>
<% }) %>
<div id="toTop" class="fa fa-chevron-up"></div>

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
<% if (site.posts.length){ %>
<div class="widget-wrap">
<h3 class="widget-title"><%= __('widget.archives') %></h3>
<div class="widget">
<%- list_archives() %>
<% } %>

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
<% if (site.categories.length){ %>
<div class="widget-wrap">
<h3 class="widget-title"><%= __('widget.categories') %></h3>
<div class="widget">
<%- list_categories() %>
<% } %>

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
<% if (site.posts.length){ %>
<div class="widget-wrap widget-list">
<h3 class="widget-title"><%= __('widget.links') %></h3>
<div class="widget">
<% for (var i in theme.links){ %>
<a href="<%- theme.links[i] %>"><%= i %></a>
<% } %>
<% } %>

View File

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
<% if (site.posts.length){ %>
<div class="widget-wrap">
<h3 class="widget-title"><%= __('widget.recents') %></h3>
<div class="widget">
<ul id="recent-post" class="<%= (theme.thumbnail?'':'no-thumbnail') %>">
<% site.posts.sort('date', -1).limit(5).each(function(post){ %>
<% if(theme.thumbnail == true) { %>
<div class="item-thumbnail">
<%- partial('../_partial/post/thumbnail.ejs', {post: post}) %>
<% } %>
<div class="item-inner">
<p class="item-category"><%- list_categories(post.categories, {show_count: false, depth:2, class: 'article-category', style: 'none', separator: '<i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i>'}) %></p>
<p class="item-title"><a href="<%- url_for(( %>" class="title"><%= post.title %></a></p>
<p class="item-date"><time datetime="<%= date_xml( %>" itemprop="datePublished"><%= date( %></time></p>
<% }) %>
<% } %>

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
<% if (site.tags.length){ %>
<div class="widget-wrap">
<h3 class="widget-title"><%= __('widget.tags') %></h3>
<div class="widget">
<%- list_tags() %>
<% } %>

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
<% if (site.tags.length){ %>
<div class="widget-wrap">
<h3 class="widget-title"><%= __('widget.tag_cloud') %></h3>
<div class="widget tagcloud">
<%- tagcloud() %>
<% } %>

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
<%- partial('_partial/archive', {type: 'archive', index: true}) %>
<%- partial('common/archive', {type: 'archive', index: true}) %>

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
<%- partial('_partial/archive', {type: 'category', index: true}) %>
<%- partial('common/archive', {type: 'category', index: true}) %>

layout/comment/disqus.ejs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
<div id="disqus_thread">
<noscript>Please enable JavaScript to view the <a href="//">comments powered by Disqus.</a></noscript>
var disqus_shortname = '<%= theme.comment.disqus %>';
<% if (page.disqusId) { %>
var disqus_identifier = '<%= page.disqusId || page.slug %>';
<% } %>
<% if (page.permalink) { %>
var disqus_url = '<%= page.permalink %>';
<% } %>
(function() {
var dsq = document.createElement('script');
dsq.type = 'text/javascript';
dsq.async = true;
dsq.src = '//' + disqus_shortname + '<% if (page.comments) { %>embed.js<% } else { %>count.js<% } %>';
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
<div class="ds-thread" data-thread-key="<%= post.layout %>-<%= post.slug %>" data-title="<%= post.title %>" data-url="<%= page.permalink %>"></div>
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var duoshuoQuery = {short_name:'<%= theme.comment.duoshuo %>'};
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color: white;
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box-shadow: none;
text-shadow: none;
font-weight: normal;

layout/comment/index.ejs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
<% if (post.comments) { %>
<section id="comments">
<% if (theme.comment.disqus) { %>
<%- partial('comment/disqus') %>
<% } else if (theme.comment.duoshuo) { %>
<%- partial('comment/duoshuo') %>
<% } else if (theme.comment.youyan) { %>
<%- partial('comment/youyan') %>
<% } %>
<% } %>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
<div id="uyan_frame"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%= theme.comment.youyan %>"></script>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
<article class="archive-article archive-type-<%= post.layout %>">
<div class="archive-article-inner">
<% if(theme.customize.thumbnail == true) { %>
<div class="archive-article-thumbnail">
<%- partial('thumbnail.ejs', {post: post}) %>
<% } %>
<header class="archive-article-header">
<%- partial('post/title', {class_name: 'archive-article-title'}) %>
<% if(archive) { %>
<%- partial('post/date', {class_name: 'archive-article-date', date_format: 'MMM D'}) %>
<% } else { %>
<%- partial('post/date', {class_name: 'archive-article-date', date_format: 'YYYY MMM D'}) %>
<% } %>

layout/common/archive.ejs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
<% switch (type) {
case 'archive':
var last;
page.posts.each(function(post, i) {
var year =;
if (last != year) {
if (last != null) { %>
<% }
last = year; %>
<div class="archive-year-wrap">
<a href="<%- url_for('archives/' + year) %>" class="archive-year"><%= year %></a>
<section class="archives-wrap">
<div class="archives">
<% } %>
<%- partial('archive-post', {post: post, archive: true}) %>
<% });
if (page.posts.length) { %>
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if ( > 1) { %>
<nav id="page-nav">
<%- paginator({
prev_text: '&laquo; ' + __('nav.prev'),
next_text: __('') + ' &raquo;'
}) %>
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case 'category': %>
<section class="archives-wrap">
<div class="archive-category-wrap">
<span class="archive-category"><%= page.category %></span>
<div class="archives">
<% page.posts.each(function (post, i) { %>
<%- partial('archive-post', {post: post, archive: false}) %>
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<%- paginator({
prev_text: '&laquo; ' + __('nav.prev'),
next_text: __('') + ' &raquo;'
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case 'tag': %>
<section class="archives-wrap">
<div class="archive-tag-wrap">
<span class="archive-tag">#<%= page.tag %></span>
<div class="archives">
<% page.posts.each(function (post, i) { %>
<%- partial('archive-post', {post: post, archive: false}) %>
<% }); %>
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<nav id="page-nav">
<%- paginator({
prev_text: '&laquo; ' + __('nav.prev'),
next_text: __('') + ' &raquo;'
}) %>
<% }
page.posts.each(function(post) { %>
<%- partial('article', {post: post, index: true}) %>
<% })
if ( > 1) { %>
<nav id="page-nav">
<%- paginator({
prev_text: '&laquo; ' + __('nav.prev'),
next_text: __('') + ' &raquo;'
}) %>
<% }
} %>

layout/common/article.ejs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
<article id="<%= post.layout %>-<%= post.slug %>" class="article article-type-<%= post.layout %>" itemscope itemprop="blogPost">
<div class="article-inner">
<% if (post.banner) { %>
<%- partial('post/banner') %>
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<%- partial('post/gallery') %>
<% if ( || post.title) { %>
<header class="article-header">
<%- partial('post/title', {class_name: 'article-title'}) %>
<div class="article-meta">
<%- partial('post/date', {class_name: 'article-date', date_format: null}) %>
<%- partial('post/category') %>
<%- partial('post/tag') %>
<% } %>
<div class="article-entry" itemprop="articleBody">
<% if (index) { %>
<%- excerpt(post) %>
<p class="article-more-link">
<a href="<%- url_for(post.path) %>#more"><%= __('article.more') %></a>
<% } else { %>
<% if (!index && post.toc) { %>
<div id="toc" class="toc-article">
<strong class="toc-title"><%= __('article.catalogue') %></strong>
<%- toc(post.content) %>
<% } %>
<%- post.content %>
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<footer class="article-footer">
<%- partial('share/index', { post: post }) %>
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<% if (!index) { %>
<%- partial('post/nav') %>
<% } %>
<% if (!index) { %>
<%- partial('comment/index') %>
<% } %>

layout/common/footer.ejs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<footer id="footer">
<div class="outer">
<div id="footer-info" class="inner">
&copy; <%= date(new Date(), 'YYYY') %> <%= || config.title %><br>
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layout/common/head.ejs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
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var title = page.title;
if (is_archive()) {
title = __('index.archive');
if (is_month()) {
title += ': ' + page.year + '/' + page.month;
} else if (is_year()) {
title += ': ' + page.year;
} else if (is_category()) {
title = __('index.category') + ': ' + page.category;
} else if (is_tag()) {
title = __('index.tag') + ': ' + page.tag;
<title><% if (title) { %><%= title %> | <% } %><%= config.title %></title>
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fb_admins: theme.miscellaneous.open_graph.fb_admins,
twitter_id: theme.miscellaneous.open_graph.twitter_id,
google_plus: theme.miscellaneous.open_graph.google_plus,
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<%- js('vendor/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.min') %>
<%- partial('plugin/scripts', { isHead: true }) %>

layout/common/header.ejs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
<header id="header">
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<%- partial('search/index-mobile') %>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
<% if ( { %>
<a href="<%- url_for( %>" target="_blank" itemprop="url">
<img src="<%- post.banner %>" class="article-banner" />
<% } else if (post.title) { %>
<% if (index) { %>
<a href="<%- url_for(post.path) %>" itemprop="url">
<img src="<%- post.banner %>" class="article-banner" />
<% } else { %>
<img src="<%- post.banner %>" class="article-banner" />
<% } %>
<% } %>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
<% if (post.categories && post.categories.length) { %>
<div class="article-category">
<i class="fa fa-folder"></i>
<%- list_categories(post.categories, {
show_count: false,
class: 'article-category',
style: 'none',
separator: '<i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i>'
}) %>
<% } %>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<% if ( && !post.hidedate) { %>
<div class="<%= class_name %>">
<i class="fa fa-calendar"></i>
<a href="<%- url_for(post.path) %>">
<time datetime="<%= date_xml( %>" itemprop="datePublished"><%= date(, date_format) %></time>
<% } %>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
<% if ( && { %>
<div class="article-gallery">
<div class="article-gallery-photos">
<%, i) { %>
<a class="article-gallery-img fancybox" href="<%- url_for(photo) %>" rel="gallery_<%= post._id %>">
<img src="<%- url_for(photo) %>" itemprop="image">
<% }) %>
<% } %>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
<% if (post.prev || { %>
<nav id="article-nav">
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<strong class="article-nav-caption"><%= __('nav.newer') %></strong>
<div class="article-nav-title">
<% if (post.prev.title) { %>
<%= post.prev.title %>
<% } else { %>
(no title)
<% } %>
<% } %>
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<a href="<%- url_for( %>" id="article-nav-older" class="article-nav-link-wrap">
<strong class="article-nav-caption"><%= __('nav.older') %></strong>
<div class="article-nav-title"><%= %></div>
<% } %>
<% } %>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
<% if (post.tags && post.tags.length) { %>
<%- list_tags(post.tags, {
show_count: false,
class: 'article-tag'
}) %>
<% } %>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
<% if ( { %>
<h1 itemprop="name">
<a class="<%= class_name %>" href="<%- url_for( %>" target="_blank" itemprop="url"><%= post.title %></a>
<% } else if (post.title) { %>
<% if (index) { %>
<h1 itemprop="name">
<a class="<%= class_name %>" href="<%- url_for(post.path) %>"><%= post.title %></a>
<% } else { %>
<h1 class="<%= class_name %>" itemprop="name">
<%= post.title %>
<% } %>
<% } %>

layout/common/profile.ejs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
<% var profile = theme.customize.profile; %>
<aside id="profile">
<div class="inner profile-inner">
<div class="base-info profile-block">
<img id="avatar" src="<%= ( profile.gravatar ? gravatar(profile.gravatar) : url_for(profile.avatar)) %>" />
<h2 id="name"><%= %></h2>
<h3 id="title"><%= profile.author_title %></h3>
<span id="location"><i class="fa fa-map-marker"></i><%= profile.location %></span>
<a id="follow" href="<%= profile.follow %>"><%= __('profile.follow') %></a>
<div class="article-info profile-block">
<div class="article-info-block">
<%= site.posts.length %>
<span><%= (site.posts.length > 1 ? __('profile.posts') : __('')) %></span>
<div class="article-info-block">
<%= site.tags.length %>
<span><%= (site.tags.length > 1 ? __('profile.tags') : __('profile.tag')) %></span>
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<div class="profile-block social-links">
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<td><a href="<%- url_for(theme.customize.social_links[i]) %>" target="_blank" title="<%= i %>"><i class="fa fa-<%= i %>"></i></a></td>
<% } %>
<% } %>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<%- partial('plugin/scripts') %>
<!-- Custom Scripts -->
<%- js('js/main') %>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
<aside id="sidebar">
<% theme.widgets.forEach(function(widget) { %>
<%- partial('widget/' + widget) %>
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<div id="toTop" class="fa fa-chevron-up"></div>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<a href="<%- url_for(( ? : post.path)) %>" class="thumbnail">
<% var thumbnailUrl = thumbnail(post) %>
<% if (thumbnailUrl) { %>
<span style="background-image:url(<%- url_for(thumbnailUrl) %>)" alt="<%= post.title %>" class="thumbnail-image"></span>
<% } else { %>
<span class="thumbnail-image thumbnail-none"></span>
<% } %>

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
<%- partial('_partial/archive', {type: '', index: true}) %>
<%- partial('common/archive', {type: '', index: true}) %>

View File

@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
<%- partial('_partial/head') %>
<%- partial('common/head') %>
<div id="container">
<%- partial('_partial/header') %>
<%- partial('common/header') %>
<div class="outer">
<% if (theme.profile){ %>
<%- partial('_partial/profile', null, {cache: !config.relative_link}) %>
<% if (theme.customize.profile.enabled) { %>
<%- partial('common/profile', null, {cache: !config.relative_link}) %>
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<section id="main"><%- body %></section>
<% if (theme.sidebar){ %>
<%- partial('_partial/sidebar', null, {cache: !config.relative_link}) %>
<% if (theme.customize.sidebar) { %>
<%- partial('common/sidebar', null, {cache: !config.relative_link}) %>
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<%- partial('_partial/footer', null, {cache: !config.relative_link}) %>
<%- partial('_partial/after-footer') %>
<%- partial('common/footer', null, {cache: !config.relative_link}) %>
<%- partial('common/scripts') %>

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
<%- partial('_partial/article', {post: page, index: false}) %>
<%- partial('common/article', {post: page, index: false}) %>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
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hm.src = "//<%= theme.plugins.baidu_analytics %>";
var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s);

View File

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ga('create', '<%= theme.plugins.google_analytics %>', 'auto');
ga('send', 'pageview');
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layout/plugin/scripts.ejs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
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<%- css('vendor/fancybox/jquery.fancybox') %>
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<%- partial('plugin/baidu-analytics') %>
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<%- js('vendor/fancybox/jquery.fancybox.pack') %>
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View File

@ -1 +1 @@
<%- partial('_partial/article', {post: page, index: false}) %>
<%- partial('common/article', {post: page, index: false}) %>

layout/search/baidu.ejs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
<form class="search-form" method="GET" action="">
<input name="wd" type="text" class="search-form-input" placeholder="<%= __('') %>" />
<button type="submit" class="search-form-submit"></button>
(function ($) {
$('.search-form').on('submit', function (e) {
var keyword = $('.search-form-input[name="wd"]').val();
window.location = '<%= config.url.replace(/http(s)*:\/\//, "") %> ' + keyword;
return false;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
<% if ( { %>
<div class="search-form">
<input type="text" class="st-default-search-input search-form-input" placeholder="<%= __('') %>" />
<% } else if ( { %>
<%- partial('search/baidu') %>
<% } else { %>
<%- search_form({text: __('')}) %>
<% } %>

layout/search/index.ejs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
<div id="search-form-wrap">
<% if ( { %>
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<button type="submit" class="search-form-submit"></button>
<%- partial('search/swiftype') %>
<% } else if ( { %>
<%- partial('search/baidu') %>
<% } else { %>
<%- search_form({ button: ' ', text: __('') }) %>
<% } %>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
<script type="text/javascript">
(function(w,d,t,u,n,s,e) {w['SwiftypeObject']=n;w[n]=w[n]||function() {
_st('install','<%= %>','2.0.0');
.st-ui-injected-overlay-container *:not(select) {
font-family: inherit !important;
} .st-ui-type-heading {
color: <%= theme.customize.theme_color %> !important;
.st-ui-injected-overlay-container .st-ui-header input[type="text"]:focus {
border-bottom: 2px solid <%= theme.customize.theme_color %>;
.st-ui-injected-overlay-container .st-ui-footer {
color: <%= theme.customize.theme_color %>;
.st-ui-injected-overlay-container .st-ui-footer {
border-color: <%= theme.customize.theme_color %>;

layout/share/addtoany.ejs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
<div class="a2a_kit a2a_default_style">
<a class="a2a_dd" href="">Share</a>
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layout/share/bdshare.ejs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
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height: auto;
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layout/share/default.ejs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<a data-url="<%- post.permalink %>" data-id="<%= post._id %>" class="article-share-link"><i class="fa fa-share"></i><%=__('article.share')%></a>
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}).on('click', '.article-share-link', function(e) {
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id = 'article-share-box-' + $this.attr('data-id'),
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if ($('#' + id).length) {
box = $('#' + id);
if (box.hasClass('on')){
} else {
var html = [
'<div id="' + id + '" class="article-share-box">',
'<input class="article-share-input" value="' + url + '">',
'<div class="article-share-links">',
'<a href="' + encodedUrl + '" class="fa fa-twitter article-share-twitter" target="_blank" title="Twitter"></a>',
'<a href="' + encodedUrl + '" class="fa fa-facebook article-share-facebook" target="_blank" title="Facebook"></a>',
'<a href="' + encodedUrl + '" class="fa fa-pinterest article-share-pinterest" target="_blank" title="Pinterest"></a>',
'<a href="' + encodedUrl + '" class="fa fa-google article-share-google" target="_blank" title="Google+"></a>',
box = $(html);
top: + 25,
left: offset.left
}).on('click', '.article-share-box', function (e) {
}).on('click', '.article-share-box-input', function () {
}).on('click', '.article-share-box-link', function (e) {
e.stopPropagation();, 'article-share-box-window-' +, 'width=500,height=450');

layout/share/index.ejs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
<div class="share-container">
<% if (theme.share === 'jiathis') { %>
<%- partial('jiathis') %>
<% } %>
<% if (theme.share === 'bdshare') { %>
<%- partial('bdshare') %>
<% } %>
<% if (theme.share === 'addtoany') { %>
<%- partial('addtoany') %>
<% } %>
<% if (!theme.share || theme.share === 'default') { %>
<%- partial('default', { post: post }) %>
<% } %>

layout/share/jiathis.ejs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
<div class="jiathis_style">
<span class="jiathis_txt">分享到:</span>
<a class="jiathis_button_qzone">QQ空间</a>
<a class="jiathis_button_tsina">新浪微博</a>
<a class="jiathis_button_tqq">腾讯微博</a>
<a class="jiathis_button_weixin">微信</a>
<a href="" class="jiathis jiathis_txt jiathis_separator jtico jtico_jiathis" target="_blank">更多</a>
<a class="jiathis_counter_style"></a>
<script type="text/javascript" src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
.jiathis_style div:first-child:not(.jiadiv_01) {
width: auto !important;
border: none !important;
.jiathis_style .jiadiv_01 {
margin: 10px 0;
border-radius: 4px;
border: #e1e1e1 solid 1px;
.jiathis_style .jiadiv_01 div:first-child {
display: none;
.jiathis_style .jiadiv_02 {
padding: 7px 0 !important;
.jiathis_style .jiadiv_02 .jiatitle {
width: 85px;
border: none;
height: auto;
margin: 3px 10px;
padding: 6px 10px;
border-radius: 4px;
.jiathis_style .jiadiv_02 .jiatitle:hover {
border: none;
.jiathis_style .jiadiv_02 .jiatitle:nth-child(even) {
margin-left: 0;
.jiathis_style .jtico:hover {
opacity: 1;
.jiathis_style .ckepopBottom,
.jiathis_style .centerBottom {
width: auto !important;
padding: 5px;
background: #f7f7f7;

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
<%- partial('_partial/archive', {type: 'tag', index: true}) %>
<%- partial('common/archive', {type: 'tag', index: true}) %>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<% if (site.posts.length) { %>
<div class="widget-wrap">
<h3 class="widget-title"><%= __('widget.archives') %></h3>
<div class="widget">
<%- list_archives() %>
<% } %>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<% if (site.categories.length) { %>
<div class="widget-wrap">
<h3 class="widget-title"><%= __('widget.categories') %></h3>
<div class="widget">
<%- list_categories() %>
<% } %>

layout/widget/links.ejs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
<% if (site.posts.length) { %>
<div class="widget-wrap widget-list">
<h3 class="widget-title"><%= __('widget.links') %></h3>
<div class="widget">
<% for (var i in theme.miscellaneous.links) { %>
<a href="<%- theme.miscellaneous.links[i] %>"><%= i %></a>
<% } %>
<% } %>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
<% if (site.posts.length) { %>
<div class="widget-wrap">
<h3 class="widget-title"><%= __('widget.recents') %></h3>
<div class="widget">
<ul id="recent-post" class="<%= (theme.customize.thumbnail?'':'no-thumbnail') %>">
<% site.posts.sort('date', -1).limit(5).each(function(post) { %>
<% if(theme.customize.thumbnail == true) { %>
<div class="item-thumbnail">
<%- partial('common/thumbnail.ejs', {post: post}) %>
<% } %>
<div class="item-inner">
<p class="item-category"><%- list_categories(post.categories, {show_count: false, depth:2, class: 'article-category', style: 'none', separator: '<i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i>'}) %></p>
<p class="item-title"><a href="<%- url_for(( %>" class="title"><%= post.title %></a></p>
<p class="item-date"><time datetime="<%= date_xml( %>" itemprop="datePublished"><%= date( %></time></p>
<% }) %>
<% } %>

layout/widget/tag.ejs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<% if (site.tags.length) { %>
<div class="widget-wrap">
<h3 class="widget-title"><%= __('widget.tags') %></h3>
<div class="widget">
<%- list_tags() %>
<% } %>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<% if (site.tags.length) { %>
<div class="widget-wrap">
<h3 class="widget-title"><%= __('widget.tag_cloud') %></h3>
<div class="widget tagcloud">
<%- tagcloud() %>
<% } %>

scripts/excerpt.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
* Excerpt Helper
* @description Get the excerpt from a post
* @example
* <%- excerpt(post) %>
hexo.extend.helper.register('excerpt', function (post) {
var excerpt;
if (post.excerpt) {
excerpt = post.excerpt.replace(/\<[^\>]+\>/g, '');
} else {
excerpt = post.content.replace(/\<[^\>]+\>/g, '').substring(0, 200);
return excerpt;

scripts/thumbnail.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
* Thumbnail Helper
* @description Get the thumbnail url from a post
* @example
* <%- thumbnail(post) %>
hexo.extend.helper.register('thumbnail', function (post) {
var url = post.thumbnail || post.banner || '';
if (!url) {
var imgPattern = /\<img\s.*?\s?src\s*=\s*['|"]?([^\s'"]+).*?\>/ig;
var result = imgPattern.exec(post.content);
if (result && result.length > 1) {
url = result[1];
if(url.length > 0) {
var pattern = /^[\\{0,1}\/{0,1}]([^\/^\\]+)/,
pattern_ = /([^\/^\\]+)/;
if ((ret = pattern.exec(url)) != null) {
if(ret[0].length == url.length) {
url = post.path + ret[1];
} else if ((ret = pattern_.exec(url)) != null) {
if(ret[0].length == url.length) {
url = post.path + ret[1];
return url;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
* Agate by Taufik Nurrohman <>
* ----------------------------------------------------
* #ade5fc
* #a2fca2
* #c6b4f0
* #d36363
* #fcc28c
* #fc9b9b
* #ffa
* #fff
* #333
* #62c8f3
* #888
color: white
background: #333
font-weight: bold
font-style: italic
color: #62c8f3
color: #ade5fc
color: #a2fca2
color: #ffa
color: #d36363
color: #fcc28c
color: #888
color: #c6b4f0
color: #fc9b9b
background-color: #fc9b9b
color: #333
background-color: #a2fca2
color: #333
.highlight a
color: inherit
.highlight a:focus,
.highlight a:hover
color: inherit
text-decoration: underline

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
Date: 24 Fev 2015
Author: Pedro Oliveira <kanytu@gmail . com>
color: #a9b7c6
background: #282b2e
color: #6897BB
color: #cc7832
color: #629755
color: #808080
color: #bbb529
color: #6A8759
color: #ffc66d
color: #e8bf6a
font-style: italic
font-weight: bold

View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
Arduino® Light Theme - Stefania Mellai <>
color: #434f54
background: #FFFFFF
color: #434f54
color: #00979D
color: #D35400
color: #00979D
color: #005C5F
color: #880000
font-weight: bold
color: rgba(149,165,166,.8)
color: #728E00
color: #728E00
color: #434f54
font-style: italic
font-weight: bold
color: #728E00
color: #8A7B52

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
Date: 17.V.2011
Author: pumbur <>
color: #aaa
background: #222
color: #aaa
color: #fff
color: #444
color: #ffcc33
color: #00cc66
color: #32aaee
color: #6644aa
color: #bb1166
font-weight: bold
font-style: italic

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
Original style from (c) Ivan Sagalaev <Maniac@SoftwareManiacs.Org>
color: black
background: white
color: #888
color: #ccc
font-weight: bold
font-style: italic

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
/* Base16 Atelier Cave Dark - Theme */
/* by Bram de Haan ( */
/* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson ( */
color: #8b8792
background: #19171c
/* Atelier-Cave Comment */
color: #7e7887
/* Atelier-Cave Red */
color: #be4678
/* Atelier-Cave Orange */
color: #aa573c
/* Atelier-Cave Green */
color: #2a9292
/* Atelier-Cave Blue */
color: #576ddb
/* Atelier-Cave Purple */
color: #955ae7
color: #19171c
display: inline-block
width: 100%
background-color: #be4678
background-color: #2a9292
font-style: italic
font-weight: bold

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
/* Base16 Atelier Cave Light - Theme */
/* by Bram de Haan ( */
/* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson ( */
color: #585260
background: #efecf4
/* Atelier-Cave Comment */
color: #655f6d
/* Atelier-Cave Red */
color: #be4678
/* Atelier-Cave Orange */
color: #aa573c
/* Atelier-Cave Green */
color: #2a9292
/* Atelier-Cave Blue */
color: #576ddb
/* Atelier-Cave Purple */
color: #955ae7
color: #19171c
display: inline-block
width: 100%
background-color: #be4678
background-color: #2a9292
font-style: italic
font-weight: bold

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
/* Base16 Atelier Dune Dark - Theme */
/* by Bram de Haan ( */
/* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson ( */
color: #a6a28c
background: #20201d
/* Atelier-Dune Comment */
color: #999580
/* Atelier-Dune Red */
color: #d73737
/* Atelier-Dune Orange */
color: #b65611
/* Atelier-Dune Green */
color: #60ac39
/* Atelier-Dune Blue */
color: #6684e1
/* Atelier-Dune Purple */
color: #b854d4
font-style: italic
font-weight: bold

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
/* Base16 Atelier Dune Light - Theme */
/* by Bram de Haan ( */
/* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson ( */
color: #6e6b5e
background: #fefbec
/* Atelier-Dune Comment */
color: #7d7a68
/* Atelier-Dune Red */
color: #d73737
/* Atelier-Dune Orange */
color: #b65611
/* Atelier-Dune Green */
color: #60ac39
/* Atelier-Dune Blue */
color: #6684e1
/* Atelier-Dune Purple */
color: #b854d4
display: block
overflow-x: auto
background: #fefbec
color: #6e6b5e
padding: 0.5em
font-style: italic
font-weight: bold

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
/* Base16 Atelier Estuary Dark - Theme */
/* by Bram de Haan ( */
/* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson ( */
color: #929181
background: #22221b
/* Atelier-Estuary Comment */
color: #878573
/* Atelier-Estuary Red */
color: #ba6236
/* Atelier-Estuary Orange */
color: #ae7313
/* Atelier-Estuary Green */
color: #7d9726
/* Atelier-Estuary Blue */
color: #36a166
/* Atelier-Estuary Purple */
color: #5f9182
color: #22221b
display: inline-block
width: 100%
background-color: #ba6236
background-color: #7d9726
font-style: italic
font-weight: bold

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
/* Base16 Atelier Estuary Light - Theme */
/* by Bram de Haan ( */
/* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson ( */
color: #5f5e4e
background: #f4f3ec
/* Atelier-Estuary Comment */
color: #6c6b5a
/* Atelier-Estuary Red */
color: #ba6236
/* Atelier-Estuary Orange */
color: #ae7313
/* Atelier-Estuary Green */
color: #7d9726
/* Atelier-Estuary Blue */
color: #36a166
/* Atelier-Estuary Purple */
color: #5f9182
color: #22221b
display: inline-block
width: 100%
background-color: #ba6236
background-color: #7d9726
font-style: italic
font-weight: bold

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
/* Base16 Atelier Forest Dark - Theme */
/* by Bram de Haan ( */
/* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson ( */
color: #a8a19f
background: #1b1918
/* Atelier-Forest Comment */
color: #9c9491
/* Atelier-Forest Red */
color: #f22c40
/* Atelier-Forest Orange */
color: #df5320
/* Atelier-Forest Green */
color: #7b9726
/* Atelier-Forest Blue */
color: #407ee7
/* Atelier-Forest Purple */
color: #6666ea
font-style: italic
font-weight: bold

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
/* Base16 Atelier Forest Light - Theme */
/* by Bram de Haan ( */
/* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson ( */
color: #68615e
background: #f1efee
/* Atelier-Forest Comment */
color: #766e6b
/* Atelier-Forest Red */
color: #f22c40
/* Atelier-Forest Orange */
color: #df5320
/* Atelier-Forest Green */
color: #7b9726
/* Atelier-Forest Blue */
color: #407ee7
/* Atelier-Forest Purple */
color: #6666ea
font-style: italic
font-weight: bold

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
/* Base16 Atelier Heath Dark - Theme */
/* by Bram de Haan ( */
/* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson ( */
color: #ab9bab
background: #1b181b
/* Atelier-Heath Comment */
color: #9e8f9e
/* Atelier-Heath Red */
color: #ca402b
/* Atelier-Heath Orange */
color: #a65926
/* Atelier-Heath Green */
color: #918b3b
/* Atelier-Heath Blue */
color: #516aec
/* Atelier-Heath Purple */
color: #7b59c0
font-style: italic
font-weight: bold

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
/* Base16 Atelier Heath Light - Theme */
/* by Bram de Haan ( */
/* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson ( */
color: #695d69
background: #f7f3f7
/* Atelier-Heath Comment */
color: #776977
/* Atelier-Heath Red */
color: #ca402b
/* Atelier-Heath Orange */
color: #a65926
/* Atelier-Heath Green */
color: #918b3b
/* Atelier-Heath Blue */
color: #516aec
/* Atelier-Heath Purple */
color: #7b59c0
font-style: italic
font-weight: bold

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
/* Base16 Atelier Lakeside Dark - Theme */
/* by Bram de Haan ( */
/* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson ( */
color: #7ea2b4
background: #161b1d
/* Atelier-Lakeside Comment */
color: #7195a8
/* Atelier-Lakeside Red */
color: #d22d72
/* Atelier-Lakeside Orange */
color: #935c25
/* Atelier-Lakeside Green */
color: #568c3b
/* Atelier-Lakeside Blue */
color: #257fad
/* Atelier-Lakeside Purple */
color: #6b6bb8
font-style: italic
font-weight: bold

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
/* Base16 Atelier Lakeside Light - Theme */
/* by Bram de Haan ( */
/* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson ( */
color: #516d7b
background: #ebf8ff
/* Atelier-Lakeside Comment */
color: #5a7b8c
/* Atelier-Lakeside Red */
color: #d22d72
/* Atelier-Lakeside Orange */
color: #935c25
/* Atelier-Lakeside Green */
color: #568c3b
/* Atelier-Lakeside Blue */
color: #257fad
/* Atelier-Lakeside Purple */
color: #6b6bb8
font-style: italic
font-weight: bold

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
/* Base16 Atelier Plateau Dark - Theme */
/* by Bram de Haan ( */
/* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson ( */
color: #8a8585
background: #1b1818
/* Atelier-Plateau Comment */
color: #7e7777
/* Atelier-Plateau Red */
color: #ca4949
/* Atelier-Plateau Orange */
color: #b45a3c
/* Atelier-Plateau Green */
color: #4b8b8b
/* Atelier-Plateau Blue */
color: #7272ca
/* Atelier-Plateau Purple */
color: #8464c4
color: #1b1818
display: inline-block
width: 100%
background-color: #ca4949
background-color: #4b8b8b
font-style: italic
font-weight: bold

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
/* Base16 Atelier Plateau Light - Theme */
/* by Bram de Haan ( */
/* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson ( */
color: #585050
background: #f4ecec
/* Atelier-Plateau Comment */
color: #655d5d
/* Atelier-Plateau Red */
color: #ca4949
/* Atelier-Plateau Orange */
color: #b45a3c
/* Atelier-Plateau Green */
color: #4b8b8b
/* Atelier-Plateau Blue */
color: #7272ca
/* Atelier-Plateau Purple */
color: #8464c4
color: #1b1818
display: inline-block
width: 100%
background-color: #ca4949
background-color: #4b8b8b
font-style: italic
font-weight: bold

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
/* Base16 Atelier Savanna Dark - Theme */
/* by Bram de Haan ( */
/* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson ( */
color: #87928a
background: #171c19
/* Atelier-Savanna Comment */
color: #78877d
/* Atelier-Savanna Red */
color: #b16139
/* Atelier-Savanna Orange */
color: #9f713c
/* Atelier-Savanna Green */
color: #489963
/* Atelier-Savanna Blue */
color: #478c90
/* Atelier-Savanna Purple */
color: #55859b
color: #171c19
display: inline-block
width: 100%
background-color: #b16139
background-color: #489963
font-style: italic
font-weight: bold

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
/* Base16 Atelier Savanna Light - Theme */
/* by Bram de Haan ( */
/* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson ( */
color: #526057
background: #ecf4ee
/* Atelier-Savanna Comment */
color: #5f6d64
/* Atelier-Savanna Red */
color: #b16139
/* Atelier-Savanna Orange */
color: #9f713c
/* Atelier-Savanna Green */
color: #489963
/* Atelier-Savanna Blue */
color: #478c90
/* Atelier-Savanna Purple */
color: #55859b
color: #171c19
display: inline-block
width: 100%
background-color: #b16139
background-color: #489963
font-style: italic
font-weight: bold

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
/* Base16 Atelier Seaside Dark - Theme */
/* by Bram de Haan ( */
/* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson ( */
color: #8ca68c
background: #131513
/* Atelier-Seaside Comment */
color: #809980
/* Atelier-Seaside Red */
color: #e6193c
/* Atelier-Seaside Orange */
color: #87711d
/* Atelier-Seaside Green */
color: #29a329
/* Atelier-Seaside Blue */
color: #3d62f5
/* Atelier-Seaside Purple */
color: #ad2bee
font-style: italic
font-weight: bold

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More