use crate::{ buffer::{DataSized, ImageBuffer}, collector::{ AlbumMeta, Collector, ImageData, ImageMeta, Param, Registry, URL_FROM_TEXT_RE, URL_FROM_URL_RE, }, http_proxy::ProxiedClient, storage::{cloudflare_kv::CFStorage, KVStorage}, stream::{AsyncStream, Buffered}, telegraph::{ types::{Node, NodeElement, NodeElementAttr, Page, PageCreate, Tag}, RandomAccessToken, Telegraph, TelegraphError, MAX_SINGLE_FILE_SIZE, }, util::match_first_group, }; const ERR_THRESHOLD: usize = 10; const BATCH_LEN_THRESHOLD: usize = 20; const BATCH_SIZE_THRESHOLD: usize = 5 * 1024 * 1024; const DEFAULT_CONCURRENT: usize = 20; #[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)] pub enum UploadError { #[error("stream error {0}")] Stream(SE), #[error("telegraph error {0}")] Reqwest(#[from] TelegraphError), } pub struct Synchronizer { tg: Telegraph, limit: Option, author_name: Option, author_url: Option, cache_ttl: Option, registry: Registry, cache: C, } impl Synchronizer where CACHE: KVStorage, { // cache ttl is 45 days const DEFAULT_CACHE_TTL: usize = 3600 * 24 * 45; pub fn new( tg: Telegraph, registry: Registry, cache: CACHE, ) -> Self { Self { tg, limit: None, author_name: None, author_url: None, cache_ttl: None, registry, cache, } } pub fn with_concurrent_limit(mut self, limit: usize) -> Self { self.limit = Some(limit); self } pub fn with_author>(mut self, name: Option, url: Option) -> Self { self.author_name =; self.author_url =; self } pub fn with_cache_ttl(mut self, ttl: Option) -> Self { self.cache_ttl = ttl; self } pub async fn delete_cache(&self, key: &str) -> anyhow::Result<()> { self.cache.delete(key).await } pub async fn sync(&self, path: String) -> anyhow::Result where Registry: Param, C::FetchError: Into + Send + 'static, C::StreamError: Into + std::fmt::Debug + std::fmt::Display + Send + Sync + 'static, C::ImageStream: Send + 'static, ::Future: Send + 'static, { // check cache let cache_key = format!("{}|{}", C::name(), path); if let Ok(Some(v)) = self.cache.get(&cache_key).await { tracing::info!("[cache] hit key {cache_key}"); return Ok(v); } tracing::info!("[cache] miss key {cache_key}"); let collector: &C = self.registry.get(); let (meta, stream) = collector.fetch(path).await.map_err(Into::into)?; let page = self .sync_stream(meta, stream) .await .map_err(anyhow::Error::from)?; // set cache let _ = self .cache .set( cache_key, page.url.clone(), Some(self.cache_ttl.unwrap_or(Self::DEFAULT_CACHE_TTL)), ) .await; Ok(page.url) } pub async fn sync_stream( &self, meta: AlbumMeta, stream: S, ) -> Result> where SE: Send + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, S: AsyncStream>, S::Future: Send + 'static, { let buffered_stream = Buffered::new(stream, self.limit.unwrap_or(DEFAULT_CONCURRENT)); let r = self.inner_sync_stream(meta, buffered_stream).await; match &r { Ok(p) => { tracing::info!("[sync] sync success with url {}", p.url); } Err(e) => { tracing::error!("[sync] sync fail! {e:?}"); } } r } async fn inner_sync_stream( &self, meta: AlbumMeta, mut stream: S, ) -> Result> where S: AsyncStream>, { let mut err_count = 0; let mut uploaded = Vec::new(); let mut buffer = ImageBuffer::new(); // in this big loop, we will download images, and upload them in batch. // then, all meta info will be saved in `uploaded`. loop { // TODO: load images one by one is too slow! // We can spawn a background task(FuturesUnordered) and use channel, but expose as AsyncStream, // which does not require changes on consuming side. // 1. download images in batch while let Some(fut) = { let data = match fut.await { Err(e) => { err_count += 1; if err_count > ERR_THRESHOLD { return Err(UploadError::Stream(e)); } continue; } Ok(d) => { err_count = 0; d } }; // if the data size is too big to upload, we will discard it. if data.1.len() >= MAX_SINGLE_FILE_SIZE { tracing::error!("Too big file, discarded. Meta: {:?}", data.0); continue; } buffer.push(data); if buffer.len() > BATCH_LEN_THRESHOLD || buffer.size() > BATCH_SIZE_THRESHOLD { break; } } // all data is uploaded, and no data to process. // just break the big loop. if buffer.is_empty() { break; } // 2. upload the batch let (full_data, size) = buffer.swap(); let image_count = full_data.len(); tracing::debug!("download {image_count} images with size {size}, will upload them",); let (meta, data) = full_data .into_iter() .map(|(a, b)| (a, b.as_ref().to_owned())) .unzip::<_, _, Vec<_>, Vec<_>>(); let medium =; err_count = 0; // 3. add to uploaded tracing::debug!("upload {image_count} images with size {size}, medium: {medium:?}"); uploaded.extend( meta.into_iter() .zip(medium.into_iter().map(|x| x.src)) .map(|(meta, src)| UploadedImage { meta, src }), ); } // create telegraph page, or multi pages // Telegraph has 64K limit, since our estimate is not accurate, here we use 48K. const PAGE_SIZE_LIMIT: usize = 48 * 1024; let mut chunks = Vec::with_capacity(8); chunks.push(Vec::new()); let mut last_chunk_size = 0; for item in uploaded.into_iter().map(Into::::into) { let item_size = item.estimate_size(); if last_chunk_size + item_size > PAGE_SIZE_LIMIT { chunks.push(Vec::new()); last_chunk_size = 0; } last_chunk_size += item_size; chunks.last_mut().unwrap().push(item); } let mut last_page: Option = None; let title ='|', ""); while let Some(last_chunk) = chunks.pop() { let mut content = last_chunk; write_footer( &mut content,, last_page.as_ref().map(|p| p.url.as_str()), ); let title = match chunks.len() { 0 => title.clone(), n => format!("{}-Page{}", title, n + 1), }; tracing::debug!("create page with content: {content:?}"); let page = self .tg .create_page(&PageCreate { title, content, author_name: self .author_name .clone() .or_else(|| meta.authors.as_ref().map(|x| x.join(", "))), author_url: self.author_url.clone(), }) .await .map_err(UploadError::Reqwest)?; last_page = Some(page); } Ok(last_page.unwrap()) } } fn write_footer(content: &mut Vec, original_link: &str, next_page: Option<&str>) { if let Some(page) = next_page { content.push(np!(na!(@page, nt!("Next Page")))); } content.push(np!( nt!("Generated by "), na!(@"", nt!("eh2telegraph")) )); content.push(np!( nt!("Original link: "), na!(@original_link, nt!(original_link)) )); } impl Synchronizer { pub fn match_url_from_text(content: &str) -> Option<&str> { match_first_group(&URL_FROM_TEXT_RE, content) } pub fn match_url_from_url(content: &str) -> Option<&str> { match_first_group(&URL_FROM_URL_RE, content) } } impl DataSized for (ImageMeta, ImageData) { #[inline] fn size(&self) -> usize { self.1.size() } } struct UploadedImage { #[allow(unused)] meta: ImageMeta, src: String, } // Size: {"tag":"img","attrs":{"src":""}} impl From for Node { fn from(i: UploadedImage) -> Self { Node::new_image(format!("{}", i.src)) } }