use ipnet::Ipv6Net; use regex::Regex; use crate::{ collector::exhentai::EXCollector, http_client::{GhostClient, GhostClientBuilder}, util::{get_string, match_first_group}, }; lazy_static::lazy_static! { static ref EHENTAI_URL_RE: Regex = Regex::new(r#""#).unwrap(); } /// FHashConverter can convert f-hash(usually comes from a search result) to the first gallery url. /// Works for both e-hentai and ex-hentai. pub struct FHashConvertor { client: GhostClient, raw_client: reqwest::Client, } impl FHashConvertor { pub fn new(prefix: Option) -> Self { Self { client: GhostClientBuilder::default() .with_cf_resolve(&[""]) .build(prefix), raw_client: EXCollector::new_from_config() .expect("unable to build ex-client") .get_client(), } } pub fn new_from_config() -> Self { Self { client: GhostClientBuilder::default() .with_cf_resolve(&[""]) .build_from_config() .expect("unable to build client for f-hash convertor"), raw_client: EXCollector::new_from_config() .expect("unable to build ex-client") .get_client(), } } // TODO: impl a trait? pub async fn convert_to_gallery(&self, f_hash: &str) -> anyhow::Result { tracing::info!("[f-hash] converting hash {f_hash}"); // find in e-hentai let url = format!("{f_hash}&f_sh=on&f_sname=on&f_stags=on&f_sh=on&f_spf=&f_spt=&f_sfl=on&f_sfu=on&f_sft=on"); let text = get_string(&self.client, &url).await?; if let Some(url) = match_first_group(&EHENTAI_URL_RE, &text) { tracing::info!("[f-hash] hash {f_hash} -> {url}"); return Ok(url.to_string()); } // find in exhentai let url = format!("{f_hash}&f_sh=on&f_sname=on&f_stags=on&f_sh=on&f_spf=&f_spt=&f_sfl=on&f_sfu=on&f_sft=on"); let text = get_string(&self.raw_client, &url).await?; if let Some(url) = match_first_group(&EHENTAI_URL_RE, &text) { tracing::info!("[f-hash] hash {f_hash} -> {url}"); return Ok(url.to_string()); } tracing::info!("[f-hash] hash {f_hash} not found"); Err(anyhow::anyhow!("not found in e-hentai or exhentai")) } }