use reqwest::header::HeaderValue; use crate::{ config, http_client::{GhostClient, UA}, }; const CONFIG_KEY: &str = "proxy"; #[derive(serde::Deserialize, Clone, Debug, Default)] struct ProxyConfig { endpoint: String, authorization: String, } /// RequestBuilder helps create a Request with proxy. /// Note: Users should not replace headers. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)] pub struct ProxiedClient { proxy: Option, inner: reqwest::Client, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Proxy { endpoint: reqwest::Url, authorization: HeaderValue, } impl ProxiedClient { pub fn new(endpoint: &str, authorization: &str) -> Self { let proxy = Some(Proxy { endpoint: endpoint.parse().expect("unable to parse proxy endpoint"), authorization: authorization .parse() .expect("unable to parse proxy authorization"), }); Self { proxy, inner: reqwest::Client::builder() .user_agent(UA) .build() .expect("unable to build reqwest client"), } } pub fn new_from_config() -> Self { match config::parse::(CONFIG_KEY) .expect("unable to parse proxy config(key is {CONFIG_KEY})") { Some(cfg) => Self::new(&cfg.endpoint, &cfg.authorization), None => { tracing::warn!("initialized ProxiedClient without proxy config"); Self::default() } } } pub fn with_default_headers(self, headers: reqwest::header::HeaderMap) -> Self { Self { inner: reqwest::Client::builder() .user_agent(UA) .default_headers(headers) .build() .expect("unable to build reqwest client"), ..self } } } macro_rules! impl_method { ($method: ident) => { pub fn $method(&self, url: &str) -> reqwest::RequestBuilder { match &self.proxy { Some(p) => self .inner .$method(p.endpoint.clone()) .header("X-Forwarded-For", url) .header("X-Authorization", p.authorization.clone()), None => self.inner.$method(url), } } }; } impl ProxiedClient { impl_method!(get); impl_method!(post); impl_method!(head); impl_method!(put); impl_method!(delete); impl_method!(patch); pub fn request(&self, method: reqwest::Method, url: &str) -> reqwest::RequestBuilder { match &self.proxy { Some(p) => self .inner .request(method, p.endpoint.clone()) .header("X-Forwarded-For", url) .header("X-Authorization", p.authorization.clone()), None => self.inner.request(method, url), } } } pub trait HttpRequestBuilder { fn get_builder(&self, url: &str) -> reqwest::RequestBuilder; fn post_builder(&self, url: &str) -> reqwest::RequestBuilder; } macro_rules! gen_impl { ($ty: ty) => { impl HttpRequestBuilder for $ty { fn get_builder(&self, url: &str) -> reqwest::RequestBuilder { self.get(url) } fn post_builder(&self, url: &str) -> reqwest::RequestBuilder { } } }; } gen_impl!(reqwest::Client); gen_impl!(ProxiedClient); gen_impl!(GhostClient);