![](https://i.loli.net/2018/07/27/5b5b2eee0dc9b.png) #
Su k a
> Modern · Powerful · Simple > 现代 · 强大 · 简洁

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## Contents 目录 - [Introduction 简介](#introduction-简介) - [Demo 演示](#demo-演示) - [Install 安装](#install-安装) - [Documents 文档](#documents-文档) - [Contributing 贡献](#contributing-贡献) - [Changelog 更新日志](#changelog-更新日志) - [Todo 计划](#todo-计划) - [Maintainer 维护者](#maintainer-维护者) - [License 许可证](#license-许可证) - [Support 支持](#support-支持) - [Render 渲染](#render-渲染) ## Introduction 简介 "Suka", a Modern and Simple Theme for Hexo, with a lot of powerful features. 「Suka」,一个拥有许多强大特性的,现代、简洁的 Hexo 主题。 ## Demo 演示 - [Sukka's Blog](https://blog.skk.moe) - [Suka Theme Demo](https://theme-suka.skk.moe/demo/) ## Install 安装 ```bash $ cd hexo $ git clone https://github.com/SukkaW/hexo-theme-suka themes/suka $ cat themes/suka/site_config.yml >> _config.yml $ cd themes/suka $ npm i $ cd .. $ cd .. ``` You can also read our [detailed installation instructions](https://theme-suka.skk.moe/docs/en/) if you want any other variant. 你也可以阅读我们的 [详细安装说明](https://theme-suka.skk.moe/docs/) 了解如何用其他方法下载「Suka」并启用。 ## Documents 文档 [Suka Theme Docs](https://theme-suka.skk.moe/docs/en/) > ATTENTION! The English Version of Docs is still under construction!
But do not worry, I wrote the detailed explainations in config file's comment in English. So you can still configure the theme without difficulty. Any problem please feel free to open a new issue. [Suka 主题文档](https://theme-suka.skk.moe/docs/) --- [The source code of Docs](https://github.com/theme-suka/docs/) ## Contributing 贡献 All kinds of contributions (enhancements, new features, documentation & code improvements, issues & bugs reporting) are welcome.
please read the [Dev Guide](https://theme-suka.skk.moe/docs/en/dev/) before you start your contributing. 欢迎各种形式的贡献,包括但不限于优化,添加功能,文档 & 代码的改进,问题和 bugs 的报告。期待你的 Pull Request。
在参与贡献之前,请先阅读 [开发指南](https://theme-suka.skk.moe/docs/dev/)。 ## Changelog 更新日志 [View our release notes](https://github.com/SukkaW/hexo-theme-suka/releases)
[阅读我们的更新日志](https://github.com/SukkaW/hexo-theme-suka/releases) ## Todo 计划 See [Repo's projects](https://github.com/SukkaW/hexo-theme-suka/projects) for details. 在 [Repo's projects](https://github.com/SukkaW/hexo-theme-suka/projects) 查看关于 Todo 的详细信息 > The Todo is written in Chinese ## Maintainer 维护者 **Suka Theme** © [Sukka](https://github.com/SukkaW), Released under the [GPL-3.0](./LICENSE) License.
Authored and maintained by Sukka with help from contributors ([list](https://github.com/SukkaW/hexo-theme-suka/contributors)). > [Personal Website](https://skk.moe) · [Blog](https://blog.skk.moe) · GitHub [@SukkaW](https://github.com/SukkaW) · Telegram Channel [@SukkaChannel](https://t.me/SukkaChannel) · Twitter [@isukkaw](https://twitter.com/isukkaw) · Keybase [@sukka](https://keybase.io/sukka) ## License 许可证 [![license](https://img.shields.io/github/license/sukkaw/hexo-theme-suka.svg?style=flat-square)](./LICENSE) Open sourced under the GPL v3.0 license. 根据 GPL V3.0 许可证开源。 ## Support 支持 [![jsdelivr.png](https://i.loli.net/2018/07/27/5b5b29e9a9820.png)](https://www.jsdelivr.com) > jsDelivr – Open Source CDN. free, fast, and reliable Thanks jsDelivr for providing Public CDN service. [![](https://data.jsdelivr.com/v1/package/gh/sukkaw/hexo-theme-suka/badge)](https://www.jsdelivr.com/package/gh/sukkaw/hexo-theme-suka) > Spectre.css is a lightweight, responsive and modern CSS framework. ## Render 渲染 ![](https://i.loli.net/2018/07/27/5b5b2b53359fc.png)