"resource/layout/settingsdialog.layout" { controls { SettingsDialog { controlname="CDialogSettings" } okbutton { controlname="OKButton" } cancelbutton { controlname="CancelButton" } settingslist { controlname="SettingsList" style="SettingsList" wide=180 } sheet { controlname="Sheet" style="PropertySheet" } } styles { CDialogSettings { minimum-width="850" minimum-height="700" bgcolor=none render_bg { //0="fill( x0, y0, x0+200, y1, Light )" //1="fill( x0+200, y0, x1, y1, DefaultBackground)" 0="image_scale( x0, y0, x1, y1, graphics/JackMyth/SettingsDialog )" 1="image_scale( x0, y0, x0+200, y1, graphics/JackMyth/SettingsDialog_Fade )" 2="fill( x0+200, y0, x1, y1, JackMyth.HalfTranslucent)" } } "SettingsList" { //inset="6 -14 4 0" minimum-width="200" //Jumps between 200 and 194. Dont believe it's lies minimum-height="525" font-size=15 [$LINUX] font-size=20 padding-left=15 } ListPanelSectionHeader //clear the header { render_bg{ } bgcolor=none } ListPanel { render_bg {} bgcolor=none } } layout { region { name="buttons" width=max height=42 align="bottom" } region { name="body" margin-bottom=52 } place { control="settingslist,sheet" region=body width=max height=max spacing=-4 } place { control="settingslist" margin-top=32 } place { control="sheet" margin-left=200 margin-top=32 } place { control="okbutton,cancelbutton" region="buttons" width=92 height=32 align=right margin-right=10 spacing=10 } } }