"resource/layout/musicpage_detail_content.layout" { controls { AlbumList { tabposition=1 } ArtistList { tabposition=1 } PlaylistList { tabposition=1 } DetailsBorder { controlname=EditablePanel style="DetailsBorderPanel" zpos="-5" } EmptyDatabaseText { controlname="RichText" text="#Music_NoLibrary" style="EmptyDatabaseText" } CrawlingText { controlname="RichText" style="CrawlingText" } // Background image, plus overlays BackgroundImageA { controlname="ImagePanel" style="HeaderImage" zpos="-4" visible=1 scaling="none" horizontal-align=left vertical-align=top } BackgroundImageB { controlname="ImagePanel" style="HeaderImage" zpos="-4" visible=1 scaling="none" horizontal-align=left vertical-align=top } BackgroundImageMask { controlname="ImagePanel" style="HeaderImage" zpos="-3" visible=1 scaling="none" horizontal-align=left vertical-align=top } } styles { DetailsBorderPanel { font-family=basefont font-weight=400 render_bg{ 0="fill(x0, y0, x1, y1, JackMyth.HalfOpacity)" } } "ListPanel RichText" //empty { textcolor=DefaultText } AlbumOrArtistListStyle { } EmptyDatabaseText { textcolor=DefaultText selectedtextcolor=DefaultText render_bg{} } CrawlingText { textcolor=DefaultText selectedtextcolor=DefaultText render_bg{} } CMusicPage_Details_Content { inset="0 0 0 1" render { } } // Some overrides for our listpanel "MusicPage_Details_Content ListPanel" { padding-left=15 bgcolor=none render_bg{} } "MusicPage_Details_Content ListPanelInterior" { textcolor="DefaultText" inset="1 1 0 0" bgcolor=none render_bg{} } "MusicPage_Details_Content ListPanelInterior:scrollbar" { inset="1 1 -2 0" bgcolor=JackMyth.HalfOpacity render_bg{} } "AlbumOrArtistListStyle ListPanelColumnSelectButton" { inset="-3 3 0 0" render { 5="image( x0 + 3, y0 + 3, x1, y1, graphics/Threshold/icons/plus )" } } DetailsBorderPanel { } BackgroundImage { bgcolor="0 0 0 0" } } layout { region {name=hidden width=0 height=0} region { name="background" x=0 y=0 width=1024 height=1024 } region { name="list" y=0 x=0 width=275 height=max margin-bottom=0 } region { name="details" y=0 x=275 width=max height=max overflow=scroll-vertical dir=down } place { control=EmptyDatabaseText x=0 y=0 width=max height=max margin=10 region=list} place { control=CrawlingText x=0 y=0 width=max height=max margin=10 region=list} place { control=DetailsBorder y=0 x=0 width=max height=max } place { control=AlbumList region=list width=275 height=max margin=0} place { control=ArtistList region=list width=275 height=max margin=0} place { control=PlaylistList region=list width=275 height=max margin=0} place { control=*MusicPageDetailsAlbum region=details width=max dir=down spacing=33 margin=15} place { control=*MusicPageDetailsPlaylist region=details width=max dir=down spacing=33 margin=15} place { control=BackgroundImageA region=hidden width=1024 height=1024 x=0 y=0 } //because we really need another picture of the album art place { control=BackgroundImageB region=hidden width=1024 height=1024 x=0 y=0 } place { control=BackgroundImageMask region=hidden width=1024 height=1024 x=0 y=0} } }