"resource/layout/gamespage_grid_chrome.layout" { controls { "chromeborder" { ControlName Panel style ChromeBorderItem mouseinputenabled 0 } "launch" { zpos="1" // this control's text and command will be clobbered by code based on the installation state ControlName URLLabel labelText "#steam_launch" style CUILaunchButton command launch } "divider" { zpos="1" // ControlName Label labelText "|" style GridNavDivider } "details" { zpos="1" ControlName URLLabel labelText "#steam_details" style CUIDetailsButton command details } } styles { ChromeBorderItem { render { // bgfill 0="fill( x0 , y0, x1, y1, Root.BackTransparent )" } } GridNavDivider { textcolor=DefaultText bgcolor="none" font-family=basefont inset="1 1 0 0 " font-size=15 [$LINUX] font-size=20 } CUILaunchButton { font-family=basefont font-size=15 [$LINUX] font-size=20 font-weight=400 textcolor=DefaultText font-style=none bgcolor=none padding-left=23 padding-top=1 render { 1="image( x0+4, y0+4, x1, y1, graphics/Threshold/icons/play )" } } CUILaunchButton:Hover { font-family=basefont font-size=15 [$LINUX] font-size=20 font-weight=400 textcolor=DefaultText.Hover font-style=none padding-top=1 bgcolor=none render { 1="image( x0+4, y0+4, x1, y1, graphics/Threshold/icons/play_hover )" } } CUIDetailsButton { font-family=basefont font-size=15 [$LINUX] font-size=20 font-weight=400 textcolor=DefaultText font-style=none bgcolor=none padding-left=22 padding-top=1 render { 1="image( x0, y0+4, x1, y1, graphics/Threshold/icons/search_hover )" } } CUIDetailsButton:Hover { font-family=basefont font-size=15 [$LINUX] font-size=20 font-weight=400 textcolor=DefaultText.Hover font-style=none bgcolor=none padding-top=1 render { 1="image( x0, y0+4, x1, y1, graphics/Threshold/icons/search )" } } "GameItem_Updating CUINavButton:hover" { textcolor=DefaultText } } layout { region { name="actions" align=bottom width=max height=50 x=0 y=200 margin-bottom=0} place { control=chromeborder region=actions x=0 y=0 width=max height=max } place { control="launch,divider,details" region="actions" align=top-center spacing=8 margin-bottom=18 margin-left=0 margin-top=8 } } }