"resource/layout/downloadsummarypanel.layout" { controls { "downloadsummarypanel" { style=CDownloadSummaryPanel tall="130" } "header" { "ControlName" "Label" "labelText" "#steam_downloads_networkusage" style=bigtext } "download_rate" { "ControlName" "Label" "labelText" "#steam_downloads_downloadrate" style=bigtextlabel } "download_rate_value" { "ControlName" "Label" "labelText" "%CurrentDLRate%" style=bigtext } "peak_download_rate" { "ControlName" "Label" "labelText" "#steam_downloads_peakdownloadrate" style="bigtextlabel" } "peak_download_rate_value" { "ControlName" "Label" "labelText" "%PeakDLRate%" style="bigtext" } "total_downloaded" { "ControlName" "Label" "labelText" "#steam_downloads_totaldownloaded" style="bigtextlabel" } "total_downloaded_value" { "ControlName" "Label" "labelText" "%TotalDownloaded%" style="bigtext" } "disk_status_value" { "ControlName" "Label" "labelText" "%DiskUsage%" style="bigtext" } "disk_status_label" { "ControlName" "Label" "labelText" "#steam_downloads_diskusage" style="bigtextlabel" } "pauseresumeallbutton" { "ControlName" "Button" style=PauseButton } "throttling_label" { "ControlName" "Label" "labelText" "#steam_downloads_throttling" style="throttleLabel" group = "ShowWhenThrottled" } "throttling_value" { "ControlName" "URLLabel" "URLText" "steam://settings/downloads" "labelText" "%throttle_value%" style="throttleValue" group = "ShowWhenThrottled" } "blackout_label" { "ControlName" "Label" "labelText" "#steam_downloads_autoupdate_window_label" style="throttleLabel" group = "ShowWhenAutoUpdateWindow" } "blackout_value" { "ControlName" "URLLabel" "URLText" "steam://settings/downloads" "labelText" "#steam_downloads_autoupdate_window_value" style="throttleValue" group = "ShowWhenAutoUpdateWindow" } net_graphpanel { controlname="GraphPanel" style="NetGraphPanel" group="HideOnCompletion" zpos="-2" } disc_graphpanel { controlname="GraphPanel" style="DiscGraphPanel" group="HideOnCompletion" zpos="-1" } "disk_legend_label" { ControlName="Label" labelText="#steam_downloads_legenddisk" style="throttleLabel" } "net_legend_label" { ControlName="Label" labelText="#steam_downloads_legendnet" style="throttleLabel" } "disk_legend_panel" { ControlName="Panel" style="diskLegendPanel" } "net_legend_panel" { ControlName="Panel" style="netLegendPanel" } } styles { CDownloadSummaryPanel { inset="0 0 0 0" render_bg { //0="fill(x0, y0, x1, y0+48, Search.Back)" //1="fill(x0, y0+48, x1, y1, Root.Header)" 0="image_scale( x0, y0, x1, y1, graphics/JackMyth/FadeLR)" //1="fill(x0, y0+48, x1, y1, JackMyth.LittleTranslucent)" } } throttleLabel { font-size=12 [$LINUX] font-size=15 textcolor Root.Label.Text padding-top "0" //font-style="uppercase" } throttleValue { font-size=12 [$LINUX] font-size=15 textcolor Root.Label.Text padding-top "0" font-style="normal" } throttleValue:Hover { textcolor=Root.SubLabel.Text } container { bgcolor="none" } Label //bigtext Seems to not work, overload with Label { font-family=basefont font-size=14 [$LINUX] font-size=18 textcolor=Root.Label.Text } bigtextlabel { font-family=basefont font-size=14 [$LINUX] font-size=18 textcolor=Root.SubLabel.Text } bigtextHeader { font-family=basefont font-size=14 [$LINUX] font-size=18 } bigTextNumbers { font-family=basefont font-size=14 [$LINUX] font-size=18 } PauseButton { inset="0 0 0 0" font-family=basefont font-weight=400 //font-style=uppercase } ResumeButton { inset="0 0 0 0" font-family=basefont font-weight=400 //font-style=uppercase } NetGraphPanel { bgcolor "none" textcolor Accent } DiscGraphPanel { bgcolor "none" textcolor="AccentInv" } DiskLegendPanel { render_bg { // background fill 0="fill( x0, y0, x1,y1, AccentInv )" } } NetLegendPanel { render_bg { // background fill 0="fill( x0, y0, x1,y1, Accent )" } } } layout { //set aside some room for the header section region {name=hidden width=0 height=0} region {name=head height=48 width=max} region {name=graph align=bottom width=1262 height=170 } region {name=legend align=bottom margin-left=15 height=80 width=max} region { name=left_column x=15 y=58 width=max height=max margin-bottom=170} // graph place { control="net_graphpanel" region=graph y=0 width="max" height="max" } place { control="disc_graphpanel" region=graph y=0 width="max" height="max" } // graph legend place { control="net_legend_panel" region=legend y=4 x=0 width=9 height=9 } place { control="net_legend_label" region=legend y=0 x=12 } place { control="disk_legend_panel" region=legend y=18 x=0 width=9 height=9 } place { control="disk_legend_label" region=legend y=14 x=12 } // throttling info place { region=legend controls="blackout_label" start=disk_legend_panel dir=down margin-top=15 } place { region=legend controls="blackout_value" start=blackout_label dir=right margin-left=4 } place { region=legend control="throttling_label" start=blackout_label dir=down margin-top=4 } place { region=legend control="throttling_value" start=throttling_label dir=right margin-left=4 } // put NETWORK USAGE in the top left place { control="header" x=15 region=head height=48} // top right place { control="pauseresumeallbutton" region=head align=right margin-right=10 margin-top=8 height=32} // three rows of network usage underneath the header place { region=left_column control="download_rate_value,download_rate" spacing=6 dir=right} place { region=left_column control="peak_download_rate_value, peak_download_rate" spacing=6 y=22 dir=right} place { region=left_column control="total_downloaded_value, total_downloaded" spacing=6 y=44 dir=right} place { region=left_column control="disk_status_value, disk_status_label" spacing=6 y=66 dir=right} } }