"resource/layout/screenshotspage.layout" { controls { GamesList { tabposition=1 } // the container "ScreenshotsPage" { "ControlName" "CScreenshotsPage" Style=DownloadsPageStyle } "panel_list" { "ControlName" "SectionedListPanel" Style=ListPanelStyle } // FullScreenshotPanel { controlname="FullScreenshotPanel" } } styles { DownloadsPageStyle { bgcolor=dialogbg render { //gradient to obscure content at bottom of scrolling region 2="gradient( x0+1, y1 - 16, x1-1, y1-2, none, almostblack )" } render_bg { // background gradient 0="gradient( x0+1, y0, x1-1, y1-2, dialogbg, almostblack )" } } } layout { region { name="list" y=2 x=1 width=275 height=max margin-bottom=0 } region { name="main" y=1 x=275 width=max height=max margin-left=1 margin-top=1 margin-bottom=1 margin-right=-1} place { control=GamesList region=list width=275 height=max margin=0 } place { control=FullScreenshotPanel region=main align=left width=max height=max } place { control=ScreenshotListPanel region=main align=left width=max height=max } } }