"resource/layout/gamespage_details_subheader.layout" { controls { subheaderlabels { controlname="CDetailsSubHeaderLabelsPanel" } launchbutton { controlname="Button" labeltext="#Steam_LaunchGame" style="detailsLaunchButton" tabposition=1 command="RunGameAction" } clientlist { controlname="ClientListButton" labeltext="" style="ClientListButton" tabposition=2 zpos=100 } } colors { GameDetailsSubHeader.HorizontalSpacing=10 GameDetailsSubHeader.VerticalMargin=10 } styles { CDetailsGameSubHeaderPanel { bgcolor=Root.BackTransparent } ClientListButton { inset="-4 4 0 0" // minimum-width=20 // minimum-height set by code to match actual height of Launch button // Do not set either minimum-width or -height here or it will override the code and the layout will break bgcolor=Accent render_bg {} render {} } ClientListButton:hover { bgcolor=Accent.Hover } ClientListButton:active { bgcolor=Accent.Hover } ClientListButton:selected { bgcolor=Accent.Hover } DetailsButton { inset="-3 0 0 0" font-family=basefont font-weight=400 textcolor=Accent.Text //font-style=uppercase bgcolor=Accent render_bg {} } DetailsButton:hover { bgcolor=Accent.Hover } DetailsButton:active { bgcolor=Accent.Hover } DetailsLaunchButton { inset="20 0 0 1" font-family=basefont font-weight=400 textcolor=Accent.Text //font-style=uppercase bgcolor=Accent render { 1="image( x0 + 9, y0 + 7, x1, y1, graphics/Threshold/icons/play )" } render_bg {} } DetailsLaunchButton:Hover { bgcolor=Accent.Hover } DetailsLaunchButton:Selected { bgcolor=Accent.Hover } DetailsLaunchButton:Active { bgcolor=Accent.Hover } DetailsInstallButton { inset="20 0 0 1" font-family=basefont font-weight=400 textcolor=Accent.Text //font-style=uppercase bgcolor=Accent render { 1="image( x0 + 8, y0 + 7, x1, y1, graphics/Threshold/icons/install)" } render_bg {} } DetailsInstallButton:Hover { bgcolor=Accent.Hover } DetailsInstallButton:Selected { bgcolor=Accent.Hover } DetailsInstallButton:Active { bgcolor=Accent.Hover } DetailsBuyButton { inset="20 0 0 1" font-family=basefont font-weight=400 textcolor=Accent.Text //font-style=uppercase bgcolor=Accent render { 1="image( x0 + 6, y0 + 7, x1, y1, graphics/Threshold/icons/buy )" } render_bg {} } DetailsBuyButton:hover { bgcolor=Accent.Hover } DetailsBuyButton:active { bgcolor=Accent.Hover } DetailsBuyButton:Selected { bgcolor=Accent.Hover } } layout { // Y offset here should match the vertical padding value above in the colors section region { name="header" y=0 x=0 width=max height=max } place { control=launchbutton region=header dir=right align=middle margin-left=10 margin-right=0 margin-top=10 margin-bottom=10 spacing=0 } place { start=launchbutton control=clientlist region=header dir=right align=middle margin-left=0 margin-right=0 spacing=0 } place { start=clientlist control=subheaderlabels region=header dir=right align=middle margin-top=-3 margin-left=10 margin-right=0 spacing=10 } } }