"resource/layout/gamespage_details_news.layout" { controls { newsdetails { controlname="CGamesPage_Details_News" style="newsdetails" } headerlabel { controlname="Label" style="gamedetails-headerlabel" labeltext="#Steam_RecentNews" } viewall { controlname="Button" labeltext="#Steam_ViewAllNews" command="ViewAllNews" } } colors { // This is needed to determine how much space is needed veritically for the header and button // in addition to the autocomputed height for the *newsitem panels, adjust it if you change vertical // spacing of this controls layout. GameDetailsNewsContainer.ExtraVerticalSpacing "100" } styles { newsdetails { bgcolor=Root.RightCol //bgcolor= JackMyth.HalfTranslucent } } layout { region { name=body margin=10 margin-left=15 margin-right=15 width=max height=max } place { region=body control=headerlabel width=max } place { region=body control=*newsitem start=headerlabel margin-top=10 dir=down width=max } place { region=body control=viewall align=bottom margin-top=10 margin-bottom=0} } }