"resource/layout/friendpanel.layout" { controls { AvatarImage { } AvatarOverlayImage { zpos=2 } // clan officer image ClanStatusImage { } // speaker icons for voice chat, still procedurally controlled MultiUserChatStatusImage { } NameLabel { style="namestyle" } // the (1) next to the name when multiple friends have the same name FriendsNameInstanceLabel { style="NameInstanceStyle" } MobileStatusImage { style="MobileStatusStyle" tooltiptext="#Friends_MobileStatus_Tooltip" } BigPictureStatusImage { style="BigPictureStatusStyle" tooltiptext="#Friends_BigPictureStatus_Tooltip" } WebStatusImage { style="WebStatusStyle" tooltiptext="#Friends_WebStatus_Tooltip" } MobileStatusImageInGame { style="MobileStatusStyleInGame" tooltiptext="#Friends_MobileStatus_Tooltip" } BigPictureStatusImageInGame { style="BigPictureStatusStyleInGame" tooltiptext="#Friends_BigPictureStatus_Tooltip" } WebStatusImageInGame { style="WebStatusStyleInGame" tooltiptext="#Friends_WebStatus_Tooltip" } VRStatusImage { style="VRStatusStyle" tooltiptext="#Friends_VRStatusStatus_Tooltip" } VRStatusImageInGame { style="VRStatusStyleInGame" tooltiptext="#Friends_VRStatusStatus_Tooltip" } StatusLabel { style="statusStyle" } GameLabel { style="statusStyle" } // the little drop-down arrow MenuButton { style="menuButtonStyle" } // used at the top of the friends list for the current user ControlPanelLink { style="controlPanelLinkStyle" } // used in the invite-to-game dialog for when in a game InviteToGameButton { } AcceptLink { style="inviteLinkStyle" } IgnoreLink { style="inviteLinkStyle" } BlockLink { style="inviteLinkStyle" } } colors { focus4="50 64 84 255" } styles { CFriendPanel:selected //avatar view { render_bg { } } SelfPanel:hover { render_bg { } } namestyle { font-family=basefont font-size=13 [$LINUX] font-size=15 } nameInstanceStyle { font-family=basefont textcolor=DefaultText font-size=12 [$LINUX] font-size=14 } menuButtonStyle { minimum-width=14 padding-top=5 padding-bottom=5 padding-right=5 padding-left=5 } downarrow:hover { image="graphics/Threshold/icons/down_hover" } controlPanelLinkStyle { font-family=basefont font-size=12 [$LINUX] font-size=14 } statusStyle { font-family=basefont font-size=11 [$LINUX] font-size=13 } statusStyle:hover { textcolor=DefaultText.Hover } inviteLinkStyle { font-style="" textcolor=DefaultText } inviteLinkStyle:hover { textcolor=DefaultText.Hover font-style=underline } WebStatusStyle { image="graphics/icon_status_web" padding-left=4 } BigPictureStatusStyle { image="graphics/icon_status_bigpic" padding-left=4 } MobileStatusStyle { image="graphics/icon_status_mobile" padding-left=4 } WebStatusStyleInGame { image="graphics/icon_status_web_ingame" padding-left=4 } BigPictureStatusStyleInGame { image="graphics/icon_status_bigpic_ingame" padding-left=2 } MobileStatusStyleInGame { image="graphics/icon_status_mobile_ingame" padding-left=4 } VRStatusStyle { image="graphics/icon_vr_online" padding-left=4 } VRStatusStyleInGame { image="graphics/icon_status_vr_ingame" padding-left=4 } } layout { place { control="AvatarOverlayImage" x=2 y=5 width=40 height=40 } place { control="AvatarImage" x=6 y=9 width=32 height=32 } place { control="Clanstatusimage" x=20 width=15 } place { control="ClanStatusImage,NameLabel,FriendsNameInstanceLabel,BigPictureStatusImage,VRStatusImage,MobileStatusImage,WebStatusImage,BigPictureStatusImageInGame,VRStatusImageInGame,MobileStatusImageInGame,WebStatusImageInGame,MenuButton" x=50 y=8 } place { control="StatusLabel,GameLabel" x=50 y=23 spacing=10} // this control is shown in the invite-to-game dialog in the overlay place { control="InviteToGameButton" align=right y=4 padding-right=6 margin-right=20 } // these controls are shown for friendship requests place { control="AcceptLink,IgnoreLink,BlockLink" x=50 y=23 spacing=8 } place { control="ControlPanelLink" x=50 y=23 } place { control="SuggestedImage,SuggestedLabel" x=50 y=23 spacing=4 } place { control="SuggestedInvite,SuggestedIgnore" x=50 y=23 spacing=8 } } }