@echo off FOR /F "tokens=2* skip=2" %%a in ('reg query "HKCU\Software\Valve\Steam" /v "SteamPath"') do set SteamPath=%%b REM If return value is not an exist path(Err Msg) if not exist "%SteamPath%" ( echo No steam detected. Please run steam at least once. pause exit ) for %%I in (.) do set CurDirName=%%~nxI if exist "%SteamPath%\skins\%CurDirName%" ( goto Override ) else ( goto Apply ) exit :Override set /P Override=Skin already existed, Override?[y/N] if "%Override%"=="y" goto Apply if "%Override%"=="Y" goto Apply exit :Apply del /f /q "%SteamPath%\skins\%CurDirName%" mkdir "%SteamPath%\skins" xcopy /e /y /i "..\%CurDirName%" "%SteamPath%\skins\%CurDirName%" reg add HKCU\Software\Valve\Steam /v SkinV5 /t REG_SZ /d %CurDirName% /f echo Set oWS = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") > CreateSteamLauncherShortcut.vbs echo sLinkFile = "%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\Desktop\Steam.lnk" >> CreateSteamLauncherShortcut.vbs echo Set oLink = oWS.CreateShortcut(sLinkFile) >> CreateSteamLauncherShortcut.vbs echo oLink.TargetPath = "%SteamPath%\skins\%CurDirName%\SteamLauncher.exe" >> CreateSteamLauncherShortcut.vbs echo oLink.IconLocation = "%SteamPath%\steam.exe, 1" >> CreateSteamLauncherShortcut.vbs echo oLink.Save >> CreateSteamLauncherShortcut.vbs cscript CreateSteamLauncherShortcut.vbs del CreateSteamLauncherShortcut.vbs cls echo Shortcut Created. Please use the shortcut on desktop to open Steam. echo Enjoy your new steam! :^) cd /d "%SteamPath%\skins\%CurDirName%" start explorer.exe . pause