"Friends/FriendsDialog.res" { controls { "FriendsDialog" { "ControlName" "CFriendsDialog" "fieldName" "FriendsDialog" "xpos" "2123" "ypos" "549" "wide" "356" "tall" "746" "AutoResize" "1" "PinCorner" "0" "enabled" "1" "paintbackground" "1" "settitlebarvisible" "1" style="FriendsPanel" closeonescape=1 } "BuddyList" { "ControlName" "CFriendsListSubPanel" tabposition=1 } "frame_title" { "ControlName" "Label" "labelText" "#SteamRootFriends" "xpos" "0" "ypos" "8" style="FriendsTitle" "textAlignment" "west" "textAlignment" "center" [$OSX] } "DownLabel" { "ControlName" "Label" "fieldName" "DownLabel" "xpos" "10" "ypos" "85" "wide" "336" "tall" "80" "AutoResize" "1" "PinCorner" "0" "visible" "0" "enabled" "1" "paintbackground" "1" "labelText" "#Friends_NoFriendsInList" "textAlignment" "north-west" "wrap" "1" } "MenuBar" { style="RootMenu" "ControlName" "MenuBar" "fieldName" "MenuBar" "xpos" "29" "ypos" "2" "wide" "75" "tall" "27" "AutoResize" "0" "PinCorner" "0" "enabled" "1" "paintbackground" "1" zpos="-1" } "FriendPanelSelf" { "ControlName" "CFriendPanel" "fieldName" "FriendPanelSelf" "tall" "42" "AutoResize" "0" "PinCorner" "0" "paintbackground" "1" } "AddFriendsButton" { style="AddFriendsButton" "ControlName" "Button" "fieldName" "AddFriendsButton" "xpos" "10" "ypos" "707" "wide" "150" "tall" "24" "AutoResize" "0" "PinCorner" "2" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "tabPosition" "3" "paintbackground" "1" "labelText" "#Friends_AddFriend" "textAlignment" "west" "wrap" "0" "Default" "0" "selected" "0" } "NoFriendsAddFriendButton" { "ControlName" "Button" "fieldName" "NoFriendsAddFriendButton" "xpos" "10" "ypos" "129" "wide" "200" "tall" "24" "AutoResize" "0" "PinCorner" "0" "visible" "0" "enabled" "1" "paintbackground" "1" "labelText" "#Friends_AddFriend" "textAlignment" "west" "wrap" "0" "Default" "0" "selected" "0" } "FriendsState" { "ControlName" "EditablePanel" "fieldName" "FriendsState" "xpos" "6" "ypos" "52" "wide" "310" "tall" "457" "AutoResize" "0" "PinCorner" "0" "visible" "0" "enabled" "1" "paintbackground" "1" } friends_search { ControlName=TextEntry maxchars=16 hintText="#steam_library_search" style="FriendsSearch" unicode=1 tabposition=2 } friends_search_icon { ControlName=Label style="FriendsSearchIcon" zpos="4" } } styles { FriendsPanel { render_bg { //0="fill(x0, y0, x1, y0 + 82, DefaultBackground)" 0="image(x0, y1-889, x0+320, y1, graphics/JackMyth/FriendsList)" //1="gradient(x0,y0,x1,y0+50,)" 1="fill(x0,y0,x1,y0+123,JackMyth.HalfTranslucent)" 2="fill(x0, y0 + 81, x1, y0 + 82, Root.Div)" //2="fill(x0, y0 + 82, x1, y1, Root.TabBar)" } } AddFriendsButton { font-family=basefont font-size=14 font-weight=400 padding-left=15 padding-right=0 textcolor="labelfocus" bgcolor=none render_bg { 1="image( x0, y0 + 4, x0 + 200, y1, graphics/icon_collapse )" } } AddFriendsButton:hover { textcolor="white" render_bg { 0="image( x0, y0 + 4, x1, y1, graphics/icon_collapse_over )" } } RootMenu { bgcolor="none" } FriendsTitle { //inset="0 0 0 0" render_bg { 0="fill( x0, y0, x1, y0 + 32, TitleBar.Focus)" //SIGH... } } FriendsTitle:FrameFocus { render_bg { 0="fill( x0, y0, x1, y0 + 32, TitleBar)" //SIGH... } } FriendsSearch { padding-left=-4 padding-top=1 font-family=basefont font-size=20 font-weight=400 textcolor=Search.Active.Text shadowtextcolor=Search.Active.Text render { } bgcolor=none render_bg { // background fill 0="fill( x0, y0, x1, y1, Search.Back )" } } FriendsSearch:empty { textcolor=Search.Text font-style=normal } FriendsSearch:hover { textcolor=Search.Active.Text } FriendsSearch:empty:hover { textcolor=Search.Hover.Text font-style=normal } FriendsSearch:disabled { textcolor="None" } FriendsSearchIcon { bgcolor="none" inset="4 2 0 0" image="graphics/Threshold/icons/search" padding-left=10 padding-right=5 render_bg { 0="fill( x0, y0, x1, y1, Search.Back )" } } FriendsSearchIcon:disabled { bgcolor="none" inset="4 2 0 0" image="none" padding-left=10 padding-right=5 } } layout { region {name=hidden width=0 height=0} place { control="frame_title" visible=0 x=0 y=0 width=max height=0 } // the title bar is missing, so increase the size of the grip place { control="frame_captiongrip" margin=0 width=max height=32 } place { control="MenuBar" margin-left=0 height=32 width=50} place { control="FriendPanelSelf" align=top margin-left=15 y=30 } //modifying the width & height of this element kills cpu usage place { control="friends_search" width=max} place { control="friends_search_icon,friends_search" align=left y=82 height=40 spacing=0 x=0} //place { control="friends_search_icon" align=right dir=right margin-right=145 height=31} //place { control="friends_search" start=friends_search_icon dir=right y=-2 margin-right=45 width=100 height=31} place { control="FriendsDialogSheet" y=118 dir=down width=max height=max spacing=3} place { control="DownLabel" x=0 y=90 width=max margin-left=15 margin-right=15} place { control="NoFriendsAddFriendButton" height=32 align=right start="DownLabel" dir=down margin-top=10 margin-right=15} place { control="addFriendsButton" align=bottom margin-left=16 margin-right=9 margin-bottom=7 height=24 region=hidden} } }