"resource/layout/overlay_broadcastpanel.layout" { controls { "BroadcastChatDialog" { "ControlName" "COverlayBroadcastChatDialog" "title" "#Overlay_Broadcast_Chat_Title" } "TextEntry" { "ControlName" "TextEntry" "tabPosition" "1" "editable" "1" "maxchars" "2048" "unicode" "1" style="textentryfocus_chat" } "ChatHistory" { "ControlName" "RichText" "maxchars" "-1" "ScrollBar" "1" style="ChatListPanel" } "SendButton" { "ControlName" "Button" "tabPosition" "2" "paintbackground" "1" "labelText" "#Friends_Chat_Send" "textAlignment" "west" "Default" "1" style="button" command="PostMessage" } "EmoticonButton" { "ControlName" "CEmoticonButton" } } styles { label { } controlbutton { minimum-width=120 } Textentryfocus_chat { render { // lines around } } CEmoticonButton { inset="5 0 0 0" image="graphics/icon_emoticon_hover" render_bg { 0="fill(x0, y0, x1, y1, black)" // lines around 1="fill( x0, y0, x1, y0 + 1, DefaultBackground )" // top } } CEmoticonButton:hover { render_bg { 0="fill(x0, y0, x1, y1, Menu.Button.Hover)" // lines around 1="fill( x0, y0, x1, y0 + 1, DefaultBackground )" // top } } CEmoticonButton:selected { render_bg { 0="fill(x0, y0, x1, y1, Menu.Button.Active)" // lines around 1="fill( x0, y0, x1, y0 + 1, DefaultBackground )" // top } } EmoticonMenuItemStyle { inset="-5 0 0 0" padding=0 font-size=24 bgcolor=none } EmoticonMenuItemStyle:hover { textcolor=white bgcolor=none } EmoticonMenuItemStyle:selected { textcolor=white bgcolor=none } GridMenu { font-size=16 } TextEntry { textcolor=TextBox.Hover.Text //TextBox.Text is the empty text color, we want hover selectedtextcolor=TextBox.Hover.Text selectedbgcolor=DefaultText.Back shadowtextcolor=DefaultCursor // this is the cursor color render_bg { 0="fill(x0, y0, x1, y1, white)" // lines around 1="fill( x0, y0, x1, y0 + 1, DefaultBackground )" // top } } TextEntry:hover { textcolor=TextBox.Hover.Text selectedtextcolor=TextBox.Hover.Text selectedbgcolor=DefaultText.Back shadowtextcolor=DefaultCursor render_bg { 0="fill(x0, y0, x1, y1, white)" // lines around 1="fill( x0, y0, x1, y0 + 1, DefaultBackground )" // top } } TextEntry:focus { textcolor=TextBox.Hover.Text selectedtextcolor=TextBox.Hover.Text selectedbgcolor=DefaultText.Back shadowtextcolor=DefaultCursor render_bg { 0="fill(x0, y0, x1, y1, white)" // lines around 1="fill( x0, y0, x1, y0 + 1, DefaultBackground )" // top } } } layout { region { name="hidden" width=0 height=0} place { control="SendButton" region=hidden height=30 width=40 align=right} //if only you could have individual styling region { name=chat width=max height=max margin-bottom=42} place { control="ChatHistory" region=chat width=max height=max margin-bottom=42 margin-top=55 } place { control="EmoticonButton" region=chat height=42 align=bottom-right} place { control="TextEntry" align=bottom region=chat end-right="EmoticonButton" height=42 width=max } region { name=bottomrow align=bottom height=42} place { control="StatusLabel" region=bottomrow width=max margin-left=10 height=40 } } }