"resource/layout/gamespage_mini.layout" { controls { GamesList { controlname=Panel style="DetailsBorderPanel" tabposition=1 } CGamesPage_Mini { title="#Steam_Root_Title" } library_filters { ControlName=MenuButton labelText="#steam_library_filter_allgames" style="NavLabel2" showDownArrow=0 group=filters } library_search { ControlName=TextEntry maxchars=12 hintText="#steam_library_search" style="LibrarySearch" group=library tabposition=2 } label_search_icon { ControlName=Label style="LibrarySearchIcon" group=filters } "subnavgroup_library" { "ControlName" "imagepanel" style="grouper" group="library" zpos="-4" } } styles { downarrow { image=none } downarrow:hover { image=none } "CGamesPage_Mini ListPanelColumnSelectButton" // the games list column chooser { bgcolor=none inset="0 0 0 0" render { // background fill 2="image( x0 + 5, y0 + 3, x1, y1, graphics/Threshold/icons/plus_hover )" } render_bg{} } "CGamesPage_Mini ListPanelColumnSelectButton:hover" // the games list column chooser { bgcolor=none inset="0 0 0 0" render { // background fill 2="image( x0 + 5, y0 + 3, x1, y1, graphics/Threshold/icons/plus )" } render_bg{} } "CGamesPage_Mini ListPanel" { padding-left=15 } "CGamesPage_Mini ListPanelInterior" { inset="0 0 0 0" bgcolor=none render { } render_bg {} } "CGamesPage_Mini ListPanelInterior:scrollbar" { inset="0 0 0 0" bgcolor=none render_bg { } } ListPanelSectionHeader { render_bg { //0="fill( x0 - 1, y0, x1, y1, List.Header)" 0="fill( x0 - 1, y0, x1, y1, JackMyth.HalfOpacity)" } } grouper { bgcolor=none render_bg { } } CGamesPage_Mini { //bgcolor="DefaultBackground" render_bg{ 0="fill( x0, y0, x1, y0+96, Root.TabBar)" 1="fill( x0, y0+96, x1, y1, Root.Back)" } } LibrarySearch { padding-left=0 font-family=basefont font-size=15 [$LINUX] font-size=20 font-weight=400 textcolor=Search.Active.Text shadowtextcolor=DefaultCursor render{} render_bg { //0="fill(x0,y0,x1,y1,Search.Back)" 0="fill(x0,y0,x1,y1,JackMyth.HalfTranslucent)" } } LibrarySearch:empty { font-style=none textcolor=Search.Text } LibrarySearch:hover { textcolor=Search.Active.Text } LibrarySearch:empty:hover { font-style=none textcolor=Search.Hover.Text } LibrarySearchIcon { //bgcolor=Search.Back 0="fill(x0,y0,x1,y1,JackMyth.HalfTranslucent)" inset="4 2 0 0" image="graphics/Threshold/icons/search" padding-left=10 padding-right=0 render_bg{ 0="fill(x0,y0,x1,y1,Search.Back)" } } NavLabel2 { font-family=basefont font-size=13 [$LINUX] font-size=15 font-weight=400 textcolor=Root.Label.Text padding-right=5 padding-left=5 render{} render_bg{} } NavLabel2:hover { textcolor=Root.Label.Text render{} render_bg{ 0="fill(x0,y0,x1,y1,Menu.Button.Hover)" } } NavLabel2:selected { textcolor=Root.Label.Text render{} } ListPanelColumnheader { render {} bgcolor=none render_bg {} } "CGamesPage_Mini CGameFilterMenuButton" { inset="3 0 0 0" padding-left="-3" } DetailsBorderPanel { inset="-1 0 0 0" bgcolor=none render_bg { } } } layout { place { control="frame_captiongrip" margin=2 width=max height=38 } place { control="MenuBar" margin-left=0 height=32 width=50} place { control="subnavgroup_library" align=top-center y=38 height=26 width=max margin-right=9 margin-left=9 } place { control="gameslist" align=left margin-left=0 margin-right=0 margin-top=96 margin-bottom=0 width=max height=max } place { control="library_search" width=max} place { control="label_search_icon,library_search" align=left y=32 height=40 spacing=0 x=0} place { control="library_filters" align=left margin-top=72 height=24 } } }