"resource/layout/gamespage_details_achievements_most_recent.layout" { controls { mostrecent_area { controlname="CAchievementsMostRecentPanel" style="mostrecent" } mostrecent_label { controlname="Label" style="mostrecent_label" labeltext="#steam_achievement_mostrecent" } mostrecent_background { controlname="Label" style=achievementimagebg zpos="0" labeltext="" mouseinputenabled=0 } mostrecent_image { controlname="ImagePanel" zpos=-1 style="mostrecent_image" } mostrecent_name { controlname="Label" style="mostrecent_name" labeltext="" } mostrecent_unlockedsofar { controlname="Label" style="mostrecent_unlockedsofar" labeltext="#steam_achievement_unlockedsofar" } progressbackground { controlname="ImagePanel" style="progressbackground" } progressbarimage { controlname="ImagePanel" style="progressbarimage" } } colors { // ProgressBarMarings must be the combined left+right margin of the actual bar from it's container GameDetailsAchievements.ProgressBarMargins "0" Tooltip.Anchor=Parent } styles { mostrecent { minimum-height="110" } achievementimagebg { bgcolor=none inset="0 0 0 0" image="graphics/achievementbg_recent" } mostrecent_label { font-size=13 [$LINUX] font-size=15 font-weight=400 } mostrecent_name { font-size=16 [$LINUX] font-size=24 font-family=semilight } mostrecent_unlockedsofar { font-size=13 [$LINUX] font-size=15 font-family=semibold textcolor=Root.SubLabel.Text } progressbackground { bgcolor=none render_bg { // lines around 1="fill( x0, y0, x1, y1, Progress.Back )" } } progressbarimage { bgcolor=Accent render { 0="fill( x0, y0, x1+1, y1, Accent )" //Progressbar is 1px off } } } layout { region { name=body margin=0 width=max height=max } place { region=body control=mostrecent_label x=82 y=9 width=max } place { region=body control=mostrecent_name x=82 y=27 width=max } place { region=body control=mostrecent_unlockedsofar x=82 y=54 width=max } place { region=body control=mostrecent_background x=2 y=2 width=80 height=80 } place { region=body control=mostrecent_image x=5 y=10 width=64 height=64 } place { region=body control=progressbackground y=92 width=max height=10} place { region=body control=progressbarimage y=92 height=10} } }