"resource/layout/gamespage_grid_loading.layout" { controls { "background" { "ControlName" "ImagePanel" "style" "GGPlaceholderBG" "scaling" "fit" zpos="1" // image resource of this control will be set programmatically } "noappimage_border" { "ControlName" "ImagePanel" "style" "GamesGridIconBorder" zpos="2" } "noappimage" { "ControlName" "ImagePanel" "style" "GamesGridIcon" zpos="3" } "appname" { "ControlName" "Label" "style" "GamesGridPlaceholder" textalignment="center" zpos="4" // labeltext of this control will be set programmatically } } styles { GamesGridPlaceholder { font-size=14 [$LINUX] font-size=18 font-family=basefont textcolor=DefaultText } GamesGridIconBorder { bgcolor="none" inset="0 0 0 0" render { } } GGPlaceholderBG { bgcolor=none } "GameItem_installed GamesGridPlaceholder" { textcolor=DefaultText } } layout { region { name=icon_region width=max height=max } place { control = "background" width=max height=max } place { control = "appname" margin=12 width=max align=center margin-top=14 } place { control = "noappimage_border" region="icon_region" x=0 y=0 width=34 height=34 margin-top=48 align=top-center } place { control = "noappimage" region="icon_region" x=0 y=0 width=32 height=32 margin-top=49 align=top-center } } }