"Friends/friendgameinvitedialog.res" { controls { "FriendGameInviteDialog" { "ControlName" "CFriendGameInviteDialog" "fieldName" "FriendGameInviteDialog" "xpos" "2123" "ypos" "549" "wide" "356" "tall" "746" "AutoResize" "1" "PinCorner" "0" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "tabPosition" "0" "paintbackground" "1" "settitlebarvisible" "1" style="FriendsPanel" closeonescape=1 } "BuddyList" { "ControlName" "CFriendsListSubPanel" "fieldName" "BuddyList" "AutoResize" "3" "PinCorner" "0" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "tabPosition" "0" "paintbackground" "0" "linespacing" "48" style="FriendsList" } "CloseButton" { "ControlName" "Button" "fieldName" "CloseButton" "xpos" "10" "ypos" "707" "wide" "150" "tall" "24" "AutoResize" "0" "PinCorner" "2" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "tabPosition" "0" "paintbackground" "1" "labelText" "#Friends_InviteToGame_Close" "textAlignment" "west" "wrap" "0" "Default" "0" "selected" "0" } } styles { FriendsPanel { bgcolor="dialogBG" render_bg { 1="image( x0, y0, x1, y1, graphics/clienttexture2)" } } RootMenu { bgcolor="none" } FriendsTitle { inset="0 0 0 0" } FriendsTitle [$OSX] { font-family=basefont font-size=15 font-weight=400 textcolor="textdisabled" bgcolor="none" inset="0 9 0 0" } FriendsTitle:FrameFocus [$OSX] { font-family=basefont font-size=15 font-weight=400 textcolor="texthover" bgcolor="none" inset="0 9 0 0" } } layout { // the title bar is missing, so increase the size of the grip place { control="frame_captiongrip" margin=2 width=max height=38 } place { control="buddylist" align=left margin-left=10 margin-right=7 margin-top=36 margin-bottom=48 width=max height=max } } }