"resource/layout/gamespage_details_news_item.layout" { controls { newsitem_title { controlname="Label" style="title_label" } newsitem_dateandauthor { controlname="Label" style="date_and_author" } newsitem_body { controlname="RichText" style="newsitem_body" } newsitem_more { controlname="URLLabel" style="more_link" labeltext="#steam_newscontinued" } } colors { // The extra space needed vertical beyond the autocomputed size of the blurb contents // this is used in code to make the vertical size of the panel fit the title/author/morelink // and should be updated if you change vertical padding/margins/layout. GameDetailsNewsItem.ExtraVerticalSpacing "76" // Override base style rich text x inset inside this control RichText.InsetX "0" RichText.InsetY "3" } styles { title_label { font-size=15 [$LINUX] font-size=20 font-weight=400 } date_and_author { font-size=13 [$LINUX] font-size=15 font-family=semibold textcolor=Root.SubLabel.Text } newsitem_body { textcolor=Root.Label.Text selectedtextcolor=Root.Label.Text render_bg {} font-size=13 [$LINUX] font-size=15 font-family=basefont } "newsitem_body url" { font-size=13 [$LINUX] font-size=15 font-style="underline" textcolor=URL.Text selectedtextcolor=URL.Text } "newsitem_body url:hover" { textcolor=URL.Hover.Text selectedtextcolor=URL.Hover.Text } "newsitem_body bold" { font-weight=400 font-family=bold textcolor=Root.Label.Text selectedtextcolor=Root.Label.Text } "newsitem_body emphasis" { textcolor=Root.Label.Text selectedtextcolor=Root.Label.Text font-style="italic" } more_link { font-size=13 [$LINUX] font-size=15 font-style="underline" font-family=semibold textcolor=Root.SubLabel.Text selectedtextcolor=Root.SubLabel.Text } more_link:hover { font-style="underline" textcolor=Root.Label.Text } } layout { region { name=body margin=0 width=max } place { region=body control=newsitem_title x=0 y=0 width=max height=24 } place { region=body y=17 control=newsitem_dateandauthor width=max height=24 } place { region=body y=36 control=newsitem_body width=max } place { region=body control=newsitem_more align=bottom margin-bottom=20 } } }