"resource/layout/ugcdownloadpanel.layout" { controls { // this just sets the height appsubscriptionsdownloadpanel { tall="145" } ugcdownloadpanel { style="panelStyle" } // black fill, used on the background workshopminibanner { controlname="ImagePanel" zpos="2" image="resource/workshop_minibanner" } // top row namelabel { controlname="Label" labelText="#steam_subscribed_files" style="ModuleHeading" } dashlabel { controlname="Label" labelText="" } updatetypelabel { controlname="Label" labelText="#steam_downloads_updating" style=ModuleHeading2 } starttimelabel { controlname="Label" labelText="#steam_downloads_initiated" style=Label2} starttimefield { controlname="Label" labelText="%time_started%" style=Label} pauseresumebutton { controlname="Button" style="SmPauseButton" tooltiptext="#steam_downloads_pause" } // second row downloadtotallabel { controlname="Label" labelText="#steam_downloads_gamesize_update" style="label2" } downloadtotalfield { controlname="Label" labelText="%download_totals%" style="label" } downloadfileslabel { controlname="Label" labelText="#steam_subscribed_files_complete" style="Label2" } downloadfilesfield { controlname="Label" labeltext="%download_files_totals%" style="label" } timeremaininglabel { controlname="Label" labelText="#steam_downloads_timeremaining" style="label2" group="HideOnCompletion" } timeremainingfield { controlname="Label" labelText="%time_remaining%" style="label" group="HideOnCompletion" } downloadprogressbar { controlname="ProgressBar" style="SlimProgressBar" barinset=0 continuous=1 group="HideOnCompletion" } // right pane graphdownloadrate { controlname="Label" labelText="#steam_downloads_currentrate" zpos="1" style="label2" group="HideOnCompletion" } // viewmodsbutton { controlname="Button" labelText="#steam_downloads_view_on_workshop" style=ViewModsButton command=ViewMods } } colors { } styles { panelStyle { } panelStyleHighlight { render_bg { 1="fill( x0, y0, x1, y1+3, Root.Header)" } } links { font-size=12 [$LINUX] font-size=14 font-style=normal font-family=basefont //font-style="uppercase" padding-left=0 padding-top=0 padding-bottom=0 } links:hover { textcolor=DefaultText.Hover } rightcolumnlink:hover { textcolor=DefaultText.Hover } label2 { bgcolor none font-size=12 [$LINUX] font-size=14 textcolor Root.SubLabel.Text padding-top "0" //font-style="uppercase" } ModuleHeading { font-family basefont bgcolor="none" font-size=14 [$LINUX] font-size=18 padding-top "0" font-weight "700" } ModuleHeading2 { font-family basefont bgcolor="none" font-size=14 [$LINUX] font-size=18 padding-top "0" font-weight "400" } panelBgColorActive { //bgcolor="clientbg" } graphdownloadrate { font-family "Arial" font-size=12 [$LINUX] font-size=14 //font-style="uppercase" //padding-left "10" //padding-right "20" } SmPauseButton { inset="2 0 0 0" font-family=basefont font-size=14 [$LINUX] font-size=16 font-weight=400 textcolor=DefaultText bgcolor=none image=graphics/Threshold/icons/pause render { } } SmResumeButton { inset="2 0 0 0" font-family=basefont font-size=14 [$LINUX] font-size=16 font-weight=400 textcolor=DefaultText bgcolor=none image=graphics/Threshold/icons/install render { } } SmRemoveButton { inset="2 0 0 0" font-family=basefont font-size=14 [$LINUX] font-size=16 font-weight=400 textcolor=DefaultText bgcolor=none image=graphics/Threshold/icons/close render { } } SlimProgressBar { render_bg { 0="fill( x0, y0, x1, y1, Progress.Back )" } render { } } ViewModsButton { inset="23 0 0 0" font-family=basefont font-size=14 [$LINUX] font-size=16 font-weight=400 textcolor=DefaultText bgcolor=none render { 1="image( x0 + 6, y0 + 4, x1, y1, graphics/Threshold/icons/workshop )" } render_bg { // background fill 0="fill( x0, y0, x1, y1, Accent )" } } ViewModsButton:Hover { render_bg { // background fill 0="fill( x0, y0, x1, y1, Accent.Hover )" } } ViewModsButton:Disabled { textcolor=DefaultText.Hover render_bg { // background fill 0="fill( x0, y0, x1, y1, Button.Disabled )" } } } layout { region { name="column1" x=0 width=200 } region { name="column2" x=210 width=max } region { name="column3" x=430 width=max } region { name="column4" x=0 width=max overflow=allow-horizontal } //Wierd x setting to account for smallest window size // Left Column place { control="gameimage" margin-left=8 margin-top=15 width=184 height=69 } place { control="workshopminibanner" margin-left=8 margin-top=15 width=184 height=69 } //Left-mid place { control="namelabel" region=column2 margin-top=16 margin-left=0 } place { control="viewmodsbutton" region=column2 start=namelabel dir=down margin-top=10 height=23} place { control="downloadprogressbar" region=column2 start=viewmodsbutton margin-top=5 dir=down spacing=10 height=3 width=150 } place { control="graphdownloadrate" region=column2 start=downloadprogressbar dir=down margin-top=5 margin-left=0 } //right-mid place { control="downloadtotallabel,downloadtotalfield" region="column3" x=0 align=top margin-top=43 spacing=6 } place { control="downloadfileslabel,downloadfilesfield" region="column3" x=0 align=top margin-top=63 spacing=6 } place { control="starttimelabel,starttimefield" region="column3" x=0 align=top margin-top=83 spacing=6 } place { control="timeremaininglabel,timeremainingfield" region="column3" x=0 align=top margin-top=83 spacing=6 } // right place { control="updatetypelabel" region="column4" spacing=10 margin-top=22 align=right margin-right=16 } place { control="pauseresumebutton" region="column4" width=26 dir=right spacing=10 margin-top=50 align=right margin-right=16} } }