"resource/layout/gamespage_details_community_file.layout" { controls { communityfile { controlname="CCommunityFilePanel" } communityfile_image_border { controlname="Panel" style="communityfile_image_border" } communityfile_image { controlname="ImagePanel" image=resource/icon_community_preview zpos=-1 style="communityfile_image" } communityfile_name { controlname="Label" style="communityfile_name" labeltext="" } communityfile_rating_image_background{ controlname="Panel" zpos=1 style="communityfile_rating_image_background" } communityfile_rating_image{ controlname="ImagePanel" zpos=2 image=resource/1_star style="communityfile_rating_image" } friendimage{ controlname="ImagePanel" zpos=2} } colors { // The extra space needed vertical beyond the autocomputed size of the blurb contents // this is used in code to make the vertical size of the panel fit the title/author/morelink // and should be updated if you change vertical padding/margins/layout. GameDetailsCommunityFile.ExtraVerticalSpacing "140" GameDetailsCommunityFile.ExtraHorizontalSpacing "200" GameDetailsCommunityFile.MaxTooltipWidth "300" GameDetailsCommunityFile.MaxTooltipHeight "90" } styles { communityfile_name { font-size=13 [$LINUX] font-size=15 } communityfile_image_border { render_bg { // lines around 1="fill( x0, y0, x1, y0 + 3, DialogBG )" // top 2="fill( x0, y1 - 3, x1, y1, DialogBG )" // bottom 3="fill( x0, y0, x0 + 3, y1, DialogBG )" // left 4="fill( x1 - 3, y0, x1, y1, DialogBG )" // right } } communityfile_rating_image_background { render_bg { // transparent background 0="fill( x0, y0, x1, y1, DarkImageOverlay )" } } } layout { place { region=body control=communityfile_name x=0 y=120 width=186 } place { region=body control=communityfile_image_border x=0 y=0 width=192 height=112 } place { region=body control=communityfile_image x=1 y=1 width=190 height=110 } place { region=body control=communityfile_rating_image_background x=3 y=87 width=186 height=22 } place { region=body control=communityfile_rating_image x=8 y=92 width=81 height=13 } place { region=body control=friendimage width=42 height=40 spacing=10 x=156 y=77 } } }